4. 일반사무(2) Flashcards
agree on 의견
agree to 제안, 조건
agree with 사람
The team agreed on the recommendations of the advisor.
They agreed to work together for similar goals.
그들은 비슷한 목표를 위해 협력할 것에 동의했다.
The survey showed that 83.6 percent agreed to make the day as a national holiday.
그 조사는 83.6퍼센트의 사람들이 그 날을 국경일로 정하는 것에 동의 했다고 보여줬습니다.
And I totally agree with you that Hangul is a beautiful language.
그리고 한글이 아름다운 언어라는 것에 전적으로 동의해.
Do you agree with the National Assembly’s move to strengthen the anti-sex crime laws?
당신은 국회가 성범죄에 대한 법을 강화하는 것에 동의하는가?
Kim also stamped a 270 million won agreement.
김광현 또한 27억원의 계약을 했다.
adjust to
adjust A to B
The employees quickly adjusted to their new responsibilities.
aspiration, ambition
포부, 열망, 야심
Steve has aspirations to become a partner in the firm.
Raising a family could be considered one of the most important and fulfilling experiences one can aspire.
한 가족을 키우는 것은 한 사람이 열망할 수 있는 가장 중요하고 성취감을 주는 경험들 중 하나로 여겨질 수 있다.
The Chinese are showing great ambition in their space program.
중국인들은 자신들의 우주 프로그램에 대단한 야심을 보이고 있습니다.
incoming recruits
HR assigns a unique ID to all incoming recruits.
인력 개발부는 모든 신입사원들에게 고유의 보안 ID를 배정해 준다.
assist with
-을 돕다
A consultant assisted with preparing for the conference.
assume, presume
증거는 없으나 사실이라고 생각하다=가정하다, 책임`역할을 떠맡다
The management assumes employees are satisfied.
The marketing department will assume responsibility for the project.
마케팅 부서가 그 프로젝트에 대한 책임을 맡을 것이다.
Never assume anything about customers based on their appearance.
Once again the debate is based on logical assumptions.
2차 진술: 또다시, 그 논쟁은 논리적인 추정에 근거한다.
How dare you presume to tell me how to do my job?
감히 주제 넘게 내 일에 대해 어떻게 나서니?
The entire area is presumed to be the site of a 19th century building.
이 지역 전체가 19세기 건물의 부지로 추정된다.
combined combine combination joint combined experience combined efforts
합동의, 결합된 결합시키다 결합 합동의, 공동의 결합된 경력 결합된 노력
conduct =carry out
conduct inspections
conduct the research study.. survey
검사를 행하다
조사 연구를 하다
IJMR Ltd. will conduct the research study.
conduct a survey to get feedback from a target group
classified, secret
기밀의, 내밀한
Her assignment was highly confidential.
People who are considered adults have the legal right to medical confidentiality.
성인은 개인 의료 기밀권을 가지고 있어요.
spoke to him intimately and confidentially
Janette and Anthony were intimately related but wanted to keep it secret at their work because it was unprofessional.
재닛과 앤소니는 친밀한 관계였지만, 아마추어처럼 보일까 봐 직장에서는 비밀로 하기를 원했다.
and since the first of them was committed by some one intimately familiar with conditions inside the Dillard house, it follows that we must now look for a person who, in addition to that knowledge, had definite information that a man named John Sprigg was in the habit of taking a walk each morning in a certain part of Riverside Park.
첫 사건은 딜라드 저택의 내부 상황에 익숙한 자가 저질렀으니까 이제 우리는 그 지식에 덧붙여 존 스프리그라는 피해자가 매일 아침 리버사이드 공원의 일정한 곳을 산책하는 습관에 대한 명확한 정보를 가지고 있는 자를 찾아야 하네.
evidence to the contrary
그와 반대의 증거
Techworld is in financial trouble, despite claims to the contrary.
그와 반대되는 주장에도 불구하고
The Chicago office coordinated the planning process.
concerned with how to coordinate efforts of volunteers effectively
훌륭한, 칭찬할만한
평판, 명예
Our Beijing office has established a creditable reputation in China.
All the online sources must be identified and given credit whenever used. 모든 온라인 자료들은 사용될 때마다 출처를 밝혀야 한다.
As you may have guessed Korean rapper Psy is credited for the astonishing result. 알다시피 한국인 래퍼 싸이는 놀라운 결과로 인정받고 있다.
