1 Flashcards
Action of Iliacus
Flexion of Hip
Action of Psoas Major
Flexion of Hip
Action of Quadratus Lumborum
Stabilize Rib 12 and Lateral Bending of Trunk
Alternate routes of venous return to right heart if portal obstruction (Portocaval Anastomoses)
Esophageal, Rectal, Paraumbilical, Retroperitoneal
Ampulla of Vater
Segment where path of Bile duct and Main Pancreatic Duct are shared
Anterior to Body of Pancreas
Transverse Colon and Mesocolon
At what level does Celiac Trunk arise from Aorta?
Upper border of First Lumbar Vertebra
At what level does inferior, pyloric part of stomach cross midline
First Lumbar Vertebra (Transpyloric Plane)
Attachment of Spleen to Left Kidney
Lienorenal Ligament (dorsal)
Attachment of Spleen to Stomach
Gastrolineal Ligament (ventral)
Vertebral Attachments of Left Crus of Diaphragm
Blood supply to Descending Colon
Left Colic Artery from Inferior Mesenteric
Blood Supply to Gall Bladder
Cystic Artery from Right Hepatic Artery
Blood Supply to Greater Curvature of Stomach
Left Gastroepiploic (from Splenic A.), Right Gastroepiploic (from Gastroduodenal, from Common Hepatic)
Blood supply to proximal 2/3 to Transverse Colon
Middle Colic from Superior Mesenteric
Blood Supply to proximal rectum
Superior Rectal Artery from Inferior Mesenteric
Branches of Celiac Trunk
Splenic, Left Gastric, and Common Hepatic
Branches of Common Hepatic Artery
Proper Hepatic superiorly, Gastroduodenal inferiorly
Branches of Gastroduodenal Artery
Right Gastroepiploic, Anterior Superior Pancreaticoduodenal, Posterior Superior Pancreaticoduodenal
Branches of Proper Hepatic Artery
Right Gastric, Right Hepatic, Left Hepatic
Constitituents of Marginal Artery
Right Colic, Ileocolic, Middle Colic, Left Colic, Sigmoid Arteries; Important anastomosis b/t Superior and Inferior Mesenteric
Contents of Lienorenal Ligament
Tail of Pancreas and Distal Splenic Vessels
Course of Anterior Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Artery
Branches from Gastroduoedenal and supplies Ventral Head of Pancreas
Course of Common Hepatic Artery
Crosses right along superior surface of pancreas; At Duodenum, divides into Proper Hepatic and Gastroduodenal
Course of Left Gastric Artery
Superiorly and to left from Celiac Trunk to pass along Lesser Curvature of Stomach
Course of Lumbar Arteries
Four pairs of vessels from ab aorta, pass deep to Psoas Major and ventral to Quadratus Lumborum
Course of Proper Hepatic Artery
Superiorly after branching from Common Hepatic; Divides into Left/Right Hepatic Arteries at Porta Hepatis
Course of Root of Mesentery (proper)
Begins superiorly at duodenojejunal junction (L2), About 15cm to right inferiorly to Right Iliac Fossa at Cecum
Course of Splenic Artery
Tortuous, horizonal course to left along superior border of pancreas, posterior to stomach; Enters Lienorenal ligament distally
Diff. in arterial arcades for Ileum vs Jejunum?
For Ileum, arcades are more numerous and mesentery has more fat
First (?) branches from Superior Mesenteric Artery deep to Pancreas
Anterior and Posterior Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries
First branches from each side of aorta in abdomen
Inferior Phrenic
Four parts of stomach
Cardia, Fundus, Body, Pylorus
Functionally, the Caudate and Quadrate Lobes belong to which side
Left, because supplied by Left Hepatic Artery
Hollow, fat-filled space surrounding vessels in Hilum of Kidneys
Renal Sinus
Important Anastomoses between Celiac and Superior Mesenteric Arteries
Superior and Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries within head of Pancreas
Inconstant first branch of Proper Hepatic A.
Right Gastric A (to greater curvature)
Innervation of Iliacus
Femoral N. (L2-L4)
Innervation of Psoas Major
L1-L3 Ventral Rami
Innervation of Psoas Minor
Lumbar Plexus
Innervation of Quadratus Lumborum
Lumbar Plexus
Insertion of Iliacus
Lesser Trochanter of Femur
Insertion of Psoas Major
Lesser Trochanter of Femur
Insertion of Psoas Minor
Pectineal Line
Insertion of Quadratus Lumborum
Iliac Crest
Largest part of Pancreas
Level of First Part of Duodenum
Level of Fourth Part of Duodenum
Level of Kidneys
Level of Origin of Inferior Mesenteric Artery
L3, 3-4 cm superior to aortic bifurcation
Level of Origin of Superior Mesenteric Artery
L1 (transpyloric plane)
Level of Third Part of Duodenum
Lobe between IVC and Ligamentum Venosum
Caudate Lobe
Lobe between Ligamentum Teres and Gallbladder
Quadrate Lobe
Location of Bare Area of Liver
Adjacent to Diaphragm and Posterior Wall
Location of Cisterna Chyli
Posterior to aorta on body of L1
Main tributaries of IVC
Right Gonadal, Renal, Right Suprarenal, Hepatic Veins, Inferior Phrenic, Lumbar
Major Branches of Superior Mesenteric Artery
Inferior Pancreaticoduodenal, Intestinal branches, Iliocolic, Right Colic, Middle Colic
McBurney’s Point
Lies on a straight line b/t Umbilicus and ASIS
Median Sacral Artery
Single midline branch from aortic bifurcation
Muscle Posterior to Proximal course of Ureters?
