4/21 Skin Review - Corbett Flashcards
skin structure
- epidermis
- dermis
- subcutaneous tissue
skin histology
layers of keratinocytes
layers of keratinocytes: (deep to superficial)
- stratum basale [melanocytes at same level]
- stratum spinosum
- stratum granulosum
- stratum lucidum
- stratum corneum
layers of skin
- macule
- papule
- nodule
- plaque
- pustule
- vesicle/bulla
epidermal changes
epidemal changes
thickening of stratum corneum
assoc: psoriasis
epidemal changes
flattened keratinocyte nuclei within stratum corneum
assoc: psoriasis
epidemal changes
thickened granular layer
assoc: luchen planus
epidemal changes
thickened squamous layer (thick skin)
assoc: acanthosis nigricans
epidemal changes
separation and rounding up of keratinocytes (loss of adhesions)
assoc: pemphigus vulgaris
epidemal changes
intracellular edema between keratinocytes
assoc: eczematous dermatitis (NOT urticaria)
seborrheic keratosis
who, where, association, mutation
appearance: buzzwords, key fts
- BENIGN epidermal tumors
- common: elderly
- spontaneous
- on trunk (also extremities, head, neck)
- Leser Trelat sign: sudden appearance of many lesions w paraneoplastic syndrome (GI cancers)
assoc with activating mutations in FGFR3 (fibroblast growth factor receptor 3)
buzzwords: velvety, stuck-on, coin-like lesons
- sharply demarcated, composed of sheets of small cells resembling basal cells of nl epidermix
key features:
- hi keratin production at surface (hyperkeratosis)
- small keratin-filled cysts (horn cysts) and invaginations of keratin into main mass (invagination cysts)
actinic keratosis
- high incidence in light pigmented individs with sun exposure
- many lesions show progressive dysplastic changes →→→ squamous cell carcinoma
- happens often enough to perform local eradication
- tx: curettage, freezing, or topical application of chemotx agents
scaly red/tan irreg plaques
hyperkeratosis, dysplasia
basal cell carcinoma
NBCCS and mech
most common tumor on sun-exp sites in older people
primary cause: DNA damage induced by UV-B exposure
- immunosuppression
- genetic disorders of DNA repair
appearance: pearly, telangiectic nodules w peripheral palisading
NBCCS: nevoid basal cell carcinoma syndrome aka Gorlin syndrome
- auto dom
- devpt of multiple basal cell carcinomas before age 20 + other abnl
- assoc gene: PTCH (tumor suppressor) - receptor for sonic hedgehog
- mutation → unbridled SHH signaling
squamous cell carcinoma
second most common tumor on sun-exp sites in older ppl
cause: DNA damage induced by UV exp
* risk: immunosuppression, industrial carcinogents (tars, oils), chronic ulcers and draining osteomyelitis, old burn scars, ionizing rad, tobacco, betel nut chew
well differentiated keratin pearls??? pathognomonic!
deeply invasive, involve subcutis BUT rarely metastasize