4 Flashcards
Which part of tongue develops from First Pharyngeal Arch
Anterior 2/3
Which part of Partoid Gland fills the Retromandibular Region?
Which Concha are part of Ethmoid Bone
Superior and Middle
Where does the Superficial Temporal V drain?
Retromandibular –> Ext Jugular
Where does the Sphenoid Sinus drain?
Sphenoethmoidal Recess above Superior Concha
Where does the posterior Ethmoidal Sinus drain?
Superior Meatus
Where does the Nasolacrimal Duct drain?
Inferior Meatus
Where does the middle Ethmoidal Sinus drain?
Bulla Ethmoidalis of Middle Meatus
Where does the Maxillary Sinus drain?
Hiatus Semilunaris of Middle Meatus
Where does the Lingual N originate?
Infratemporal Fossa
Where does the Frontal Sinus drain?
Hiatus Semilunaris of Middle Meatus
Where does the Facial Vein drain?
Int Jugular V
Where does the Buccal N become superifical?
at the Buccal Fat Pad
Where does the anterior Ethmoidal Sinus drain?
Hiatus Semilunaris of Middle Meatus
Where does Chorda Tympani join the Lingual N
High in the IT Fossa
Where do the veins of the anterior superior aspect of lateral nasal wall drain?
Foramen Cecum to Superior Sagittal Sinus, or Opthalmic Vein to Cavernous Sinus
Where do the veins of the anterior inferior aspect of lateral nasal wall drain
Facial vein (can drain thru orbit into cavernous sinus)
Where do the poster lateral veins of nasal cavity drain?
Pterygoid Plexus in IT fossa (connections to dural sinuses)
Where do the Greater and Lesser Palantine veins drain?
Pterygoid Plexus in IT fossa (connections to dural sinuses)
Where are the cell bodies of V2 GSA fibers in mucosa of nasal cavity?
Trigeminal Ganglion
Where are cell bodies of postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to Parotid?
Otic Ganglion
What travels w Lingual N
Chorda Tympani
What travels thru Greater and Lesser Palantine Foramina
Greater and Lesser Palantine Nn from V2
What travels in Incisive Canal?
Nasopalantine Nn and vessels: Anastomoses b/t Greater Palantine and Sphenopalantine Aa
What supplies general sensation and taste to epiglottic portion of tongue
Vagus N
What separates Lingual A and Lingual N?
Hyoglossus M
What provides taste sensation to anterior 2/3 of tongue
Chorda Tympani (CN VII)
What provides taste sensation from posterior 1/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal N
What provides Parasympathetic secremotor fibers to submandibular and sublingual glands
Chorda Tympani (CN VII) –> Submandibular Ganglion
What provides general sensation from posterior 1/3 of tongue
Glossopharyngeal N
What parallels course of Masseter muscle on internal surface of Mandible?
Medial Pterygoid M
What other fibers travel with branches of V2 into nasal cavity and roof of oral cavity?
Postganglionic GVE fibers from Pterygopalantine Ganglion (CN 7)
What nerve enters the skin of the face superior to the buccal fat pad?
Buccal N
What muscle runs parallel to Posterior Auricular A
Stylohyoid M
What muscle is signficant in supporting the floor of the mouth?
What mucle lies on superficial surface surface of the Mylohyoid?
Anterior Belly of the Digastric
What joins to form N of Pterygoid Canal
Greater Petrosal (parasymp) and Deep Petrosal (symp)
What is superior to the superficial Parotid?
Zygomatic Arch
What is deep to mucosa of Tonsillar Bed?
Sup Pharyngeal Constrictor M, Glossopharyngeal N
What is conducted in foramina of hard palate?
Branches of Maxillary N and A to palate and oral cavity
What is b/t Facial A and V?
Submandibular Gland: Artery is deep, Vein is superficial
What innervates taste buds on soft palate
Greater Petrosal N, not Chorda Tympani
What forms the hard palate?
Palantine Process of Maxilla; Horizontal Process of Palantine Bone
What enters Mandibular Foramen?
Inferior Alveolar N and Vessels
What divides tongue into anterior and posterior
Sulcus Terminalis
What courses superficial to Mylohyoid M
Submental Vessels and Mylohyoid N
What courses superficial to Hyoglossus M?
Lingual and Hypoglossa Nn, Submandibular Ganglion, veins
What courses on lateral surface of Medial Pterygoid M
Lingual and Inferior Alveolar Nn, and related vessels
What courses b/t the Sphenomandibular Ligament and Neck of Mandible?
