4. extra summary of cranial nerves Flashcards
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Special sensory (olfaction)
- Olfactory epithelium (olfactory cells)
- Foramina in cribriform plate of ethmoid bone
- Smell from nasal mucosa of roof of each nasal cavity and superior sides of nasal septum and superior concha
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Special sensory (vision)
- Retina (ganglion cells)
- Optic canal
- Vision from retina
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic motor
- Midbrain (nucleus of oculomotor nerve)
- Superior orbital fissure
- Motor to superior rectus, inferior rectus, medial rectus, inferior oblique, and levator palpebrae superioris muscles; raises superior eyelid; rotates eyeball superiorly, inferiorly, and medially
Visceral motor
- Presynaptic: midbrain (Edinger-Westphal nucleus)
- Postsynaptic: ciliary ganglion
- Superior orbital fissure
- Parasympathetic innervation to sphincter pupillae and ciliary muscle; constricts pupil and accommodate lens of eye
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic motor
- midbrain (nucleus of trochlear nerve)
- superior orbital fissure
- Motor to superior oblique to assist in turning eye inferolaterally (or inferiorly when adducted)
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic (general) sensory
- trigeminal ganglion
- superior orbital fissure
- Sensation from cornea, skin of forehead, scalp, eyelids, nose, and mucosa of nasal cavity and paranasal sinuses
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic (general) sensory
- trigeminal ganglion
- foramen rotundum
- Sensation from skin of face over maxilla including upper lip, maxillary teeth, mucosa of nose, maxillary sinuses, and palate
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic (general) sensory
- trigeminal ganglion
- foramen ovale
- Sensation from the skin over mandible, including lower lip, side of head, mandibular teeth, temporomandibular joint, mucosa of mouth, and anterior two thirds of tongue
somatic (branchial) motor
- pons
- foramen ovale
- Motor to muscles of mastication, mylohyoid, anterior belly of digastric, tensor veli palatini, and tensor tympani
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic motor
- Pons (nucleus of abducent nerve)
- Superior orbital fissure
- Motor to lateral rectus to turn eye laterally
CN7 Somatic branchial motor
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Pons (motor nucleus of facial nerve)
- Internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, and stylomastoid foramen
- Motor to muscles of facial expression and scalp; also supplies stapedius of middle ear, stylohyoid, and posterior belly of digastric
CN7 Special sensory (taste)
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Geniculate ganglion
Synapse: nuclei of solitary tract - Internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, and stylomastoid foramen
- Taste from anterior two thirds of tongue and palate
CN7 somatic (general) sensory
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Geniculate ganglion
Synapse: sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve - Internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, and stylomastoid foramen
- General sensation from skin of both aspects of auricle
CN7 visceral motor
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Presynaptic: pons (superior salivatory nucleus)
- Postsynaptic: pterygopalatine ganglion and submandibular ganglion
- Internal acoustic meatus, facial canal, and stylomastoid foramen
- Parasympathetic innervation to submandibular and sublingual salivary glands, lacrimal gland, and glands of nose and palate
CN8 vestibular
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
special sensory (balance) - Vestibular ganglion Synapse: vestibular nuclei - Internal acoustic meatus - Vestibular sensation from semicircular ducts, utricle, and saccule related to position and movement of head
CN8 cochlear
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Special sensory (hearing) - Spiral ganglion Synapse: cochlear nuclei - Internal acoustic meatus - Hearing from spiral organ
CN9 Somatic branchial motor
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Medulla (nucleus ambiguus)
- Jugular foramen
- Motor to stylopharyngeus to assist with swallowing
CN9 visceral motor
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Presynaptic: medulla (inferior salivatory nucleus)
- Postsynaptic: otic ganglion
- Jugular foramen
- Parasympathetic innervation to parotid gland
CN9 Special sensory (taste)
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Inferior sensory ganglion (nuclei of solitary tract)
- Jugular foramen
- Taste from posterior third of tongue and pharynx
CN9 somatic (general) sensory
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Superior sensory ganglion (sensory nucleus of CN V)
- Jugular foramen
- Posterior auricle, tragus, posterior 1/3 of tongue, soft palate and pharynx
Inferior sensory ganglion (sensory nucleus of CN V)
- Jugular foramen
- Tympanic cavity and membrane, pharyngo-tympanic tube, mastoid cells
CN9 visceral sensory
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Inferior sensory ganglion (nuclei of solitary tract)
- Jugular foramen
- Carotid body (chemoreceptors) and sinus (baroreceptor)
CN10 Somatic branchial motor
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Medulla (nucleus ambiguus)
- Jugular foramen
- Motor to constrictor muscles of pharynx, intrinsic muscles of larynx, muscles of palate (except tensor veli palatini), and striated muscle in superior two thirds of esophagus
CN10 visceral motor
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Presynaptic: medulla
Postsynaptic: intrinsic ganglia in, on, or near viscera - Jugular foramen
- Parasympathetic innervation to smooth muscle of trachea, bronchi, digestive tract, and cardiac muscle
CN10 visceral sensory
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Inferior ganglion
Synapse: nuclei of solitary tract - Jugular foramen
- Visceral sensation from base of tongue, pharynx, larynx, trachea, bronchi, heart, esophagus, stomach, and intestine
CN10 Special sensory (taste)
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Inferior ganglion
Synapse: nuclei of solitary tract - Jugular foramen
- Taste from epiglottis and palate
CN10 somatic (general) sensory
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
- Superior ganglion
Synapse: sensory nucleus of trigeminal nerve - Jugular foramen
- Sensation from auricle, external acoustic meatus, and dura mater of posterior cranial fossa
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
Somatic motor
- cervical spinal cord
- jugular foramen
- Motor to sternocleidomastoid and trapezius
- components
- location of nerve cell bodies (and site of synapse)
- cranial exit
- function
somatic motor
- motor
- hypoglossal canal
- Motor to intrinsic and extrinsic muscles of the tongue (except palatoglossus)