4 - PPD Flashcards
name 3 site considerations in regards to architectural design
- design requires an appropriate relationship btw. the structure and its site
- should respond to natural characteristics of the site (form, climate, solar orientation, vegatation)
- place in landscape to be seen, views of surrounding landscape visible from building
describe 5 concerns regarding site functionality that an architect should address
- serve purpose it is intended to serve, function properly
- express purpose it serves
- use an economy of means to achieve its purpose
- utilize technologies ingeniously
- utilize materials properly
during programming, what aspects of spatial design should be taken into consideration?
- human scale at interior and exterior
- utilize familiar and commonplace building techniques of its locale
- graceful in shape/massing
- expression/assertive
- priority/hierarchy of parts
- offer human eye visually rich/interesting views
- establish relationship between interior & exterior
architects are required to conduct themselves in accordance with the moral code established in the architect’s practice act. name at least 3 moral values essential to well thought-out design.
- integrity, honesty, wholeness in design
- expressive of human spirit
- demonstrate basic principles of architecture
- encompassing physical design concept
- encourage human contact
- activity, interaction, accomplishment
- do not prescribe or limit range of human activity
describe how a site can influence the form of a building
site: relationship w/ its buildings, blend into landscape, forms inspired by site
landscape: draw inspiration from surrounding trees & vegetation
climate: will affect overall form, window locations, thickness of walls, how to shed rain/snow
describe how ground slope can affect the design of your project site
- flat sites require less grading/excavation
- slope determines amount of rainwater that can be absorbed by soil, areas for driveways/parking, access to natural light & views
name at least 3 site features that may need to be preserved on a site
- landforms
- vegetation
- circulation systems
- water features
- furnishings & fixtures
- decorative elements
- subsurface archaeology
what are 5 methods for preserving features on the site?
- stabilizing, protecting, & preserving existing features
- minimize disturbance of terrain
- surveying/conducting field investigations
- evaluating condition of existing features
- repairing and/or replacing site features
describe the neighborhood concept
- the largest use of land is for residential needs
- designing a well-balanced and useful neighborhood benefits the community as a whole
- live, work, education, and recreation should all be located within close proximity to one another
according to clarence perry, what 6 elements must exist for a neighborhood to function properly?
- no major traffic routes pass through the neighborhood
- interior streets use a cul-de-sac and curvilinear layout
- population of neighborhood determined by number of people req’d to support one elementary school
- elementary school becomes focal point of neighborhood
- neigborhood occupies approximately 160 acres at a density of 10 families per acre
- neighborhood is served by shopping centers, churches, etc. and does not req. more than 1/2 mi. to walk to school
how does the neighborhood unit differ from the neighborhood theory?
3 neighborhoods group together to serve one high school
max. walking distance is 1 mile
many neighborhoods can be grouped together to form larger communities
describe 3 land patterns that have developed due to urban growth
- concentric: series of rings around central business district
- sector: land usage arranged in pie wedges radiating from city center
- multiple nuclei: city composed of several distinct central points
what 3 main forms are most modern cities based on?
- finger plan = development along each side of a public transit corridor
- cluster plan = development contains clusters of activity, major roads connect each cluster
- satellite plan = variant of cluster plan but has a dominant center, often the original city
what are 4 site conditions that can affect the microclimate of a site?
- site latitude
- site elevation
- prevailing winds
- proximity to water
- proximity to mountains
- topography
what site elements can be studied to determine the effect of the microclimate on the site?
- location of plants & bodies of water
- amount & location of sun exposure
- prevailing wind patterns
- ground surface coverage
why is solar orientation important when laying out site design?
the more perpendicular the sun’s rays are to the site, the greater amount of solar radiation received
what factors of sun radiation should be taken into consideration when designing a site?
- time of day
- azimuth
- duration of sun exposure
- slope of site
what climatic considerations should be evaluated during site design?
- temperature
- humidity
- solar radiation
- air movement
- air pollution
how does the level of the water table on the site affect the design of the foundation?
if water table less than 6’ below surface, considered “high” and will limit foundation design
mat slab or pile foundation may be necessary
what is the best way to provide internal comfort in a building during a hot summer day?
- use large overhangs to shade from south/west sun for most of the day
- use thick concrete wall inside to absorb heat
how is a space heated at night during the winter if it contains thick concrete walls and floors and has large windows facing south?
- low winter sun warms south side during the day, stone or concrete floor stores heat, hot air builds up by ceiling
- stored heat in floor and walls released during the night
describe the 5 basic fundamentals of physics that affect internal building comfort?
