13. 고객서비스 Flashcards
appropriately, suitably
// inappropriately
ad. 적절하게
//ad. 부적절하게
a. 적절한
Telephone representatives should know how to handle customer complaints appropriately.
an appropriate response
an appropriate measure
an appropriate method
Now that the problem has been identified, appropriate action can be taken.
She was inappropriately dressed for a funeral.
I’m not really suitably dressed for a party.
apologize for 원인
apologize to 사람
- 에 대해 사과하다
- 에게 사과하다
We apologize for the defective mechanical equipment.
기계 장비 결함에 대해 사과드립니다
a. 논쟁적인, 논쟁을 좋아하는
a. 논쟁의 여지가 있는
v. 논쟁하다
n. 논쟁
Service personnel must avoid becoming argumentative with upset customers.
It is arguable who is responsible for the lost order.
분실된 주문품의 책임 소재에 대해서는 논재의 여지가 있다
n. 흠, 결점
The customer claimed the product has a slight blemish.
The surfaces should be free of scratches and other serious blemishes.
cause + damage/ malfunction/ delay
피해, 고장 지연을 야기시키다
v. -을 야기하다, -의 원인이 되다
+n. 원인
The defect in the light was caused by improper wiring.
전등의 결함은 배선 오류에 의해 야기되었다
Researchers tried to find the cause of the error.
Water will cause the camera to malfunction.
committed, devoted
n. 헌신, 전념
v. 전념하다
a. 전념하는
a committed member of the team
They are committed socialists.
commitment to
be committed to
- 에 대한 헌신, 전념
- 에 전념하다
a long-standing commitment to top quality service
최상급 서비스를 위한 오랜 헌신
The President is committed to reforming health care.
complaint, grumble // praise, compliment complain
n. 불평
//n. 칭찬
v. 불평하다
Customers can register complaints at the customer service center or online. 불만을 제기할 수 있다
She’s always grumbling to me about how badly she’s treated at work.
make complaints against
file a complaint with
p. -에 대해 불평하다, 트집을 잡다
p. -에 불만을 제기하다
Make sure you file complaints against them and let them know you have done that.
반드시 그들에 대한 민원을 접수하고, 그 사실을 그들에게도 알리세요.
make[file, lay] a complaint against a person
남을 고소하다.
complete a survey/ an application
p. 설문지를/ 신청서를 작성하다
// incomplete
v. 완료, 완성하다 \+a. 완료된, 완성된 //a. 미완성의 n. 완성, 완료 ad. 전적으로
The paperwork must be completed within one month.
The address change will not be complete until you press the star button. 별표 버튼을 눌러야 주소 변경이 완료된다
the completion of the new hospital building
n. 칭찬
+v. 칭찬하다
*complement: 보완
Salespeople tend to give many compliments.
She complimented him on his excellent German.
with a confident manner
p. 자신 있는 태도로
Enthusiasm and a confident manner are essential for this sales position. 이 영업직에는 열정과 자신 있는 태도가 필수적이다
The players all have confidence in their manner.
a. 예의 바른
ad. 예의 바르게
n. 예의
All complaints must be handled in a courteous manner.
모든 불만은 예의 바르게 처리되어야 한다
I was treated with the utmost courtesy by the staff.
be critical of
p. -에 대해 비판적이다
n. 비평가
v. 비판하다
Many customers were critical of the new services.
새로운 서비스에 대해 비판적이었다
The critics loved the movie.
The decision was criticized by environmental groups.
deal with
a good deal
p. 처리하다
n. 유리한 거래
The problem will be dealt with immediately.
Our business deals in used cars and automotive accessories.
The government will deal out debt relief grants for the poor.
극빈자들에게 부채 구제 자금을 나눠줄 것이다
EuroCar offers good deals on imported vehicles.
defective, faulty
a. 결함이 있는
n. 결함, 결점
ad. 불완전하게
The buyer requested a refund for the defective hair dryer.
Ask for a refund if the goods are faulty.
disclose, reveal, expose
// conceal
*disclose + 목적어
v. 공개하다, 드러내다
//v. 감추다
n. 폭로, 발각
Most customers are hesitant to disclose private details when ordering online.
The employee was fired for disclosing sensitive internal documents.
escort A to B
p. A를 B까지 데려다주다
A sales clerk escorted the customer to the menswear department.
남성복 코너로 …
n. 평가
v. 평가하다
n. 평가자
Please fill out the evaluation form.
Our research attempts to evaluate the effectiveness of the different drugs.
We need to evaluate how well the policy is working.
An employee may be dismissed after two unsatisfactory evaluations.
performance evaluation
course evaluation
n. 직무 평가
n. 강의 평가
v. 수리하다
The technician fixed the glitch in the computer program.
오류를 수리했다
for free
at no charge
without charge
p. 무료로
Products under warranty are repaired for free.
In return for a small purchase, customers can enjoy unlimited access to the web at no charge.
작은 것을 구입한 대가로 고객들은 무료로 웹에 무제한 접근할 수 있습니다.
Lunches without charge would be offered at all public elementary and middle schools in the nation.
모든 국내 초등학교 및 중학교 내에서는 무료 점심을 제공하게 된다.
That year, Ngugi was arrested and imprisoned without charge.
