4. Anxiety & OCD Flashcards
What are the 2 things that make a diagnosis?
1) Clinical significance
2) Affects on daily life
What are the short-term responses to stress?
1) Increased HR
2) Increase BP
3) Liver converts glycogen to glucose and releases glucose to blood
4) Dilation of bronchioles
5) Changes in blood flow patterns leading to decreased digestive system activity and reduced urine output
6) Increased metabolic rate
What are the prolonged responses to stress (mineral corticoids)? (2)
1) Retention of sodium and water by kidneys
2) Increased blood volume and BP
What are the prolonged responses to stress (glucocorticoids)? (3)
1) Proteins and fats converted to glucose or broken down for energy
2) Increased blood glucose
3) Suppression of immune system
What is allostasis?
Process by which the body responds to stressors in order to gain homeostasis
Why should we care about anxiety disorder?
Life-time prevalence, women 60% more likely to experience
T/F: It is rare for someone to just have anxiety disorder, may be with one or more other component.
How is anxiety disorder different than everyday anxiety? (5)
1) Constant and unsubstantial worry that causes significant distress and interferes with daily life
2) Avoiding social situations for fear of judgement and embarrassment
3) Seemingly out-of-the-blue panic attacks and fear of having another one
4) Irrational fear or avoidance of things
5) Recurring nightmares, flashbacks, or emotional numbing related to traumatic event that occurred several months or years before
What are some DSM-V defined disorders?
1) Separation anxiety
2) Selective mutism
3) Specific phobia
4) Social anxiety disorder
5) Agoraphobia
6) Panic disorder
7) Generalized anxiety disorder (GAD)
8) Substance/medicine induced
9) Due to medical condition
10) Other
11) Unspecified
Characteristics of separation anxiety disorder
1) Developmentally inappropriate and excessive fear or anxiety of separation from attached individuals
2) Persistent – 4 weeks (kids), 6 months (adults)
3) Prevalence – 4.1% (kids), 6.6% (adults)
Separation anxiety criteria: 3 of 8 (persistent)
1) Recurrent excessive distress when anticipating or experiencing separation from figure
2) Worry about experiencing event that causes separation
3) Worry over losing attachment figure or harm to them
4) Reluctance/refusal to leave figure
5) Fear of being left alone
6) Refusal to sleep away from/go to sleep without figure
7) Nightmares about separation
8) Somatic complaints when separated
Characteristics of selective mutism
1) Consistent failure to speak in situations where speaking is expected (regular speech otherwise)
2) Interferes with educational, occupational, or social communication
3) At least 1 month duration
4) Failure to speak not lack of language or knowledge
What are some specific phobias?
Animal Natural environment Blood-injection injury Situational Other
Characteristics of specific phobias
1) Fear/anxiety about a specific object or situation
2) Provokes immediate fear or anxiety
3) Actively avoided or endured with intense fear
4) Disproportionate fear to actual danger present
5) Fear, anxiety, or avoidance last 6+ months
At what age does specific phobias start?
About 7 years old
Characteristics of social anxiety disorder
1) Similar to specific phobias, but in social setting
2) Fear that actions will be negatively evaluated
3) Not attributed to other medical condition/substance use
4) Specify if performance only (restricted to speaking or performing in public)
What is panic disorder?
Recurrent, unexpected panic attacks (abrupt sense of intense fear/discomfort, peaks in minutes)
Panic disorder criteria (must have 4 of 13)
1) Palpitations/accelerated HR
2) Diaphoresis
3) Trembling/shaking
4) Sensation of SOB/smothering
5) Feelings of choking
6) Chest pain or discomfort
7) Nausea or abdominal distress
8) Dizzy, light-headed, faint
9) Chills/heat sensations
10) Paresthesias
11) Derealization/depersonalization
12) Fear of losing control/going “crazy”
13) Fear of dying
T/F: Panic attack is followed for 1 month by persistent concern or worry about additional attacks or their consequences
T/F: In regards to panic disorder, significant maladaptive change in behavior is related to the panic attacks
True! People stop doing things altogether for fear of having another panic attack
T/F: Agoraphobia is a fear or anxiety of about 2+ (of 5) situations
True! The 5 situations include: public trans, open spaces, enclosed spaces, standing in line or being in a crowd, outside of home alone
T/F: Agoraphobia affects those ages 30-59 the most