Psoas Major
Muscular components of Posterior Abdominal Wall
Psoas Major and Quadratus Lumborum Muscles
Notable Branches of Inferior Mesenteric Artery
Left Colic, Sigmoid, Superior Rectal
Notable Tributaries to Left Renal Vein
Left Gonadal Vein, Left Suprarenal Vein
Origin of Cystic Artery
Right Hepatic Artery
Origin of Dorsal Pancreatic A.
Splenic Artery at midline
Origin of Gastroduodenal Artery
Common Hepatic Artery
Origin of Great Pancreatic A.
Splenic Artery at left part of Pancreas
Origin of Hepatic Portal Vein
Deep to Neck of Pancreas, Junction of Superior Mesenteric and Splenic
Origin of Ileocolic Artery
Superior Mesenteric
Origin of Iliacus
Iliac Fossa
Origin of IVC
Junction of Common Iliac Veins at L5
Origin of Left Colic Artery
Inferior Mesenteric
Origin of Left Gastroepiploic A.
Distal Splenic Artery
Origin of Middle Colic Artery
Branches from Superior Mesenteric at Inferior border of Pancreas
Origin of Peripheral Muscles of Diaphragm
Xiphoid Process, Costal Cartilages of Lower 6 Ribs, Upper Lumbar Vertebrae
Origin of Psoas Major
Bodies of Lumbar Vertebrae
Origin of Psoas Minor
Bodies of Lumbar Vertebrae
Origin of Quadratus Lumborum
12th Rib
Origin and level of origin of Renal Arteries?
Abdominal Aorta at L2
Origin of Right and Left Hepatic Arteries
Branch from Proper Hepatic, which comes from Common Hepatic of Celiac Trunk
Origin of Right Colic Artery
Superior Mesenteric
Origin of Right Gastroepiploic Artery
Gastroduodenal (from Common Hepatic)
Origin of Short Gastric A.
Distal Splenic Artery
Origin of Sigmoid Arteries
Inferior Mesenteric
Origin of Superior Rectal Artery
Inferior Mesenteric
Paired Parietal Branches of Abdominal Aorta
Inferior Phrenic and 4 pairs of Lumbar Arteries
Paired Visceral Branches of Abdominal Aorta
Renal, Middle Suprarenal, Gonadal
Paravertebral Gutters
Home of Kidneys, T12-L3
Plane of first part of Duodenum?
Portion of Pancreas anterior to Superior Mesenteric Artery
Posterior to Body of Pancreas
Aorta, Left Suprarenal Gland, Left Kidney
Psoas Minor
Long, Flat Tendon on Anterior Surface of Psoas Major
Relation of Aorta to Pancreas
Aorta is deepline to midline of Pancreas
Relation of Spleen to Stomach
Posterior and to left of upper, left border of stomach
Renal Sinus
Hollow, fat-filled space surrounding vessels in Hilum of Kidneys
Rib levels of Diaphragmatic surface of Spleen
Right Gastric Artery
Inconstant first branch of Proper Hepatic Artery, to Greater Curvature
Sphincter of Oddi
Muscular sphincter surrounding Major Duodenal Papilla
Structure adjacent to fundus of Gallbladder (not liver)
First part of Duodenum
Structures in Falciform Ligament
Paraumbilical Veins, Ligamentum Teres
Structures in Gastrocolic Ligament
Right and Left Gastroepiploic Arteries and Veins
Structures in Gastrosplenic Ligament
Short Gastric Arteries and Veins
Structures in Hepatoduodenal Ligament
Hepatic Portal Vein, Proper Hepatic Artery, Common Bile Duct
Structures in Hepatogastric Ligament
Left Gastric Artery and Vein
Structures in Mesentery Proper
Superior Mesenteric Artery and Vein, Intestinal Branches to Jejunum/Ileum
Structures in Sigmoid Mesocolon
Sigmoid arteries and veins, Superior Rectal artery and veins
Structures in Splenorenal Ligament
Splenic Artery and Vein, Tail of Pancreas
Structures in Transverse Mesocolon
Middle Colic Artery and Vein
Superior Level of Diaphragm during normal inspiration?
Fifth Rib
Targets of Ileocolic Artery
Distal Ileum, Cecum, Proximal Ascending Colon
Targets of Left Colic Artery
Descending Colon
Targets of Middle Colic Artery
Proximal 2/3 of Transverse Colon
Targets of Right Colic Artery
Midpoint of Ascending Colon, Forms Ascending and Descending Branches, Highly variable
Termination of Gastroduodenal Artery
Descends posterior to first part of duodenum; branches into Right Gastroepiploic and Anterior Superior Pancreaticoduodenal Arteries on ventral surface of Pancreas
Termination of Inferior Mesenteric Vein
Splenic Vein (then to Portal Vein)
Termination of Left Gastric Artery
May anastomose with Right Gastric A. along Lesser Curvature of Stomach, Provides esophageal branches to distal esophagus