3rd Year Christmas Tests Flashcards
Who was saint Patrick
Patrick. He was brought to Ireland from Wales as a slave when he was 16 years old. After six years he escaped to Britain, but later returned as a bishop to spread Christianity. Between 432 and 461, St Patrick worked mainly in the north, and founded many churches and missions. He the began to convert the paagen celts to Christians
Tell me about the arrival of Christianity in Ireland
Early Christian Ireland is the period when Christianity first came to Ireland. By the third century AD the Roman Empire had spread as far as Britain and from the fourth century Britain was mainly Christian, so some Christians were probably also in Ireland by then. For historians, the first official source about Christianity in Ireland is dated AD 431, when a bishop named Palladius was sent to the ‘Irish who believe in Christ’.
Tell me about life in a monastery
The monks lived very strict, simple lives and spent their days praying and working. They prayed six to eight times every day. Farm work included ploughing, milking, harvesting and grinding corn. The monks were often self-sufficient - they produced all the food they needed. Monasteries became centres of learning, and Irish monasteries were famous as the best in the world for the teaching of poetry, literature, arts and the
Tell me about the Black Death
The worst disease to affect Europe in the Middle Ages was the bubonic plague. This peaked between 1347 and 1350 and is estimated to have killed at least one-third of Europe’s population in an event known as ‘the Black Death’. The plague was carried by fleas, which are thought to have first arrived via ships’ rats from the Black Sea area and to have spread along the trade network throughout Europe. The symptoms included oozing swellings (buboes) all over the body, darkly discoloured skin and the filling of the lungs with phlegm. It was extremely contagious and could be contracted by sneezing, spitting or touching dead bodies. It spread quickly in towns and as it worsened, bodies were simply left in the street to be collected. This only spread it even faster. Once infected, people had a 70-80% chance of dying within a week.
What was the impact of the Black Death
So many people died within such a short period that Europe was greatly changed by the Black Death:
• The feudal system, especially serfdom, went into decline, as many serfs left manors and moved to the towns to replace those who had died.
• The peasants who remained on the land were able to demand better treatment from their lords, a reduction in the taxes they paid and more land because there were fewer of them to do the work.
• The failure to find a cure for the Black Death meant that doctors began to question their practices.
This would lead to big changes in medicine during the Renaissance, as we will see in the next chapter.
What was there reason for the age of exploration
New trade routes: The trade in silks and spices (needed to help preserve and flavour food) from the East was very profitable. After the Black Death, Europe’s population grew rapidly and became wealthier. Explorers and traders could grow very rich if they could find ways to get more goods to Europe more quickly.
The influence of the Renaissance:
People were eager to learn and were questioning their existing beliefs.
In particular, the rediscovery of the Geographia by the Roman writer Ptolemy, which contained Roman knowledge about geography, changed how people understood the world.
The stories of Marco Polo: Polo was a fourteenth-century Italian who had travelled to China and wrote about the great wealth and incredible things he had seen. His book made people want to see these wonders for themselves.
What was a carvel
large and sturdy enough to make long voyages and able to sail in all winds.
What was a portolan chart
Was a chart which mapped harbours and coastlines more precisely, recording information like currents, tides and depth.
What is a log and line
measured a ship’s speed in knots.
What is fascism?
Fascism is a form of government that is a one-party dictatorship based on nationalistic ideas of racial superiority.
How did hitler come into power
Many blamed the Weimar government for Germany’s defeat, for the harshness of the Treaty of Versailles and the hard times afterwards.
The German economy was on its knees after World War I. Germany took out loans from the US during the 1920s to try to recover.
Hitler used propaganda to his advantage. He used short simple slogans so everyone could understand. He played on people’s emotions, particularly in relation to the Treaty of Versailles, unemployment and communism.
Exactly what communism is
Communism is a political and economic system where the government controls all property wealth is shared equally and there are no social class. Private property is abolished and government owes our land.
Who were the Bolsheviks
The Bolsheviks was a revolutionary group in Russia that by Vladimir Lennon who aimed to establish communism.
Explain how Hitler is economic policies in his own fascist Germany
• Independent trade unions were abolished and strikes were made illegal.
• Public works schemes were created to build motorways (called Autobahnen) and the Olympic stadium. Many unemployed people found work on projects such as these.
• Rearmament, in violation of the Treaty of Versailles, began to take place. This involved ships, submarines, planes, arms and ammunition being manufactured again for the German military.
• The motor industry also expanded. A new car called Volkswagen (‘the people’s car’) was designed and manufactured in 1937. It was priced at the same cost as a small motorcycle, so most people could afford one.
• Hitler cut taxes to encourage private industry. Many companies benefited from this, such as Krupps (steel), Siemens (electronics) and Mercedes-Benz (motors).
Explain how Hitler used education in fascist Germany
Hitler concentrated on the young, aware that they would be the future of the Nazi Party. Nazi youth groups were set up, including the Hitler Youth and the League of German Girls. There, children were indoctrinated (brainwashed) with Nazi ideas.
• In schools, textbooks were rewritten to glorify Germany and Hitler. Mein Kampf became the official history textbook.
• Teachers had to be members of the Nazi Party.
• Loyalty to the Führer was taught at every level of education and a portrait of Hitler was displayed in every classroom.
Explain how women were forced to live during Hitler’s fasciest Germany
Women were expected to stay at home and look after the family. Female doctors, teachers and civil servants were forced to give up their careers. Even near the end of the war, women were not asked to serve in the armed forces.
