4. Fxnl Liver Tests and tx of Chronic Hepatitis Flashcards
LO1: AST abnl
1) signals hepatocellular damage
LO1: ALT abnl
1) Hepatocellular damage
LO1: Alk phos abnl
1) Cholestasis
2) Infiltrative dz
3) biliary obstruction
LO1: Bili Abnl
1) Cholestasis
2) Impaired conjugation
3) biliary obstruction
LO2: Hepatocellular pattern of labs
1) Predominantly Elevated ALT and AST
LO2: Cholestatic pattern of labs
Predominantly Alk phos elevation
LO3: Bilirubin metabolism
NL heme degradation product
1) unconjugated bili (unBR) exits sinusoid into hepatocyte
2) unBR + UDP glucuronyl transferase (UDP GT) = Conjugated bili (cBR)
3) cBR pumpred into bile canaliculus via ATP
LO3: Jaundice: Conjugated bili
1) hemolytic jaundice - overwhelmed conjugation
2) biliary obstruction -intra or extrahepatic
3) Dubin-Johnson Defective secretion of conjugated bili -rare, MRP-2 mutation, benign
LO3: Jaundice: Unconjugated bili
1) Gilbert’s Dz -decreased bili uptake
- mutation in gen for UDP GT
2) Crigler-Najjar Syndrome -impaired bili conjugation
- -rare
3) Increased RBC destruction in cirrhosis
LO4: abnl Liver algorithm: AST and ALT < 5x NL
1) Hx and PE
2) D/c hepatotoxic meds
3) alk phos, bili, INR, albumin, viral hepatitis serologies, iron studies
4a) neg serologies, symptomatic
- US, ANA, Anti-SM Ab, ceruloplasmin, Alpha-1-antitrypsin
5a) Liver biopsy
4b) neg serologies, asymptomatic
- lifestyle modification
5b) Repeat liver chemistry in 3-6 months, if abnl -> 4a
LO6: Hep B Tx
1) Interferon
- 1 yr
2) Nucleoside/tide analoges-tenofovir
- fewer SE
LO6: Hep C Tx
Ledipasvir/sofosbuvir +/- Ribavirin
LO6: Hereditary hemochromatosis: Tx, indications for tx and cause
1) Therapeutic phlebotomy, endpt= ferritin of 50 ng/mL or chelation tx
2) HFE gene- homozygote C282Y
3) Inherited disroder -> increased inestinal Fe absorption
LO6: Autoimmune Hepatitis: Tx, indications for tx and cause
1) Corticosteroids, azathioprine. Relapse common
2) ANA +, symptomatic
3) Chronic hepatitis -immunologic and autoimmune
LO6: Primary Biliary Cirrhosis: Tx, indications for tx and cause
1) Ursodeoxycolic acid (UDCA)-improves bile acid transport, detoxify bile, and cytoprotective
- -improve liver chem
- -improve survival
- -reduce liver transplant
2) cholestatic w/o increased bili. AMA +
3) Immune mediated -damage to small intrahepatic bile ducts