그 해에 응구이는 체포되어 혐의 없이 감금되었다.
further, more
a. 그 이상의
Call our information line for further details.
추가 세부사항을 확인하시려면 저희 안내센터로 전화 주세요
a. 진짜의, 진품의
The manufacturer recommends using genuine replacement parts.
정품 교체 부품을 사용할 것을 권한다
guarantee, assure
v. 보장하다, 보증하다
Customer satisfaction is guaranteed.
소비자 만족이 보장된다
guarantee of
p. -에 대한 보장
There is no guarantee of a refund in the event of cancellation.
취소 시에 환불이 보장되지 않습니다
a. 주저하는
v. 주저하다
n. 주저
Do not hesitate to ask for assistance.
주저하지 말고 도움을 요청하세요
v. 격분시키다, 화나게 하다
a. 격분하게 하는
The clerk’s ineptitude infuriated the customer.
점원의 미숙함은 고객을 화나게 했다
the ineptitude of the police in handling the situation
an infuriating child/ delay
n. 질문, 문의
v. 질문하다
//v. 응답하다
Several people called in to inquire about the store’s latest promotions.
여러 사람이 상점의 최신 판촉상품에 대해 문의하려고 전화했다
ad. 잘못되게, 틀리게
a. 잘못된
The package was mistakenly delivered to Staten Island.
잘못 배달되었다
I thought I saw someone I knew, but I must have been mistaken.
notification of
p. -에 대한 통지
We require written notification of any order cancellations.
모든 주문 취소에 대해 서면 통지를 요구한다
The police must be notified of the date of the demonstration.
= The date of the demonstration must be notified to the police.
politely // impolitely
ad. 예의 바르게 //ad. 무례하게
Store personnel must always speak to customers politely.
v. 환불하다
The manufacturer will rebate the full sales tax on your purchase.
제조업체에서 구매 상품에 대해 판매세 일체를 환불해 줄 것이다
replace A with B
substitute B for A
n. 교환품, 후임자
A를 B로 교체하다: -을 대신하다 *목적어: 교체되는 대상
A를 B로 교체하다: -을 대신으로 쓰다 *목적어: 대체품
The mechanic replaced the generator’s motor with a new one.
수리공은 발전기 모터를 새 것으로 교체했다
You may substitute margarine for butter in this recipe.
Many customers prefer replacing old computers instead of upgrading.
respond to
a. 반응이 빠른
-에 응답하다: 문의, 호소 등에 응답할 때
-에 대답하다: 질문, 명령, 부름 등에 응답할 때
a flu virus that is not responsive to treatment
Firms have to be responsive to consumer demand.
Sales clerks should respond promptly to questions from customers.
She was unable to answer the question in a satisfactory manner.
n. 반환, 수익
v. 반환, 반송하다
Merchandise can be returned at the counter.
Customers can return any product as long as they have a receipt.
satisfaction, content
// dissatisfaction
n. 만족
//n. 불만족
v. 만족하다
a. 만족스러운
He had to be content with third place.
to one’s satisfaction
customer satisfaction
satisfaction survey
in a satisfactory manner
p. -가 만족스럽게도
n. 고객 만족
n. 만족도 조사
만족스러운 태도로..
We hope our service was to your satisfaction.
저희 서비스에 여러분이 만족하셨기를 바랍니다
take seriously
take lightly
- 을 진지하게 받아들이다
- 을 가볍게 받아들이다
The manager takes customer feedback very seriously.
Having children is an enormous responsibility, one that cannot and should not be taken lightly.
아이를 갖는 다는 것은 엄청난 책임이고, 가볍게 여겨져서는 안 되는 것이다.
a. 구체적인, 명확한
v. -을 명확히 말하다
ad. 구체적으로
n. 명세서
When seeking help online, customers must be very specific in describing problems.
I specifically told you not to go near the water.
Remember to specify your size when ordering clothes.
the technical specification of the new model
adjust the schedule depending on the specific needs of each project
unwavering, unswerving
a. 확고한, 동요하지 않는, 변함없는
an unwavering commitment to quality
품질에 대한 확고한 헌신
unwavering support, unwavering determination
unswerving support, unswerving loyalty
The CEO had the unwavering support of the board of directors.
a loaf of bread
p. 빵 한 덩어리
It is a story about Jean Valjean who goes to prison for stealing a loaf of bread and struggles to find his redemption.
이 작품은 빵 한 조각을 훔친 죄로 감옥에 가고, 자신의 구원을 위해 힘겹게 싸우는 장발장에 관한 이야기이다.
n. 좌석 열, 진열대 사이의 통로
an aisle seat
at no extra charge
p. 추가 비용 없이
Because of the delay, we would like to upgrade your shipping option to next-day delivery at no extra charge to you.
이 지연으로 고객님의 배송 옵션을 추가 요금 없이 익일 배송으로 업그레이드시켜 드리고자 합니다.
a. 벌거벗은, 텅빈
The giant forest hogs eat grass and like to sleep on the bare ground.
거대 숲 돼지는 풀을 먹고, 맨 땅에서 자는 것을 좋아합니다.
be on another call
p. 다른 전화를 받고 있다
Would you hang on for a second? I’ve got another call coming in.
잠깐만 끊지 말고 기다려 주시겠어요? 다른 전화가 와서요.