• A woman’s job was to keep the home nice for her husband and family - a woman’s life was to revolve around ‘the three Ks’: Kinder, Küche, Kirche (children, kitchen, church). ‘The three Ks’ were promoted within propaganda and made clear what German women’s roles should be.
• Hitler wanted a high birth rate, so that the population would grow. Mothers who had more than eigh children were awarded a gold medal.
Explain how Hitler used propaganda to make his fasciest Germany
Joseph Goebbels was made Minister for National Enlightenment and Propaganda. He was in complete control of the press, radio, cinemas, theatres and art. Books by Jews were banned, along with any books disagreeing with Nazism. Book burnings took place to rid the country of such books.
• Goebbels organised the production of cheap radios, called ‘the people’s radio’, so that Hitler’s speeches could reach every home. Loudspeakers were installed along streets.
• Posters were put up all around Germany presenting Hitler as a godlike figure, as we saw in Russia with Stalin. People had to celebrate Hitler’s birthday, and ‘Heil Hitler!’ or ‘Hail Hitler!’ was a common greeting. The Nazi salute was made compulsory.
What was the gestapo
secret police
Explain how Hitler used terror to make his fascism Germany
By 1934, Hitler began to believe that his SA were a threat to him, particularly their leader Ernst Röhm. Hitler had set up the SS as his personal bodyguards and they were led by Heinrich Himmler.
On 30 June 1934, in a two-day purge known as the Night of the Long Knives, the SS killed the leaders of the SA and others they suspected of being a threat.
• From as early as 1933, critics of the regime or people who were considered undesirable in Nazi Germany were sent to forced labour camps, similar to Stalin’s gulags. Among them were journalists and political prisoners (including communists), LGBTQ+ people, Roma people, people with disabilities, Catholic priests, Jehovah’s Witnesses and a great many Jews.
Also set up a secret police force
Name and explain Hitler 3 main aims
1 rebuilding the army Navy: did Tracy of Viles restricted Jeremy‘s army to 1000 men. Disobeyed this by having more than 1000 men and reinforcing the constituents meaning that man of age had to join the army
2 reoccupying the Rhineland: in 1936 hit since since the rain land orders tree trees of France army to meet them France didn’t.
- The Anschluss: The treaty of Versailles forbid Germany from uniting with Austria so it did just that and the agreement was signed absorbing Austria into the third reich
What is Anschluss
It is the joining together of Germany and Austria
Why did France and Britain stand by when hitler rebuilt the German army
France did not want to risk of war with Germany over the Rhineland, especially as the size of the German army was unknown.
• France believed that its system of fortification along its eastern border with Germany, called the MaginotLine, would be enough to prevent a German attack.
2• Many British people felt that the Treaty of Versailles had actually been too harsh on Germany and were sympathetic towards its people.
France, Britain and others were very concerned about Stalin and the weak fortnications
threat of communism.
What was appeasement
It was the agreeing to hitter’s demands in the hope of avoiding war
Why did the British not want to fight Germany
Awareness of all the lives lost in the horrors of World War I was very fresh in British minds. In the ‘Peace Ballot’ of 1934-1935, millions of British people voted for a pacifist (pro-peace) approach,
What was the Sunderland
The majority German-speaking regions of Czechoslovakia
Who met in Munich conference and why did the meet
In September 1938, Neville Chamberlain, Adolf Hitler, Benito Mussolini and Édouard Daladier (of France) met for the Munich Conference to discuss the issue of Czechoslovakia and the Sudetenland.
They agreed to make Czechoslovakia surrender the area of the Sudetenland to Germany. Notably, Czechoslovakia was not part of the talks. Hitler promised the other leaders that he would not demand any more territory.
What two things did hitler and Stalin agree to
• a ten-year period when they would not attack each other or help each other’s enemies
• a secret clause: an agreement to partition
Poland between them,
How did World War Two start
On 1 September 1939, Germany invaded Poland. Two days later, Britain and France declared war on Germany. World War II had begun.
Three types of propaganda during stalins Russia
- radio and newspaper control: news censored and criticism of the communist party was not allowed in any form of media
- Show trials: these were public trials of senior party leaders which were held in Moscow. The leaders provided evidence of the wrongdoing and confessed to crimes many were executed.
- Education: in schools children were taught that Stalin was a great leader a new textbook. A short history of the USSR was published which held stallion as a deity and exaggerated his role in the communist revolution.
What was the Gulag?
labour camps in the Soviet union they were set up under Lennon but were improved by stallion. People often work to death and the conditions were horrible.
Define the term industrialisation
Stallion introduced the five year plans which are made at target for industry. They were three plans made all were successful and boosted USSR to the second largest industry in the world.
Define the term collectivisation
In the late 1920s Russian argculture was not producing enough food to increase production. All the land has taken over by the states. Many of these peasants died from famine so they rebelled.
What was life like in Gulag?
The prisoners in these camped worked all types of industries such as chopping trees mining farming factory work and much more over 1 million people died as they were worked hard and lived in very bad conditions
What would lies of women in Soviet Russia?
Women’s life’s changed a lot in the USSR in the workplace they put on much more equal footing to men. They worked in Manly predominantly men industries in the west such as engineering medicine and construction by 1930 1/2 of all workers woman which had almost doubles since 1927 facilities set up to enable both husband and wives to work such as crèches and kindergardens.
What was health care and education like in Soviet Russia?
