4 Flashcards
diffuse edema
Allantoic cyst:
cyst found within the umbilical cord
Are chorioangiomas benign or malignant:
Circumvallate placenta:
an abnormally shaped placenta caused by the membranes inserting inward from the edge
Groups or lobes of chorionic villi
Erythroblastosis fetalis:
a condition in which there is an incompatibility between fetal and maternal red blood cells
to bleed out
Neonatal period:
first 28 days of life
Non immune hydrops
fetal hydrops caused by congenital fetal anomalies and infections
Placenta accreta:
abnormal adherence of the placenta to the myometrium in an area where the decidua is either absent or minimal
Placenta increta
Invasion of the placenta within the myometrium
Placenta percreta:
penetration of the placenta through the uterine serosa and possibly adjacent pelvic organs
Preeclampsia is considered after:
20 weeks
When the shoulder of the fetus cannot pass through the birth canal
shoulder dystocia
protective fetal skin covering
Vitelline duct:
the structure that connects the developing embryo to the secondary yolk sac
Wharton’s Jelly:
gelatinous material that is located within the umbilical cord around the umbilical vessels
In later pregnancy, the placenta produces:
estrogen and progesterone
The placenta is made up of 3 components:
chorionic plate, placental substance ** contains functional parts of the placenta ** and basal layer
What are the concerns with a circumvallate placenta?
vaginal bleeding and placenta abruption
The placenta thickness should not exceed:
Placenta previa is more likely seen in women:
hx of c-section
advanced maternal age
previous abortion
Causes of a thick placenta:
diabetes maternal anemia infection fetal hydrops Rh isoimmunization multiple gestation
Causes of a thin placenta:
diabetes (long standing) IUGR placental insufficiency polyhydramnios preeclampsia small for dates fetus