Auriculotemporal N and Maxillary Vessels
What contains the Pharyngeal Tonsils?
Pharyngeal Recess
What connects the Nasal Cavity to Pterygopalantine Fossa?
Sphenopalantine Foramen
What conducts postganglionic parasympathetic fibers to Parotid
Auriculotemporal N (fibers belong to CN IX)
What carries Taste info from anterior 2/3 of tongue
CN VII via Chorda Tympani
What carries Preganglionic Parasympathetic Fibers to Submandibular Ganglion?
Chorda Tympani (CN VII)
What carries parasympathetic nerves to head?
What attaches to the Lingula of the Mandible?
Sphenomandibular Ligament
What attaches to Superior Mental Spines
What attaches to Inferior Mental Spines
What artery originates from Maxillary opposite to Inferior Alveolar?
Middle Meningeal
What accompanies Greater and Lesser Palantine Nn
Descending Palantine A (Maxillary), which divides into Greater and Lesser Palantine Aa
What 3 nerves form superior dental plexus
Anterior, Middle, and Posterior Superior Alveolar Nn
What 2 structures contain preganglionic parasympathetic fibers to Parotid?
Tympanic then Lesser Petrosal
Vessels/Nerves deep to Temporalis, lying against bony floor of temporal fossa
Deep Temporal Vessesl and Nerves
Vasuclar supply of Mandible and Lower Teeth
Inferior Alveolar A from Maxillary
Vascular Supply to Septum
Anterior Septal Branches from Anterior Ethmoidal A; Posterior Septal Branches from Sphenopalantine A (Maxillary)
Vascular Supply to Posterior Nasal Septum and Lateral Wall
Sphenopalantine A (Terminal Branch of Maxillary A)
Vascular Supply to Muscles of Mastication?
Maxillary A
Vascular Supply to Anterior Nasal Septum and Lateral Wall
Anterior Ethmoidal A (Opthalmic A)
Vascular Supply of Middle Meningeal A
Dura Mater, Bone, and Marrow of Cranial Cavity Walls
Two neural components of Pterygoid Canal
Greater Petrosal (parasymp) and Deep Petrosal (symp) join to form N of Pterygoid Canal
The submandibular gland (superficial portion) is on the surface of what muscles?
Mylohyoid and Hyoglossus Mm
The Sphenopalantine Foramen is formed by the junction of what 2 bones?
Sphenoid and Palantine
The Pterygoid Plexus lies on the superficial/lateral surface of what muscles?
Pterygoid Muscles
The Pharyngeal Recess is posterior to what fold?
Salpingopharyngeal Fold
The Parotid duct crosses the ___ m. and then penetrates the ___ m.
Masseter, Buccinator
The Nerves of the Pterygoid Muscles are derived from:
Branches of the Mandibular N
The Mucosa of the roof of mouth is innervated by branches of what:
Maxillary N
The Hypoglossal N innervates all except
The Hypoglossal N courses lateral to what 2 muscles before entering body of tongue?
Hyoglossus, and Genioglossus
The Hypoglossal CN innervates all intrinsic/extrinsic muscles of tongue except:
Termination of Maxillary A
Termination of Inferior Alveolar N
Exits Mental Foramen as Mental N
Termination of Facial V
Internal Jugular V
Termination of Facial A
Angular A at the Orbit
Taste to Posterior 1/3 of Tongue
Taste to Anterior 2/3 of tongue
Taste and GSA to Epiglottic region of Tongue
Internal Branch of Superior Laryngeal N (CN X)
Targets of Posterior Auricular A
Parotid Gland, Styloid and Post Digastric Mm, Scalp behind ears
Superior Boundary of IT Fossa
IT Surface and Crest of Greater Wing of Sphenoid Bone
Structures in Parotid Gland
Ext Carotid and last 3 branches, Retromandibular V, Branches of Facial N
Structures b/t Mylohyoid and Hyoglossus?