- hot air rises
- high summer sun
- low winter sun
- thermal mass
- insulation
what is fenestration and how should this element be considered in regards to building design?
openings in building such as windows or doors
- glass is a poor insulator, heat escapes 20x more than insulated wall
- natural daylight reduces needs for artificial lighting (saves electricity and heat gain)
how does proper building siting affect the views for a project?
- create axis to draw eye toward view & enclose outdoor space
- locate service/utility at undesirable views
describe how maintaining a well-organized building design will help the project run more smoothly
- certain activities want to be centrally located (elevators, bathrooms)
- spaces used by majority o the people may be placed up front (lobby, reception)
- specialized purposes may be put further back (conf. rm.)
what considerations should be given for interior building materials?
low or no VOCs will help maintain air quality
paint, carpet, adhesives in cabinetry/woodwork & upholstery
formula for ground slope
g = V(rise) / H(run)
how does R-value differ from U-value
insulating value of windows measured in U-value = 1/R-value
the lower the U-value, the more insulation value it has
describe thermal mass & its importance to building design
the ability of a material to store temperature
- if insulation is how a material is able to hold in temperature, thermal mass is the ability to absorb and store temperature
- take a long time to heat up and cool down, helps keep bldgs at consistent temp
name 2 methods to incorporate passive cooling into a building
- arrange windows to encourage wind flow through spaces, allow ample ventilation
- use a “thermal chimney” (tall, vented space that directs rising heat up and out of a space w/ cool air entering below) - also called the stack effect
what is the difference between recycled and reclaimed materials?
- recycle = use less energy than producing new materials
- reclaim = avoid need for recycle, salvage & reuse
what site issues will be affected by the zoning code?
- building type (residential, commercial, industrial)
- allowable building height
- req. setbacks from property lines, r.o.w., streets, sidewalks
when and why was the zoning code introduced?
- NYC 1916
- growth of cities
- light & air
- property value
identify 4 purposes for the development of the zoning code
- protect local residents from undesirable types of business
- protect access to direct sunlight & fresh air
- protect the amount of open space for local residents
- ensure incompatible types of buildings do not disturb residents
what is non-conforming use and when would this term apply?
“grandfathered in” no longer allowed in current zoning code
describe a conditional use permit
if you wish to build for a purpose not granted in zoning code
how does a variance affect the zoning code applicable to a particular site?
- request to break from some of requirements of zoning because create financial hardship (e.g. height limitation on steep slope site)
what is the main intent and purpose of building codes?
health, safety, and welfare of building occupants
e.g. fire protection & egress requirements
name 5 items the building department will review for during the plan check process
- construction standards of care
- structural & seismic
- hurricane requirements
- accessibility guidelines
- sanitation req’s
- electrical
- fireplace req’s
- energy efficiency & water efficiency
- egress/exiting
- fire protection
what US city has adopted and uses its own building code?
city of chicago
what are 4 standardized national codes used to create the building codes adopted by municipalities?
- uniform building code (UBC)
- building officials code administrators (BOCA)
- international conference of building officials (ICBO)
- southern building code congress international (SBCCI)
IBC first produced in 2000 by ICC, combines 3 model codes published by BOCA, ICBO, SBCCI
how can the concept of non-conforming use either benefit or hinder the design of a site?
building could continue operations even if out of date with current zoning
in zoning terms, what is the purpose of building setbacks?
access to light & air
describe how to calculate the FAR of your site
ratio of allowable floor area in relation to the size of the property
what building spaces are sometimes allowed to fall outside of zoning height restrictions?
- penthouses
- fan rooms
- skylights
describe prescriptive code
specifies specific techniques, materials, and methods allowed for use
simple, but doesnt allow for innovation
what is a performance code and how does it differ from a prescriptive code?
describes functional requirements that meet a certain standard, allowing architect to find ways to meet those standards
promotes innovation, whereas a prescriptive code does not
name the 10 occupancy groups found in most buildings
- assembly
- business
- educational
- factory/industrial
- high hazard
- institutional
- mercantile
- residential
- storage
- utility & miscellaneous
how does construction type constrict the design of a building/site?
- classified according to degree of fire resistance
- determined by the fire zone it is located in and its intended use
- influences height, floor area, materials
how is type of construction classified?
