4: Physiology II Flashcards
What are the major inspiratory muscles?
Intercostal muscles
What are some accessory muscles of inspiration?
Pectoralis major
Pectoralis minor
Scalenus muscles
Rhomboids major and minor
Latissimus dorsi…
Can the residual volume be measured by spirometry?
What can increase the residual volume of the lungs?
Loss of elastic recoil (e.g in emphysema)
What two kinds of lung disease can be diagnosed by dynamic lung volumes?
Restrictive lung disease
Obstructive lung disease
What is FVC?
Forced Vital Capacity
i.e the maximum volume which can be expelled from the lungs after a maximal inspiration
What is FEV1?
Forced Expiratory Volume in 1 second
i.e the volume of air expelled in the 1st second of an FVC determination
What dynamic lung volume is used to diagnose obstructive and restrictive lung disease?
FEV1 / FVC ratio
Normally, the FEV1 / FVC ratio should be > __%.
What is the FEV1 / FVC ratio in obstructive lung disease?
Describe the FVC, FEV1 and FEV1 / FVC ratio in obstructive lung disease.
FVC is normal
FEV1 is low
so the FEV1 / FVC ratio is low
Describe the FVC, FEV1 and FEV1 / FVC ratio in restrictive lung disease.
FVC is low
FEV1 is low
so the FEV1 / FVC ratio is normal
What is the primary determinant of airway resistance? (Hint - similar to that for blood flow.)
Radius of airway
Sympathetic stimulation causes broncho___.
Parasympathetic stimulation causes broncho___.
What is dynamic airway compression?
Pressure applied to airway during active expiration, when intrathoracic pressure rises
Dynamic airway compression is a good thing in healthy people as it ___ pressure upstream and drives air out of the airways.
If there is an ___ disease in the airway, dynamic airway compression is likely to cause ___ rather than better air flow.
What does a peak flow meter give an estimate of?
Peak flow rate
Give two examples of obstructive lung disease.
Peak flow rate gives an indication of the extent of ___ lung disease.
What is lung compliance?
A measure of the effort than goes into stretching the lungs
i.e the volume change per unit pressure change
The less compliant the lungs are, the ___ work that needs to be done to inflate them.
Name some respiratory conditions which can result in reduced pulmonary compliance.
Pulmonary fibrosis
Pulmonary oedema
Lung collapse
Lack of surfactant
What spirometry pattern would be associated with diseases causing reduced pulmonary compliance?
Lungs become ___ compliant if their elastic recoil is lost.
Name a respiratory condition which causes increased pulmonary compliance.
What sign is associated with emphysema? (Hint - would be noticeable on examination of chest expansion.)
Hyperinflation of lungs
What issue will also be hampering the breathing of patients with emphysema?
Dynamic airway compression
What signs indicate the effort a patient is putting into their breathing?
Accessory muscle use
Nasal flaring
What signs indicate the efficacy of a patient’s breathing?
Conscious level
Chest expansion
Oxygen saturations
Breath sounds