Deep Submandibular Gland, its Duct, the Lingual N, Submandibular Ganglion, Hypoglossal N, and Sublingual Gland
Sphenopalantine Foramen
Superior Medial Wall of PP Fossa to Lateral Nasal Cavity (Sphenopalantine A and Nasopalantine N)
Sides of Submandibular Triangle
Anterior and Posterior Bellies of Digastric M
Sensory Innervation of Soft Palate
Lesser Palantine N
Sensory Ganglion of CN VII
Genicular Ganglion
Sensory fibers to most of mucosa of Naso- and Oro-pharynx
Glossopharyngeal N
SA (taste) of posterior 1/3 of tongue
SA (taste) of anterior 2/3 of tongue
Chorda Tympani (Branch of CN VII)
Roof of PP Fossa
Greater Wing of Sphenoid
Roof of Nasal Cavity
Parts of Frontal, Sphenoid, and Ethmoid Bones
Roof of Nasal Cavity
Cribriform Plate of Ethmoid Bone
Relation of Submandibular duct and Lingual N
Lingual nerve wraps inferior to duct from lateral to medial
Relation of Middle Meningeal to Lateral Pterygoid
Artery courses deep to muscle
Relation of Maxillary N to Pterygopalantine Ganglion
Maxillary is lateral
Relation of Maxillary Artery to Lateral Pterygoids
Can be either superficial or deep
Relation of Lingual and Hypoglossal Nn to Hyoglossus M?
Both pass superficial to muscle; Lingual is superior
Relation of Lingual A to Hyoglossus M
Artery is deep/medial to muscle
Relation of Lingual A to Hyoglossus M
Lingual A passes deep to Hyoglossus M
Relation of Foramen Ovale to Foramen Spinosum
Ovale is anterior and medial
Relation of Facial A to Zygomaticus Major
Artery is deep to muscle
Purpose of Sphenopalantine Foramen
Connect Nasal Cavity w/ Pterygopalantine Fossa; Nasopalantine N and Sphenopalantine A
Pterygoid Canal
Base of skull to posterior PP Fossa (Artery and Nerve)
Principal contents of Submandibular Triangle
Submandibular Gland, Duct, and Ganglion; Lingual and Hypoglossal Nn; Facial A and V; Lymph Nodes
Primary arch from which the posterior 1/3 of tongue develops?
3rd arch
Postganglionic Fibers from Submandibular Ganglion
Travel to Submandibular gland or Sublingual gland (w/ Lingual N)
Posterior Wall of PP Fossa
Pterygoid Processes of Sphenoid Bone
Posterior Division of Mandibular N
GSA: Auriculotemporal, Inf Alveolar, Lingal N; N to Mylohyoid
Posterior Boundary of IT Fossa
Temporal Bone, including vertical plane of Styloid Process
Pharyngeal Canal
Nasopharynx to Posterior PP Fossa (Branches of Maxillary A and N)
Pharyngeal arches giving rise to Digastric
I and II –> Thus diff innervation
Path of Parasympathetic to Parotid
Brain –> Jug Foramen –> Tympanic N –> Hiatus –> Lesser Petrosal –> Ovale –> Otic Ganglion –> Auriculotemporal
Parasympathetic to Parotid
IX via Otic Ganglion
Orign of Maxillary Vein
Pterygoid Plexus of Veins
Origins of Lower and Upper Heads of Lateral Pterygoid M
Lateral Pterygoid Plate and Infratemporal Surface of Sphenoid Bone
Origin of Zygomatic A
3rd Part of Maxillary
Origin of Upper Head of Lateral Pterygoid
Roof of IT Fossa
Origin of Transverse Facial A
Superficial Temporal in superior Parotid
Origin of Tensor Veli Palatini
Scaphoid Fossa, Entire Length of Fibrous part of auditory tube, Spine of Sphenoid
Origin of Tensor Veli Palanti M
Scaphoid Fossa at base of medial Pterygoid Plate
Origin of Temporalis
Temporal Fossa and Temporal Fascia
Origin of Supraorbital N
Origin of Superficial Head of Medial Pterygoid
Tuberosity and Pyramidal Process of Palantine Bone
Origin of Submental A
Facial Artery as it crosses the superficial surface of mylohyoid m
Origin of Stylohyoid
Styloid Process
Origin of Styloglossus
Styloid Process
Origin of Sphenopalantine A
Origin of Retromandibular V
Superficial Temporal and Maxillary
Origin of Posterior Superior Lateral Nasal N
V2 after passing thru Sphenopalantine Foramen
Origin of Posterior Inferior Lateral Nasal N
V2 after passing thru Sphenopalantine Foramen
Origin of Posterior Digastric
Medial Aspect of Mastoid Process
