4. Metabolism in Conformers and Regulators - Regulators Flashcards
What is the internal environment of a regulatory organism controlled by?
physiology of organism (homoeostasis)
What does negative feedback control do?
Maintains a relatively stable internal environment
What does thermoregulation in mammals do?
Keeps temperature within tolerable limits
What does temperature regulation allow optimal conditions for?
Enzyme controlled reaction rates and optimal diffusion rate to maintain metabolism
What is the hypothalamus?
The temperature monitoring centre
Messages are sent from where to where by what?
From the hypothalamus to the skin and other effector organs by nerve impulses
Where does the response to temperature changes in the skin happen and what happens?
The sweat glands and arterioles
Sweat glands-Increased or decreased sweating
Arterioles-vasodilation or vasoconstriction
What happens to the hair erector muscles when temperature changes?
They contract or relax
When do the skeletal muscles contract involuntarily?
In shivering