Healthcare was provided for free to everyone in the country. Large amounts of hospitals were built and thousands of doctors were trained. The USSR wanted free compulsory healthcare to all young people in the country. There was a huge literacy campaign and by 1950 almost all people over 8 and below 50 read and write. Education was used as a tool for propaganda in schools children were thought that Stalin was a great leader. A new textbook a short history of the USSR was published which hailed Stalin as a deity and exaggerated his role in the communist revolution
What was life like during World War II in Soviet Russia?
The Russian people suffered a great deal during the war, especially people living in German Concord lands. In Leningrad over 700,000 people froze or starved to death. The government introduced a rationing system as they were short of food and clothing workers involved in the war got higher amounts of rations than those who were not. It is estimated that around 17 million Russian citizens died in war during WW2
Tell me about stalins rise to power
Vladimir Lenin died in 1924 on January 21 leaving a power struggle from the communist party. Stalin used his role of general Secretary to gain power and acquaintances. He played the various party members off against each other and used Kamenev and Zinoview to expel Trotsky from party and the country. He turned on the government with his supporters by 1928 he ruled the USSR.
Name and describe 3 key events of the war of independence
• 21 November 1920: Collins’s Squad killed 14 British intelligence agents. In a savage reprisal, the Auxiliaries entered Croke Park during a Dublin vs Tipperary football match and opened fire on the crowd,killing 14 people, including Tipperary player Michael Hogan.
• 28 November 1920: Tom Barry and the West Cork Brigade ambushed and killed 18 Auxiliaries in Kilmichael, Co. Cork. In retaliation, Auxiliaries burned Cork city centre.
• 25 May 1921: the IRA burned Dublin’s Custom House. The fire lasted for five days and destroyed records going back for centuries. 80 IRA men were killed or captured.
Explain the term fenian
A member of the Irish Republican Brotherhood, a 19th-century revolutionary nationalist organisation among the Irish
Explain how the rebellion impacted Irish politics
This famous rebellion impacted Irish politics as Sinn Féin’s popularity grew as they were given credit for the rising in the newspapers at this time. The voting system changed and younger people were now allowed to vote and they thought that the Irish parliamentary party was outdated and fully supported Sinn Féin. Sinn Féin changed its aims and its new aim was to make Ireland a Republic once again. Eamon Devalera became leader for Sinn Féin in 1917 from Arthur Griffin. He was the only leader of the Easter rising 1916 that was still alive. In 1919 Sinn Féin formed its parliament and they named it Dáil Éireann
Describe how the rights in women changed over the twentieth century
The 1922 Constitution of the Irish Free State gave the vote to all women and men over the age of 21. In 1972, the Commission on the Status of Women recommended the removal of most of the legal barriers to equality. By 2000, women made up over 40% of the workforce but were far more likely to hold low-paid positions. A low percentage of employed women held well-paid executive positions. However, women did make up 55% of university students and in 2000 and were more likely to pursue professional careers in law, medicine, business or education than their mothers had been. In politics, there has been some progress towards equality. Mary Robinson was elected President in 1990, followed by another woman, Mary McAleese.
Describe Padraig Pearse
Padraig Pearse was born on Great Brunswick Street (now Pearse Street), Dublin. He joined the Gaelic League in 1896 and later became the editor of the paper. He lectured in Irish at UCD. He set up a school for boys, St Enda’s in 1908 where it now hosts the Pearse Museum. In July 1914, Pearse was involved in the Howth gun-running and hid the stash at St Enda’s. He was on the Military Council that planned the Rising and signed the Proclamation. Pearse read the Proclamation of the Irish Republic aloud on the steps of the GPO during the 1916 Easter Rising . He was executed on 3 May 1916 at Kilmainham Gaol.
What was strike and lockout
On 31 August 1913, Larkin addressed a crowd of 10,000 people on O’Connell Street from the Imperial Hotel in disguise, as there was a warrant for his arrest. He was arrested by the DMP. The crowd protested and the police baton-charged the crowd. Two demonstrators were killed and hundreds were wounded, including police. Strikes and lockouts continued into September. Larkin organised sympathetic strikes to support the locked-out workers. By January 1914, many began to return to work. On 18 January, Larkin told the workers to end their strike.
Explain how the actions of Germany contributed the start of the war
Germany deserves the blame for starting the war. Although it was the Austrian-Hungarians who invaded Serbia, and the Germans declared war on Russia and France to support them, the Germans could have refused to do so.
Name one battle or operation that Germany was involved in the first World War I
The German Spring Offensives was a gamble for Germany in trying to tip the balance on the Western Front once and for all. Operation ‘Michael’, the first of the offensives, began on the 21 March 1918. British and Allied troops were met with a huge concentration of German artillery, gas and smoke. The German Army achieved unmatched gains.
Tell me about the foundation of the GAA
By 1880, English sports such as tennis, cricket, soccer and rugby had become very popular in Ireland. Each was well organised and had clear rules. At the same time, Irish sports such as hurling and Gaelic football were in decline and were even unknown in some areas. They were poorly organised and people around the country played by different rules. A man named Michael Cusack became particularly concerned about the state of Irish sports. He called a meeting in Hayes Hotel in Thurles, Co. Tipperary on 1 November 1884 to establish a Gaelic Association. With just seven men present, the Gaelic Athletic Association (GAA) was founded, encompassing sports such as hurling, Gaelic football, handball, athletics and weightlifting. People such as Charles Stewart Parnell and Archbishop Thomas Croke became patrons of the GAA. This showed that the Home Rule Party, the IRB, the Land League and Catholic Church all supported the GAA.