As for China’s Sun Yang, let’s give the 20-year-old much credit.
중국의 쑨양에 대해서라면, 그는 20세라는 어린 나이로서 칭찬을 받을 만 하다.
As a statesman he was second-rater, but as a public servant he creditably discharged all the duties with which he was entrusted.
After he was discharged from the military, he decided to become a cartoonist. 그가 제대를 하고 난 후, 그는 만화가가 되기로 결심 했습니다.
Many servicemen have been fired or discharged because they came out. 많은 군인들이 커밍 아웃을 했다는 이유로 실직인 채로 내버려진 채 해고를 당해왔다.
direct A to B
A를 B로 안내하다
The receptionist directs customers to the product display area.
방해, 훼방
Listening to loud music in the office could be disturbing to coworkers.
Speaking on a cell phone can be disturbing to other patrons of the library.
These measures were enforced to make sure that no disturbance was created during the listening comprehension exams.
이 조치는 듣기 평가 시험 동안 방해되는 것이 절대 일어나서는 안되도록 요구되었다.
draw on
-을 이용하다, -에 의지하다
In her new position, Nadia had to draw on her experience from past jobs.
duplicate = copy
in duplicate
make duplicates of
두 통으로
-의 사본을 만들다
Head office ordered a duplicate of the contract.
You should turn in your resum in duplicate. 이력서 2부를 제출해야 합니다.
When did you make a duplicate of the key? 언제 열쇠를 복사하셨어요?
The CFO has requested that we make duplicates of all invoices before we send them to the accounting of office.
자금 관리 이사는 우리에게 모든 송장을 회계 사무실에 보내기 전에 사본을 만들어두라고 요청했다.
eminent, prominent
저명한, 탁월한 명성 The consultant was an eminent researcher. a man of political eminence a prominent leader / politician
노력하다, 애쓰다
We will endeavor to finish the project by Friday.
A competent manager is a critical factor in the success of any endeavor.
engagement = appointment
engage in
be engaged in
관여, 종사하다 약속 -에 종사하다 -에 종사, 관여하다 Each worker was engaged in at least two projects.
execute = perform
수행, 실행하다
실행, 집행
Assigned tasks must be executed and efficiently.
할당된 업무는 신속하게 그리고 효율적으로 수행되어야 한다
Execution of ideas is more important than generation, and previous failure helps this.
아이디어는 생각해내는 것보다 실행하는 것이 더 어려우며, 과거의 실패가 실행에 도움이 된다
There are many ways of execution. 처형에는 여러 가지 방법들이 있다.
촉진, 육성하다
Staff dinners helped foster better work relations.
The activists were planned to foster communications skills.
-을 크게 하다, 확대하다
The company will enlarge the parking lot.
마찰, 불화
Competition for performance bonuses caused friction amongst employees.
Most meteors burn up in the atmosphere, but some survive the frictional heating and strike the surface of the Earth.
대부분의 유성은 대기권에서 타버리지만 몇 개는 마찰열에서 살아남아 지구 표면을 강타한다.
frictional electricity 마찰 전기
get along with
-와 사이좋게 지내다
The CEO gets along with his new advisor very well.
hardly ever
좀처럼 -하지 않다
She was hardly ever late for her shift.
The staff worked hard to meet the deadline.
insubordinate, disobedient
반항하는, 복종, 순종하지 않는
The intern was dismissed on charges of insubordinate behavior.
a disobedient child
He was always obedient to his father’s wishes.
의지, 의향
-할 작정이다
The state has no intention of banning alcohol advertising.
The Intended Message? 의도된 메시지?
First-degree murder is an intentional slaughter of another human being.
제1급 살인은 다른 사람을 고의로 죽이는 것이다.
have every intention of -ing
꼭 -하고자 하다
She had every intention of attending the conference, but couldn’t.
lax, negligent
느슨한, 행동 등이 규율에 못 미치는,, 태만한
As of late, the staff has been rather lax in turning in reports.
He waved his hand in a negligent gesture.
-을 헐뜯다, 중상하다 악의가 있는 악의, 양심 The company accused union activists of maligning its integrity. to behave with integrity a malignant destiny 짖궂은 운명 motiveless malignity
중립, 중립성
중립의, (기어의) 중립상태, 중립국
His neutrality was called into question.
그의 중립성에 대해 의문이 제기 되었다.