- classified according to the degree of fire resistance
- determined by fire zone it is located in and its intended use
what are the occupancy group classifications for:
- assembly
- educational
- high hazard
- mercantile
- storage
- assembly = A
- educational = B
- high hazard = H
- mercantile = M
- storage = S
what are the occupancy group classifications for:
- business
- factory & industrial
- institutional
- residential
- utility & misc.
- business = B
- factory & industrial = F
- institutional = I
- residential = R
- utility & misc. = U
what are the 5 types of construction?
concrete or protected steel, typ. in high-rise buildings
reinforced masonry w/ metal framing at roof, typ. in mid-rise office buildings
“ordinary” using brick, block, or light gauge steel framed walls w/ wood framing at roof, typ. in low-rise schools, hotels, offices
“mill” construction, wood nominally 8” or larger, typ. in warehouse buildings
used on apartment buildings & single family homes
what are the 5 steps for building code analysis?
- determine occupancy group & load
- identify the fire areas & separation requirements
- identify type of construction
- determine means of egress
- determine system requirements
in regards to life safety, what are high-rise buildings required to have?
- automatic sprinkler system
- smoke detectors and alarms
- communication systems in the areas of refuge
- central control stations for fire department use
- smoke control for exit stair enclosures
- standby power systems
what is the building line or buildable area?
the imaginary line beyond which a structure is not allowed to extend
what causes the greatest damage to buildings during an earthquake?
ground shaking
what is the ADA?
set of prescriptive guidelines developed in 1990 for the construction or alteration of buildings to accommodate the needs of “persons with disabilities”
is the ADA part of the building code?
no because it doesn’t address life safety, it is a civil rights law
who ultimately enforces the ADA?
department of justice
what is universal design?
- wide array of concepts surrounding making buildings accessible for everyone
- covers much more than designing for disabled people
basic philosophy of seismic codes
- building foundation situated on top of an earthquake fault is not expected to withstand the effects of a large earthquake
- all other structures near a fault are expected to resist
- should remain intact reasonably long enough for the occupants to exit quickly and safely
- some components of the structure may fail, but the structure as a whole must not collapse
what are the 4 broad fire safety issues to consider in building design?
- occupancy group & loads
- fire zones
- type of construction
- floor area & height
what are 3 basic performance requirements of a building during a fire?
- permit safe egress
- maintain its structural integrity and limit the spread of fire to allow time to extinguish
- limit damage & avoid collapse
what is the maximum slope allowed for an accessible ramp?
1:12 max. = 8.3%
what are 3 requirements for accessible parking?
- accessible stalls must be located near building entrances & designed to allow unimpeded movement by handicapped persons
- accessible stalls generally require at least a 5’ clear aisle for a standard stall and a 9’ clear aisle for van accessible parking
- quantity of stalls is defined by the building code as a ratio of the overall parking provided
name 4 different types of land owners
- joint tenancy: two or more people, each holds undivided trust (meaning land is not divided into pieces)
- partnership: land is owned by group of people; upon death of one partner, may be dissolved and assets distributed among partners & deceased estate
- corporation: legal entity with rights and liability independent of those of its shareholders; if a shareholder dies, his shares pass onto heirs
- trustee: holds property in the trustees own name for the benefit of another person or group he represents
what are 5 types of land/property ownership and how do they differ?
- fee simple or fee absolute: owner has absolute title or ownership, which they can transfer by sale (e.g. private home)
- condominium: buyer obtains fee simple ownership for a portion of the structure
- coopertaive: differs significantly from condo; owner does not legally own a specific portion of the physical property, owns share in a corporation which in turn owns the land and structures
- leasehold: the lessee has the right to use a piece of the property under certain conditions for a certain time limit
- sale-and-leaseback: one party sells a property to a buyer and the buyer immediately leases the property back to the seller
what is a deed of trust?
transfers legal title to a trustee, who holds it as a security for a loan between a borrower & and lender
if borrower defaults on loan, trustee has power to foreclose on behalf of the beneficiary
what form of loan is most common for land purchases?
contract in which a buyer of a property borrows money from a bank to purchase property
define covenant and describe how it could impact site design
- written agreement or promise under seal between two or more parties for the performance of some specific action or restriction
- came into use in large scale residential land development prior to the advent of zoning
- purpose to protect the aesthetics of amenities of the property for the life of the deed
name 4 different types of site easements
joint easement: used when two private owners use a strip of land between them
party wall easement: row housing, common wall shared between two owners
condemnation: for public good, streets, highways, telephone or electric power line
historic facade: est. by municipality to protect valuable facade where redevelopment is happening
describe difference btw. meridians & parallels
meridians = longitudinal running N-S (lines between called range lines)
parallels = latitudinal running E-W (some called base lines, lines between called township lines)
- check
- township
- section
- quarter
check: refers to each 24 mile square created by meridians & parallels
township: each check divided into 4x4 squares, creating 16 townships (each is 6 mi. square)
sections: townships divided into 6x6 squares, creating 36 square sections (each is 1 mi. square)
quarters: sections divided into 4 quarters (each 1/4 sq. mi.)