Tell me about the ulster plantation
Ulster was dominated by Gaelic Irish clans such as the powerful O’Neills of Tyrone and O’Donnells of Donegal. Queen Elizabeth I hoped to control Ulster by giving Hugh O’Neill the title ‘Earl of Tyrone’, as he had been loyal to her. However the English laws and customs angered Hugh O’Neill and Hugh O’Donnell. They asked the Catholic King Philip II of Spain for help to defend Ulster from Protestantism. He sent no troops, but the Ulster chiefs rebelled in 1594 regardless. In the Nine Years War the Gaelic clans in Ulster fought against the spread of English control. Hugh O’Neill won several battles, including the Battle of the Yellow Ford, which inspired other parts of the country to rebel. King Philip of Spain changed his mind and sent up to 4,000 soldiers to support O’Neill. The ships landed at Kinsale in Cork in 1601 but were captured by the English. O’Neill and O’Donnell tried to help but were defeated in the Battle of Kinsale. In 1603 the Treaty of Mellifont was signed by the Ulster Gaelic clans and the English Crown to end the war. This did not stop the Crown trying to gain control of Ulster. O’Neill and other Ulster chiefs fled in 1607, an event known as the Flight of the Earls.
What are the main causes of World War I?
• disagreements over colonies in Africa and Asia
• military arms races, especially between Germany and Britain over their naval fleets
• competition between Austria and Russia for influence in the Balkans. These issues saw the creation of a system of alliances between states. On 28 June 1914 the heir to the Austro-Hungarian Empire, the Archduke Franz Ferdinand, was assassinated. The Austrians blamed the Serbian government for his death and declared war on Serbia in August. Russia, an ally of Serbia, declared war on Austria.Germany, which had encouraged its Austrian ally declared war on Russia. France, an ally of Russia, went to war with Germany. When Germany’s army invaded Belgium to get to France, Britain (who had promised to protect Belgium) declared war on Germany.
Tell me about Daniel O’Connell
Daniel O’Connell was born in 1775 in Co. Kerry. He was born into a wealthy Catholic family and he was sent to France to get a university education. O’Connell returned home in 1793 with a lifelong hatred of political violence. He supported the aims of the United Irishmen in the 1798 Rebellion but rejected their use of violence. In 1811, he founded the Catholic Board to campaign for Catholic emancipation. This had a limited impact until he founded the Catholic Association in 1823 to campaign not just for emancipation, but also for the end of tithe payments and for the rights of tenant farmers. The membership fee of one penny a month - low enough to be affordable to all but the poorest - was collected at church gates and became known as the ‘Catholic Rent’. This money funded the campaign. In 1828, O’Connell stood in Clare for election to Westminster. He won the seat easily but refused to take the parliamentary oath and so was unable to take his seat. The British Prime Minister feared another rebellion in Ireland if emancipation was not granted. Westminster passed the Emancipation Act in 1829 and O’Connell took his seat. In the 1830s, O’Connell campaigned inside and outside Westminster for the abolition of tithe payments. In 1838 he managed to have the cost lowered and to have the tithes paid to landlords instead of to the Church of Ireland. He was elected the first Catholic Lord Mayor of Dublin in 1841. In 1830, O’Connell set up the Repeal Association to campaign for the repeal of the Act of Union. He wanted the Irish parliament restored, with the British monarch remaining as king or queen of Ireland. He used his previous tactics: people paid a Repeal Rent to support the campaign. There was little support for repeal in Britain and at the end of the 1830s, O’Connell started organising monster meetings around Ireland. These were huge rallies, attended by over 100,000 people. The British government grew concerned that these meetings would lead to rebellion and banned one, at Clontarf in 1843. Many of O’Connell’s supporters wanted to defy the ban and go ahead with the meeting. Unwilling to run the risk of violence, O’Connell called off the meeting. This led to a split in the movement, with younger members setting up the Young Irelanders, who wanted an all-Ireland struggle for independence and democratic reform. Just as the Great Famine began in 1845, O’Connell’s health started to fail him. His last speech in the House of Commons in February 1847 was an impassioned plea for help for the Irish people dying of starvation. He was on a pilgrimage to Rome when he died in May 1847.
Tell me about the cause of the 1916 rebellion
- The power of the Protestant Ascendancy
Since the Plantations Ireland had been under the rule of the British Crown. There was an Irish parliament in Dublin with limited powers over Irish affairs. This was controlled by the Protestant Ascendancy class - the wealthy land-owning Church of Ireland minority. They owned 80% of the land but made up only 15% of the population. - The position of Catholics
Catholics made up 75% of the population of the island but only owned about 15% of the land. Catholics were discriminated against by the Penal Laws - laws designed to keep Catholics poor and powerless:
• Catholics could not vote or sit in parliament.
• Catholic priests were banned.
• Catholics could not open or attend schools.
• Catholic-owned land had to be divided equally between all sons upon a father’s death.
• Catholics had to pay tithes (10% of their income) to Church of Ireland.
While some of the worst laws were repealed in the 1770s, Catholics still had no say in how the country was run. By the 1790s, most Catholics were poor, under-educated tenant farmers who resented the high rents and tithes they had to pay. - The position of Presbyterians (dissenters)
Presbyterians (known as dissenters at the time, because they disagreed with the official Protestant Church of Ireland) were also not allowed to vote or sit in parliament, though they were not subjected to the harshest of the Penal Laws. They made up about 10% of the population - The influence of the American and French Revolutions
The events of the American and French Revolutions had a big impact on Ireland. They were widely reported in Irish newspapers and Irish troops brought back stories of what was happening abroad. Many Catholics and Presbyterians were excited by and attracted to the ideas of liberty and equality behind these revolutions.
