4 Psychology of Microeconomics processes I Flashcards
Work Analysis
What are the motives of an work analysis?
- will inform businesses about the particular kind of work with its strengths and weak- nesses,
- will provide insights about the skills and job requirements for the work,
- can be used for estimating salaries, and
- can improve work safety.
Work Analysis
What ar the steps of conducting a work analysis?
- Determining the goals of the analysis: One should familiarize oneself with the business organization.
- Selection of analysis methods
- Data collection
- Data analysis
- Report and feedback to the business
- Development of work design interventions: Suggestions regarding changes of work
design based on the analysis are developed together with the client and relevant
organizational units. - Implementation of work design interventions.
- Evaluation of the work design interventions.
Work Analysis
What methods can be used when conducting a work analysis?
- interviews - for qualitative data
- questionnaires - for quantitative data
- case studies
- field experiments
- observation - for interpretation
- physiological measurements
- physical measurements
Work Analysis
What tools can be used for work analysis?
1.** Job-Diagnostic Survey JDS** - developed by Hackman and Oldham (Hackman & Oldham, 1975). It is a standardized questionnaire to determine unused motiva- tion potentials of jobs and evaluate the effects of job changes. The questionnaire is based on the job-characteristics model
2.Work Design Questionnaire (WDQ) is a questionnaire developed by Morgeson and Humphrey (2006) to pinpoint weaknesses in the design and organization of work. In contrast to the JDS, the WDQ does not only focus motivational job related factors but tries to assess the work as a whole. The questionnaires probes motivational, social and environmental aspects of work. It is a general questionnaire that can be used for all types of work.
Work Design
What are the key questions during the work design planning process?
- Can the work be sustained long-term?
- Will the work cause no harm?
- Are temporary impairments without negative consequences?
- Is personal development promoted?
Work Design
What are the work-related items for work design according to Kauffeld?
- Work equipment: Tools, furniture, hardware, software.
- Workplace: Ergonomic design considering posture and tool use.
- Work environment: Safe physical conditions (ventilation, light, temperature, noise, chemical, biological, and hygienic safety).
Work Design
What are the motivating factors of job design according Hackman & Oldham?
- Variety and development of skills.
- Autonomy in task implementation.
- Clear significance of job contribution.
- Feedback on job performance from colleagues or managers
(skill variety, skill identity, task significance, autonomy, feedback)
Work Design
What are flexible variations of work structure?
- Job rotation: Switching tasks periodically to promote learning and prevent monotony.
- Job enlargement: Extending skill sets with related tasks (horizontal extension).
- Job enrichment: Performing tasks that precede or follow the core job (vertical extension).
- Job crafting: Employees modify or extend core job tasks.
Work Design
What are the factors condisered in work design?
- work equipment
- workplace
- work environment
- job design
- work structure
- working hours
- team design
Psychology of Job Satisfaction
What are the Facets of Job Satisfaction according to Smith?
- Extrinsic: Pay, promotion.
- Intrinsic: Colleagues, supervisors, the work itself
Psychology of Job Satisfaction
What are the 5 statements to meassure the Overall Job Satisfaction according to Judge?
- Fair satisfaction with present job.
- Enthusiasm about work.
- Perception of work day length.
- Enjoyment in work.
- Job unpleasantness.
Psychology of Job Satisfaction
Apart from the Job Characteristics model, what other factors influence job satisfaction?
Personality Traits (Judge & Klinger, 2020):
* Neuroticism, extraversion, conscientiousness are related to job satisfaction.
Psychology of Workload
What are the types of stress?
Eustress: Positive, motivating stress.
Distress: Negative, harmful stress.
Stress is subjective; stressors vary by individual perception.
Psychology of Workload
What job factors make you prone to stress?
- Little control.
- High likelihood of interruptions (e.g., nursing).
- High emotional regulation demands (e.g., customer service).
Psychology of Workload
What are the 3 stages of the Selye’s Stress Model?
- Alarm Reaction Stage: Body releases stress hormones (adrenaline, noradrenaline, cortisol).
- Resistance Stage: Body attempts to resist stressor, can easily reactivate.
- Exhaustion Stage: Prolonged exposure leads to vulnerability to health issues.
Psychology of Workload
What are the two steps of thought process in the Lazarus’ Transactional Model of Stress?
- Primary Appraisal: Evaluates relevance of incoming information.
- Secondary Appraisal: Assesses resources to cope with stressor.
Coping Strategies:
Problem-Focused Coping: Addressing the stressor directly.
Emotion-Focused Coping: Regulating emotional response to stressor.
Psychology of Workload
What are the consequences of stress?
Mental Health:
* Depression, absenteeism, counterproductive behavior (e.g., theft).
* Burnout: Emotional exhaustion, depersonalization, reduced performance.
- Mental vs. Physical Illness: Mental illnesses lead to more sick days and are rising in prevalence.