Origin of Posterior and Anterior Ethmoidal N
Nasociliary from V1
Origin of Posterior and Anterior Ethmoidal Aa
Opthalmic A
Origin of Post Sup Alveolar A
3rd Part of Maxillary
Origin of Palatopharyngeus
Palantine Aponeurosis
Origin of Palatoglossus
Palantine Aponeurosis
Origin of Palatglossus
Posterior Margin of Hard Palate, Palantine Aponeurosis
Origin of Nasociliary N
V1 in orbit
Origin of N to Mylohyoid
V3 (Mandibular)
Origin of Mylohyoid N
Inferior Alveolar N
Origin of Mylohyoid
Mylohyoid Line of Mandible
Origin of Musculus Uvulae, Palatopharyngeus, and Palatoglossus
Posterior Palantine Spine of Palantine Bones; Palantine Aponeurosis
Origin of Middle Meningeal A
Origin of Mental N
V3 via Inferior Alveolar N
Origin of Masseteric N
Mandibular (V3)
Origin of Masseter
Zygomatic Arch
Origin of Lower Head of Lateral Pterygoid
Lateral Surface of Lateral Pterygoid Plate
Origin of Levator Veli Palatini
Petrous part of temporal bone anterior to carotid canal
Origin of Infraorbital N
Continuation of the Maxillary N on orbital floor
Origin of Infraorbital N
Origin of Infraorbital A
3rd Part of Maxillary
Origin of Inferior Alveolar A
Origin of Hyoglossus M
Greater Horn of Hyoid Bone
Origin of Greater and Lesser Palantine Nn
Origin of Geniohyoid
Inferior Mental Spine of Mandible
Origin of Genioglossus
Superior Mental Spine
Origin of External Nasal Branch A
Anterior Ethmoid
Origin of Ext. Jugular V
Retromandibular and Posterior Auricular
Origin of Descending Palantine A
3rd Part of Maxillary
Origin of Deep Temporal Nerves
Mandibular (V3)
Origin of Deep Temporal Artery
Origin of Deep Head of Medial Pterygoid
Medial Side of Lateral Pterygoid Plate and Pyramidal Process of Palantine Bone
Origin of Chorda Tympani N
Branch of CN VII
Origin of Buccal N
Sensory Branch of Mandibular (V3)
Origin of Buccal A
Origin of Auriculotemporal N
Mandibular (V3)
Origin of Anterior Digastric
Digastric Fossa of Mandible
Openings on either side of Frenulum
Submandibular Ducts at Sublingual Caruncles
Nerve that typically encircles Middle Meningeal A
Nerve embedded in muscle fibers of anterior surface of temporalis tendon
Buccal N
Muscular Branches of Maxillary?
Post and Ant Deep Temporal, Masseteric, Int and Ext Pterygoid
Muscles Originating from Styloid Process
Stylohyoid, Stylopharyngeus, Styloglossus
Muscles of the Orbit
Orbicularis Oculi, Frontalis
Muscles in deep plane of Submandibular Triangle
Mylohyoid and Hyoglossus Mm
Muscles deep/superior to Mylohyoid
Geniohyoid and Extrensic Tongue Mm
Muscles deep to Mylohyoid
Geniohyoid, Genioglossus, and Hyoglossus
Muscle that splits and straddles digastric tendon to insert into hyoid bone
Muscle parallel to Posterior Digastric?
Muscle on which the first part of the Lingual N courses?
Motor innervation to all palantine muscles except Tensor Vel Palanti
Medial Wall of PP Fossa
Vertical Plate of Palantine Bone
Medial Wall of Nasal Cavity
Nasal Septum: Nasal Cartilage, Vomer, Perpendicular Plate of Ethmoid Bone
Medial Boundary of IT Fossa
Lateral Pterygoid Plate
Major Contents of IT Fossa
Muscles of Mastication, Mandibular N (V3) and branches, Maxillary A and V, Pterygoid Plexus of Veins
Major Branches of 3rd Part of Maxillary A
Infraorbital, Zygomatic, Descending Palantine, Post Sup Alveolar
Major Bony components of lateral wall of Nasal Cavity
Conchae, Maxilla, Vertical Process of Palantine Bone, and Medial Pterygoid Plate
Location of Submandibular Ganglion?
Superifical Superior aspect of Hypoglossul M, communicating with Lingual N
Lateral Wall of Nasal Cavity
Lacrimal Bone, Inferior Concha, Maxillae, Medial Plate of Pterygoid Process of Sphenoid, Ethmoidal Labyrinth, Uncinate Process, Perpendicular Plate of Palantine Bone
Lateral Entrance to PP Fossa
Pterygomaxillary Fissure
Lateral Boundary of IT Fossa
Ramus of Mandible
Large muscle mass deep to mucosa of opening of auditory tube
Levator Veli Palenti M