Tell me about the Ireland Parliamentary party
The Irish Parliamentary Party declined in popularity in the late 1800s but was reunified under John Redmond in 1900. Its constitutional nationalist aims were unchanged.
• to achieve Home Rule or self-government by having a parliament in Dublin to deal with internal affairs. Westminster could look after external affairs.
• the King/Queen of England to be the King/Queen of Ireland.
Tell me about Sinn Féin 1910
Sinn Fein, meaning is a nationalist political party founded in 1905 by Arthur Griffith, a Catholic Dublin-born journalist. He wanted Ireland to win independence and establish its own parliament. Arthur Griffith and Sinn Féin wanted:
• a dual monarchy, where the King/Queen of England would also be the King/Queen of Ireland
• to develop Irish industry by having tariffs put on goods transported across international borders
• to achieve these by using parliamentary abstention, meaning that Irish MPs would withdraw from the Westminster parliament they entered in the 1801 Act of Union to set up their own parliament in Dublin
• the Dublin parliament would deal with Ireland’s internal affairs.
Tell me about the IRB in 1910
The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) had been founded in 1858 and was a secret radical nationalist organisation whose members believed in the use of physical force. It infiltrated other nationalist organisations such as the GAA and Gaelic League. In 1910 the IRB was a small organisation and was only starting to grow again in support since the 1880s. The IRB wanted:
• complete independence from Britain
• to make Ireland a republic
• to use physical force to achieve this.
Tell me about the unionist party in 1910
Unionists wanted to retain the Act of Union and keep their strong link with Britain. Edward Carson was the leader of the Unionist Party between 1910 and 1921. He was a Dublin-born Protestant lawyer. Carson and the Unionist Party wanted:
• the parliament in Westminster to continue to make laws for Ireland
• the British government and the Crown to still have representatives in Ireland.
How did medieval life lower life expectancy
War was common. Ordinary people suffered in war when armies marched through their lands. Food supply was perilous; bad weather and poor harvests often caused famine. Poor medical knowledge contributed to lower life expectancy. Many diseases that are now easily cured or prevented were common, such as measles, typhoid and dysentery. With no antibiotics and poor hygiene, infection was common and usually fatal. Death during childbirth was common and many children didn’t reach adulthood. One of the biggest killers was the bubonic plague. One outbreak called the Black Death killed over a third of the population of Europe.
Tell me about the terms of the Anglo Irish treaty
On 6 December 1921 the ‘Treaty between Great Britain and Ireland’ (the Anglo-Irish Treaty) was signed. The main terms were:
• Ireland would not be a republic but a dominion. It would have its own parliament, with control over such things as education, taxation and foreign policy for example, but the British king would remain the head of state.
• Ireland would be called the Irish Free State.
• All TDs would have to take an oath of allegiance to the British Crown.
• Northern Ireland would continue to stay in Britain and have its own parliament
Tell me about Irish soldiers during WW1
About 250,000 Irishmen fought on Britain’s side in World War I, and between 30,000 and 50,000 died. Nationalists and unionists fought on the same side, but for different reasons. Many Irishmen fought in World War I not only because of their political beliefs, but because times were hard at home and it was a good opportunity to earn money to send home to their families.
Achievements of the Romans
One achievement of the Roman Empire was the success of its expansion. The roads, buildings, political structure, language and culture they left behind continued to influence people long after the Roman Empire collapsed.
The Julian Calendar was created by Julius Caesar. It simplified the calendar the Romans had used up to then, which kept falling out of sync and needed to be adjusted regularly. Caesar made a 365-day year, with an extra day every four years. This calendar was used across Europe which we still use today.
The Romans built numerous, great buildings and structures, many of which survive today. One example is the Colosseum in Rome. It was built to host public entertainment like gladiator fights, executions and re-enactments of famous battles.
Name and explain 4 consequences of the famine
Rise in anti-British feeling: Many palmed the British government for what happened and for not receiving help in time. They wanted there own parliament in Dublin and wanted independence this encouraged the 1916 Easter rising
Fall in Irish language: Before the famine people on the west and south West Coast of Ireland spoke Irish. This changed after the famine as many had emigrated and parents thought their children English so when they grew up they would be able to get a good job and leave Ireland
Decline in the Irish population: A census recorded in 1441 showed 8 million people living in Ireland. This dropped by 2 million between 1445-1450. 1 million people died of disease and the other 1 million emigrated to America or to England
Change in farming: The blight affected Ireland the most die to our very higher reliance on potato’s. Farmers swore to never let this happen again so lords started using cows and animals on their farms and switched from tillage to pastoral farming. Farmers stopped doing subdivision and now just passed the farm on to their oldest son. This meant the girls and the younger boys were left to emigrate in order to find work
Tell me about the good Friday agreement
Just before Easter 1998, the parties and governments reached agreement on the Good Friday Agreement. This was an attempt at a comprehensive deal to secure a sustainable peace for Northern Ireland. Its main terms included:
• power sharing between all the main political parties
• cross-border bodies to link the north and south
• that the Republic would give up its constitutional claim on Northern Ireland
• the release of IRA and loyalist prisoners from jail
Tell me about the planning of the Easter rising
The Irish Republican Brotherhood (IRB) had infiltrated many organisations in Ireland, including the GAA, Sinn Féin and the Irish Volunteer Force (IVF). Soon after the outbreak of World War I, the
IRB leaders began to plan a rising. Home Rule had been put on hold and the IRB knew that Britain was distracted elsewhere and this would be the perfect time to strike. The IRB formed a secret Military Council to organise the Rising. Its members included people like Thomas Clarke, Pádraig Pearse and Éamonn Ceannt. The council was secret due to the danger of infiltration by spies for the British government. The Military Council needed weapons. Joseph Plunkett and the Irishman and former British diplomat Sir Roger Casement used the money to buy arms and ammunition from Germany, Britain’s enemy in World War I. It was decided that the Rising would begin on Easter Sunday, 23 April 1916 - not only because Easter was a holiday period, but also because Pearse believed in blood sacrifice.