name 5 typical design considerations for accessible parking
- stalls must have a 5’ access asile between every two spaces
- for van stalls, an 8’ wide access aisle is req. btw. spaces
- parking stalls to be 9’ x 18’ minimum
- number of req. stalls depends on total no. of parking spaces & type of building
- stalls to be located near building entrance w/ minimal need to cross vehicular path of travel.
what site circulation requirements should you consider when addressing accessible design?
- minimum req. for 2 wheelchairs to pass is 60”, so public walks should be min. 5’ wide
- walks should have a max. gradient of 5% (1:20), and max. cross gradient of 2% (1:50)
- ramps should be a minimum of 3’ wide, and not exceed 30’ in length; landings need 5’ length
- all accessible paths of travel which cross into vehicular aisles are required to have detectable warning strips (i.e. truncated domes)
- handrails should be located at each side of ramp if its ride is greater than 6’; a protective curb should be installed on the side where a ramp is above grade
name at least 4 questions that should be asked regarding building materials during a life cycle analysis?
- where did this material come from?
- what are the by-products of its manufacturer?
- how is the material maintained & operated?
- how healthy are the materials?
- what do we do with the materials once we are done with them?
what are 4 material characteristics that should be considered when selecting exterior finishes for a building?
- make sure it is appropriately used
- can withstand the elements
- how often does it require maintenance?
- how well does the material perform for its intended use and longevity?
how should the performance of materials be considered during the design phase?
materials should be tested to assure they will perform as expected and designed
the life span of the material should be evaluated to make sure it will withstand normal wear and tear
if a building extends underground below the level of the ___, there is a need for an active drainage system, including a sump pump
water table
what are 2 things that should be done in a plumbing system design to prevent contamination of the water supply?
provide for secondary drain access at all fixtures to prevent any used or supplied water coming into contact with a supply spigot
faucets need to be above the level where a basin (such as a kitchen sink) would overflow
ADA showers must be equipped with:
- fold down seat
- showerhead attached to a flexible supply hose
- grab bars
- no front curb (wheelchair access)
a valve that operates by placing a barrier or gate in the path of water flow
gate valve
one advantage of a gate valve is that when the valve is open, there is nothing restricting the water flow
a valve that pushes water from one chamber into the next, thus losing some water pressure
globe valve
an electronically controlled valve that can go from open to closed rapidly is called a:
solenoid valve
every vent needs to connect to the stack vent or otherwise be part of a ____ that exhausts at least a foot above the roof surface
vent stack
waste (sewage) is conveyed from the building’s waste system to a public sewer system through a portion of the pipe referred to as the building:
in systems where waste water may be collected below the level of the sewer (e.g. house w/ washing machine in basement), waste water would need to be pumped back up high enough so that it could be fed by gravity into the building sewer; typically, this requires some sort of a catchment area and pump mechanism… this is known as a:
sump pump
in cases where there is a commercial kitchen (e.g. restaurant), a place to collect grease is required. this is called a:
grease trap
the main vent for a building is called the:
stack vent
what does DWV stand for?
drain, waste, and vent
what is a trap and where is it in a plumbing system?
each fixture is required to have a trap… from there, the waste connects to a sloped drain pipe and that in turn is connected to a vent
depending on the building code, there may be a requirement for an additional trap that would trap gasses from the sewer traveling to the building
what are drains?
pipes that eventually lead to the lowest level of drain pipe which is called the building drain
water suitable for drinking is called:
potable water
a fire sprinkler system that has water in the lines is called?
a wet-pipe system
a fire sprinkler system that has pressurized air in the pipes is called?
a dry-pipe system
necessary if there is a concern about water freezing in the pipes, otherwise a wet-pipe is simpler solution
at an absolute minimum a roof will need a slope of ____ down to drain pipes
1/4” per 10 ft.
in the context of architectural design, the delivery of water and the elimination of waste via water handling systems is part of which type of architectural service?
the architect’s scope of basic services