4 — ecology Flashcards
describe processes in the carbon cycle that produce or use carbon dioxide (7)
- photosynthesis uses carbon dioxide/ reduces carbon dioxide concentration of the atmosphere
- autotrophs fix carbon dioxide into carbon compounds
- cell respiration releases carbon dioxide
- glucose combines oxidised to produce carbon dioxide
- carbon dioxide released from saprotrophs from dead organic matter
- undecomposed organic matter can lead to the formation of peat
- carbon dioxide released during combustion of fossil fuels
- carbon dioxide dissolves in aquatic ecosystems/ can form carbonic acid
- reef building corals use calcium carbonate to make exoskeletons
discuss the relationship between atmospheric carbon dioxide concentration and global temperatures (4)
- greenhouse effect keeps earth warm
- over-time earth’s temperature has fluctuated naturally
- changes in human activities have led to increases in CO2 concentration
- CO2 absorbs infrared radiation
- increase in atmospheric CO2 concentration correlates with increased global average temperature
- use of fossil fuels increases atmospheric CO2
- deforestation removes a carbon sink
- loss of polar ice causes less reflection of surface light
- CO2 is not the only greenhouse gas
explain the transformations of carbon compounds in the carbon cycle (7)
- autotrophs convert carbon dioxide into carbon compounds in photosynthesis
- carbon dioxide diffuses from the atmosphere into autotrophs
- carbon compounds are transferred through food chains
- carbon dioxide produced by respiration diffuses out of organisms into water
- decomposers release carbon dioxide during decay
methane is produced from organic matter in anaerobic conditions - some methane diffuses into accumulates in the ground
- methane is oxidised to carbon dioxide in the atmosphere
- peat forms when organic matter is not fully decomposed because of anaerobic conditions in waterlogged soils
- partially decomposed organic matter from fossils was converted into coal/ oil/ gas
- carbon dioxide is produced by the combustion of fossilised organic matter
- hard parts of some animals are composed of calcium carbonate
- can become fossilised in limestone
explain the movement of energy and inorganic nutrients in an ecosystem (7)
- autotrophs obtain inorganic nutrients from the abiotic environment ‘energy provided by sunlight
- light energy converted to chemical energy through photosynthesis
- photosynthesis converts inorganic carbon and water into organic compounds
- these carbon compounds contain a source of usable energy for life
- carbon compounds are transferred along food chains when eaten by consumers
- respiration returns carbon dioxide to the environment
- respiration releases chemical energy as ATP
- ATP i s used to carry out life functions
- energy is lost
- nutrients are recycled
- decomposers recycle minerals/ organic nutrients
outline the roles bacteria play in the carbon cycle (3)
- decomposition of dead organic material by saprotrophic bacteria
- decomposition leads to CO2 formation
- saprotrophic bacteria only partially decompose dead organic matter in anaerobic conditions
- results in peat formation
- photosynthetic bacteria fix CO2 in photosynthesis
describe the process of peat formation (4)
- formed from dead plant material/ leaves/ mosses
- formed in waterlogged sites/ bogs/ mires/ swamps
- where saprotrophs are not active
- organic matter not fully decomposed
- occurs in acidic conditions
- occurs in anaerobic conditions
- very slow process
outline the energy flow through a food web (3)
- light energy of the sun is converted by plants/ autotrophs to chemical energy
- detritivores/ saprotrophs decay plant material to obtain energy
- consumers release energy from the carbon compounds by cell respiration, energy is lost as heat
- energy is used by organisms for metabolism
- energy is transferred between organisms through the food web
- energy is lost at each tropic level so lengths of food webs are restricted
discuss the process in the carbon cycle that affect concentrations of carbon dioxide and methane in the atmosphere and the consequences for climate change (8)
- CO2 is produced from respiration in organisms/ combustion of biomass/ fossil fuels
- Ch4 is produced by anaerobic respiration of biomass/ bacteria
- CH4 is oxidised to Co2 and water
- Co2 is converted into carbohydrates by autotrophs
- CO2 can be converted to calcium carbonate/ fossilised into limestone
- partially decomposed organic matter can be converted to peat
- CO2 and CH4 are both greenhouse gases that increases the greenhouse effect
- both absorb long wave radiation from the earth and retain the heat in the atmosphere
- increased CO2 concentrations in the atmosphere correlate with increased combustion of fossil fuels
- rising average global temperatures correlate with more greenhouse gases in the atmosphere
- cattle production increase CH4 in the atmosphere
- CO2 leads to acidification of marine environments
- the global temperature increase influences climate patterns
outline 2 general characteristics of all ecosystems (2)
- interactions between organisms
- shows sustainability
- nutrients are recycled in ecosystems
- energy flows through ecosystems
- producers are part of all ecosystems
- decomposers/ saprotrophs present
explain the role of decomposers in an ecosystem (2)
- saprotrophs/ decomposers break down dead organic matter
- saprotrophs/ decomposers release energy
- accelerating decomposition
- saprotrophs/ decomposers recycle nutrients/ make
- nutrients available to producers
- saprotrophs/ decomposers detoxify waste
producers extract phosphates and nitrates from soil. outline how these ions are used in the synthesis of organic molecules (3)
- by photosynthesis
- attached to carbon compounds
- phosphates used to make phospholipids/ nucleotides/ nucleic acids
- nitrates are used to mak amino acids/ proteins/ nucleotides/ nucleic acids
- transported from roots to leaves in xylem
describe how energy flows through and is used by organisms in ecosystems (4)
- producers/ plants/ autotrophs obtain energy from light
- food contains energy
- consumers obtain energy from other organisms of the previous trophic level
- energy released in organisms by cell respiration
- ATP produced
- energy used for biosynthesis/ movement/ active transport
- less energy available/ energy lost at each trophic level
explain the process by which energy enters and flows through ecosystems (8)
- light energy is the initial energy source for all organisms
- producers/ autotrophs change light into chemical energy
- producing carbohydrates
- carbon/ organic compounds used for energy/ growth/ repair/ storage
- compounds/ energy pass as food along food chains
- cellular respiration releases energy as ATP from food
- energy is lose as heat
- only approximately 10% of energy is passed to the next trophic level
- energy lost in bones/ hair, when they die not fully eaten by the next trophic level
- energy lost in feces/ urine
- decomposers/ saprotrophs remove energy from non living organic compounds
define saprotrophs (1)
- an organism that secrets enzymes in dead organic matter and absorbs its nutrients/ products of digestion
aquatic and other environments are being affected by a global rise in temperature. outline the consequences of this on artic ecosystems (6)
- warming results in melting polar ice caps/ loss of ice habitats
- warming raises sea level/ floods coastal areas/ destroys coastal habitats
- warming of habitat would change species that can be supported
- decrease in size of population/ possible extinction of species
- temperate species move into area/ artic species move
- change in distribution of species/ changes in migration patterns
- ecological changes will affect higher trophic levels
- increased rates of decomposition of detritus from melting permafrost
- increased success of pest species including pathogens