Tell me about the 1916 Easter rising
The Military Council went ahead with the Rising on Easter Monday, 24 April 1916. Pearse felt that the British would not expect this after the loss of the Aud. As it was a bank holiday Monday, many British soldiers based in Dublin had the day off. Only Dublin Volunteers could be gathered on such short notice, so the Rising was now mainly confined to the capital. By now the rebels knew it would be a military failure, but hoped that their blood sacrifice would inspire people. On Easter Monday morning, about 1,500 Volunteers and members of the Irish Citizen Army marched from Liberty Hall to various city centre buildings. The locations they occupied included the General Post Office, the Four Courts, the South Dublin Union, St Stephen’s Green and the Royal College of Surgeons. Pearse and Connolly occupied the GPO and made it the headquarters of the Rising. Outside the GPO, Pearse read the Proclamation of the Irish aloud - announcing that they were setting up a provisional government replacing Britain’s control in Ireland. At the time, many people walking by did not grasp the importance of this event; some even thought that it was a play.
Causes of the American revolution
- Restrictions on American trade the colonies had become tense by the 1750s. Britain wanted a cheap supply of raw materials like cotton for its expanding industries and saw America as a good source for these. However, Britain did not want American competition for its industries. The British Parliament had passed a series of Navigation Acts, which forced the colonies to sell some of their products to Britain alone. This meant that the British could decide the price, as the Americans had nobody else to sell to. These rules caused a lot of smuggling, which led to clashes with the British navy.
- No Taxation without Representation!
The British introduced the Stamp Act (1765), requiring all legal documents, wills, newspapers, certificates and playing cards to have a government stamp and the Quartering Act (1765). The colonists were furious. They did not want to pay more taxes and they especially resented taxes being forced upon them by a parliament in London in which they had no representatives. Opposition groups used the slogan ‘No Taxation without Representation’.
What was the results of the American revolution
- The foundation and growth of the United States of America
The most significant result of the war was the independence of the 13 colonies. After the Treaty of Paris in 1783, conflicts arose among the colonies. In order to prevent these problems from occurring again, a Constitutional Convention was called in 1787. This was chaired by George Washington and contained representatives from all the new states. It wrote a constitution for their new country, the United States of America. A constitution is the set of fundamental rules for running a country that outlines the powers of government and the rights of citizens. - The impact on France and Ireland
News of events in America spread quickly. Newspapers, letters and returning soldiers brought the colonists’ ideas to other peoples. People looked to the American republic for inspiration. This paved the way for the French Revolution in 1789. Ireland had been under British rule since the 1100s. There, people looked at America’s example and of an independent Ireland. This led to the 1798 Rebellion. - The influence of ideas
The Declaration of Independence states that ‘all men are created equal’, but this supposed equality and freedom was limited to white men following the creation of the USA.
• Women were treated as second-class citizens, with few rights
• Millions of black slaves were kept by owners across the southern USA.
• Indigenous Americans were killed and drive out of their land and forced to give up their cultures
Name 1 reformer that you have studied
Martin Luther
Explain 3 relief efforts of the famine
• In November 1845 Prime Minister Sir Robert was that nobody knew how to cook it. When the British Peel sent aid in the form of maize (cheap corn from the USA) - enough to feed one million people for one month. It was offered at cost price, but many still could not afford it, or sold they all they had to buy the maize.
• Public works schemes were set up for people affected people could not to earn money by building roads, walls or bridges. By 1846, 400,000 people were involved in these schemes. This was hard, physical work for people who were weak with hunger. They earned 1 shilling per day, but this wasn’t enough as prices had risen due to shortages.
• From the early 1840s, workhouses were established for those who had nowhere else to go. A workhouse was a large building where people worked in return for basic accommodation and food. The whole family had to enter together. This was so that landlords could clear their land of tenants who could not pay rent. Life in the workhouse - was meant to be harsh, so as not to encourage people to stay and to keep down the numbers entering. Despite this, the workhouses were full to overflowing. Inside, families were split up; some never met again. By 1847, there were 200,000 people in the workhouses - double what they should hold. Disease spread easily.
Tell me about the course of the famine
• 1845: Farmers noticed the potato stalks turning black and a strange smell from the fields. They found that the potatoes were rotten. Luckily, they had some potatoes in storage from an earlier harvest, so mass starvation was not a problem in 1845.
• 1846: Two-thirds of the crop was lost to blight and people had used up what stores they had. The poorest began to starve. Disease spread as immune systems were weakened. People died of tuberculosis, measles and scarlet fever.
• 1847: There was virtually no potato blight but people had few seeds to plant, so the crop was very small. The poor continued to die of hunger and disease.