He made the sculpture blue, because it is a neutral color and it has nothing to do with any specific skin color.
그가 이 조각품을 청색으로 만든 이유는 청색이야말로 중립적인 색깔이며 이 색깔은 어느 특정 피부색과도 관련이 없기 때문이다.
The player can instruct the character to behave either aggressively, calmingly or neutrally with corresponding buttons.
때때로, 가끔
때, 경우
She occasionally failed to perform critical tasks.
The websites of key South Korean institutions and agencies suffered cyber attacks on about 73,030 occasions from 2008 to 2012 and North Korea was behind six massive attacks, according to the National Intelligence Service.
국정원에 의하면 2008년과 2012년 사이에 국내의 주요 기관들의 전산망이 약 73,030건의 해커 공격을 받았으며, 이중에서 여섯 차례의 대규모 해커 공격의 배후에 북한이 있었다.
I’m sticking to plain dog food and the occasional biscuit for Maron.
매런에게는 보통의 개 사료와 때때로 비스킷을 줄 뿐이야.
(집합적) 직원, 인원
We often use an agency to find reliable temporary personnel.
임시 직원..
//hurry, hasten
The director accused his assistant of procrastinating. 비난했다
The policeman hasten to the spot. 현장으로 급히 갔다
respect for with respect respect respectful respectfully
-에 대한 존경 존중하여 존경하다, 존경 정중한, 존중하는 정중하게
Salesman are reminded to be respectful to all clients.
-상기하기 바랍니다
respectively,, individual, own
각각의, 저마다의
개별적으로,, 개개의, 독자의
The disputing parties explained their respective positions.
논쟁 당사자들은 그들 각자의 입장을..
New Zealand and Denmark ranked second and third respectively, and Japan took fourth place.
뉴질랜드와 덴마크는 각각 2, 3위에 올랐고 일본은 4위를 차지하였다.
Individual violators are subject to a fine of 100,000 won.
개개인 위반자는 10 만원의 벌금을 물게 된다.
Each country has its own special traditions and celebrations to welcome the New Year.
각 나라마다 새해를 맞이하기 위한 고유한 특별 전통과 기념 행사를 가지고 있습니다.
They started to protect the poor dolphin on their own will.
그들은 이 불쌍한 돌고래를 그들의 자유 의사로 보호하기 시작했습니다.
be responsible for
be responsive to
responsible & responsive
-에 대해 책임이 있다
-에 빠르게 반응하다
Employees are responsible for their own safety at work.
Sales personnel need to be responsive to shopper’s needs.
정기적으로, 일상적으로
일상, 일상적인
Government workers are routinely required to get health checkups.
건강 검진
susbsequent,, following, ensuing, succeeding, successive, later, coming, upcoming, to come, nest
그 이후의
The strategy was so successful that it was used for all subsequent projects.
바뀌다, 변모시키다
변함, 변화
Eastel Networks helps transform your business model in innovative ways.
She had to undertake the task at short notice.
// grudgingly
자발적인 자발적으로 지원자 // 마지못해, 억지로 He voluntarily took on the arduous task to gain experience. 힘든 일을 자발적으로 떠맡았다 an arduous journey across the Andes a grudging praise 마지못해 하는 칭찬
*be widely advertised , publicized 널리 광고되다
*widely admired 널리 존경받는
*a wide range of 폭넓은, 광범위한
a widely admired business leader 널리 존경받는 재계 리더
be paid for
-에 대해 보수를 받다
For instance, if two parents and their two children uses three tablets, at least 82,500 won must be paid for LTE data service apart from smartphone fees.
예를 들어 부부와 자녀로 이뤄진 4인 가족이 태블릿PC 3대를 쓴다면 스마트폰 요금과 별도로 LTE 통신비로 최소 월 8만2500원이 더 든다.
be seated
앉다, 앉아 있다 Ladies and gentlemen, could I ask everyone to please be seated. 신사숙녀 여러분, 모두 앉아주시겠습니까? Please be seated. 착석하여 주십시오.
be subject to
-되기 쉽다
The irony here is that street vendors are supposed to be subject to legal regulation.
여기서 아이러니 한 것은, 노점상들은 법적인 규제를 받아야만 한다는 것이다.
“Given their negative impact on society, they shall be subject to strict punishment.”
“이들이 사회에 미친 해악을 고려할 때 엄히 처벌하는 것이 마땅하다.”