• 1848-1850: Starvation and disease worsened. Some 40,000 more people died in 1850 than died in 1846. Typhus and cholera killed many due to poor living conditions and dirty water. People moving to towns to find work brought disease with them and it spread rapidly.
Tell me about one social change in Ireland in the 1960
Until the 1960s, Ireland had no domestic television service. This was seen as another example of Ireland lagging behind the rest of the world. In 1960 the government passed the Broadcasting Authority Act, which set up an independent authority to run radio and television in Ireland. Telefís Éireann (later RTÉ) launched on 31 December 1961. By the 1970s, more than 50% of the homes in the country had a TV and most received only the one RTÉ channel.
What was the Irish civil war
On 28 June 1922, Collins began to attack the Four Courts with artillery borrowed from Britain. The Civil War had officially begun. Within two days, the Irregulars in the Four Courts had surrendered and within the week had yielded the other buildings in Dublin city. Sixty-four people died in Dublin, The Irregulars retreated to Munster, where they had a lot of support. They gained control of many old RIC barracks and used guerrilla warfare tactics against the Free State Army. A recruitment drive meant that the Free State Army grew to 60,000, greatly outnumbering the Irregulars. Cork fell to the Free State Army on 12 August.
Tell me about life in a castle
Life in the castle was good for the king but tough for everyone else. It took lots of men and many years to build the castle there were curtain walls protecting the castle and the main king lived in the keep. This was usually on a hill and had a mote and drawbridge around it. The enclosed area at the bottom was called Bailey. This is where stables,workshops and kitchens were. It was also a place for people and animals to go to if they were under attack.
Tell me about Michelangelo
Michelangelo was born near Florence in 1475 and as a child showed great interest in sculpture. In 1496, he sculpted the Pietà a sculpture of Mary holding the body of Jesus. In 1501, in Florence, he created the statue of David, his most famous work. He also wrote poetry and designed buildings including St Peter’s Basilica, where the Pièta is displayed.
When was the printing press invented
Tell me about Cortes
In February 1519 Hernan Cortes landed with 11 ships,500 soldiers and 13 horses in the Caribbean. He burned his ships to show his people and the local tribes he was here to stay. He was seen as a god by local tribes due to his pale skin,feathered hat and horse. However the Spanish began to steal from the local tribes. The local tribes used violence to drive them out of there city but Cortes returned with100,000 more men. The Caribbean city fell and many people were massacred. The Spanish king appointed Cortes governor of this new territory.
What were the 3 main impacts of colonisation
The 3 main impacts were the destruction of culture,the spread of Christianity and a massive growth in slave trade. The sharp decline in the indigenous population contributed to the loss of civilisation. Indigenous languages and cultural disappeared. Priest set up Catholic Churches in the new world and carried hundreds and hundreds of thousands of conversations. Slave trade increased as there was a need to replace the indigenous workforce as they died off due to disease, millions of Africans were transported across the Atlantic.
How did the Ulster plantation influence identity
The newcomers brought with them their own traditions, culture and religion and formed their own community
Course of the American revolution
After his defeat at Philadelphia, Washington regrouped at Valley Forge with his 11,000 men during the winter of 1777-1778. This was one of the harshest winters of the century. Disease was rife in the camp and by the end of February, 3,000 men had died. Hundreds more had deserted. However, the army that emerged from Valley Forge at winter’s end had been transformed. Washington had won the undying loyalty of his men by refusing to abandon them. Over the next few years, the balance of the war turned in favour of the Americans. They won more battles, and Washington kept the British largely confined to New York. In the decisive battle at Yorktown in October 1781, 7,000 British soldiers under Lord Cornwallis were surrounded by 9,000 American and 5,000 French troops on land and a French fleet at sea. Cut off from reinforcements and supplies and outnumbered two to one marking the end of the war.
Tell me about George Washington
George Washington was born in Virginia to a family of wealthy slave-owning, tobacco-farming landowners. He fought in the British army in the Seven Years’ War. He was elected to represent Virginia at the Continental Congresses, where he supported independence. He was appointed commander-in-chief of the Continental Army in 1775 and led the army in many of the key battles. Washington was elected the first President of the USA in 1789, and was re-elected in 1792. He worked to set up the new government. He retired in 1797 and died in 1799. The capital of the US was named ‘Washington’ in his honour.
Tell me about wolf tone
Wolfe Tone was born in Dublin in 1763. He studied at Trinity College and became a barrister. He was inspired by the Enlightenment and the French Revolution’s ideas. He helped to found the United Irishmen in 1791. In 1795 he fled Ireland fearing arrest and went to France to seek help. His invasion failed in Bantry Bay in 1797. Wolfe Tone returned in 1798 having learned of the United Irishmen’s rising. He was captured in Donegal and later ended his own life before he could be executed. He is considered the Father of Irish Republicanism as his ideas inspired groups like the Young Irelanders.
Describe the consequences of the 1798 rebellion
- Growth of sectarianism
The events of 1798 intensified sectarian divisions in Ireland between Catholics and Protestants. - The Act of Union
After two attempted French invasions and a failed rebellion, the government in London decided to bring Ireland back under its direct control. It used a mixture of bribery and threats to get the Dublin parliament to pass the Act of Union 1800, which abolished the parliament in Dublin. Irish MPs went to Westminster and Ireland was run from there for the next 120 years. - Irish republicanism
Despite his failed rebellion, Wolfe Tone’s dream of an independent Irish republic based on equality between Catholics and Protestants inspired many who came after him. He became known as the ‘Father of Irish Republicanism’ and his ideas inspired the Young Irelanders and many more.
Tell me about the steam engine
The invention of the steam engine contributed greatly to historical change. Steam power would be used to power machines in factories. Thomas Newcomen invented the first steam engine. This was further improved by James Watt. The first useful steam engines were invented in the late 1600’s. Railways began to grow around Britain which greatly speeded up transport. These railways had many impacts:
• Fast, cheap reliable transport.
• Growth in tourism
• Growth of towns and cities
• Growth of industry
Tell me about crime and punishment in the 19 century
By the 18th century Britain began to harshly punish those who committed crimes often by execution. Small crimes such as livestock theft and robbery were punished by death. This was an outdated system. Sir Robert Peel would campaign to change these outdated punishments and in 1829 the first professional police force was set up in Britain. New crimes developed due to the changing society. New punishments for crimes were developed in the 19th century. Transportation became a new form of punishment. This was where prisoners were sent to Australia to work for free. Almost 200,000 criminals were sent here. Prisons eventually replaced transportation.
Tell me about the Irish diaspora
The Irish diaspora what is the scattering of Irish immigrants under descendants across the world. The Irish emigrated to cities like Liverpool and Manchester as even though England was going to a famine they also experienced a huge industrial revolution. When the Irish moved to Britain, they were very poor as most people didn’t want to hire them and they lived in the slums meaning they caught diseases quickly and died from these diseases.
Tell me about Edward Carson and his aims
Edward Carson was the leader of the Unionist Party between 1910 and 1921. He was a Dublin-born Protestant lawyer and he wanted:
• the parliament in Westminster to continue to make laws for Ireland
• the British government and the Crown to still have representatives in Ireland.
Tell me how and why the Civil War ended
On the 12th of August 1922 at the age of 51 Arthur Griffith founder of Sinn Fein died of a brain haemorrhage. Just 10 days later Michael Collins was killed in an ambush at Béal ña Bláth between Bandon and Cork city while inspecting the free State Army. Their deaths were mourned deeply. People who fought alongside Collins like Valera believed that blood shed needed to end leading to the end of the Civil War.
In what year did William Shakespeare open his own theatre
What year was William Shakespeare born in
Tell me about the outbreak of the war of independence
The War of Independence began on 21 January 1919 - the very same day that the first Dáil met
- when a Royal Irish Constabulary (RIC) patrol was ambushed in Soloheadbeg, Co. Tipperary. Two RIC constables, James McDonnell and Patrick O’Connell, were killed by the group of volunteers, led by Dan Breen and Séan Treacy.
Tell me about three methods used in the war of independence
• The IRA used guerrilla warfare tactics against the British forces. Guerrilla warfare is a tactic involving ambushes and hit-and-run methods. RIC barracks were attacked and raided.
• Michael Collins, as Director of Intelligence, organised an intelligence network of spies to gather information from a wide range of people such as secretaries, housekeepers, cleaners. He formed a Dublin group called the Squad. These were assassins whose job was to kill spies and British detectives.
• Local units called flying columns were set up as numbers in the IRA increased. They took part in large-scale ambushes, raided local police stations for arms and helped organise the IRA in rural areas.
Tell me about Martin Luther
Martin Luther was born into a wealthy family in Germany in 1483. And he went to study law and then he studied the Bible as he wanted to get into heaven. The Catholic Church said that people have to pray and do good work to get into heaven while Martin Luther should believe this and believe only God could forgive you for your sins. In 1517 John came into Martin’s local town looking for money of the sale of indulgences I was telling people if they paid they were guaranteed to go to heaven. Litter was appealed a wrote letter to Pope Leo the tenth who ignored him. He wrote the 95 teas in Latin and is said to have nailed it to a church door for everyone to read due to the printing press it was translated to German and spread like wildfire. It was only in 1519 did Pope Leo the 10th see Luther as a big threat and he sent someone to debate in public Luther said worst things this time and said that the pope had no rule over the church or Christianity. He was expelled from the Christian community after publicly burning a letter from the pope in 1519. In 1521 the dirt of worms held between princes in Germany were allowing Luther to protest his believes. He refused and was declared an outcast. His Supporters were known as Protestants. He was arrested and Prince Frederick of Saxbury helped him to escape and held him in a castle in Waterburg for a year he died in 1546.
Describe to me serfs lives
A serf’s home was tiny - a single room with wattle and daub walls, an earthen floor and a thatched roof. Outside they grew vegetables and kept a few animals. Inside was cramped, dark and smoky from the fire. At night, the animals were kept inside for warmth and safety. Men wore tunics and leggings, while women wore long dresses with a head scarf. Their shoes were made from leather. All clothing was handmade, of wool or linen, and dyed using berry juice. For food, a serf family had only what they could produce from their small plot. Their main diet consisted of bread, cheese and a vegetable and oat soup called pottage. They drank ale (a weak beer made from barley) because it was safer to drink than water.
Tell me about the causes of the renaissance
Wealth from trade: Italy’s position in the centre of the Mediterranean meant that it had grown rich on trade in goods coming overland from the East, such as silks and spices. These merchants had money to spend on works of art and architecture to demonstrate their wealth and power.
New ideas from trade: Traders brought back more than goods from the East. Merchants travelled to China, India and Arabia and returned with ideas from these advanced civilisations. For example, they learned about mathematics from the Arabs and introduced the Arabic number system to Europe, which we still use today.
What were the reasons For the reasons for European expiration
New trade routes: The trade in silks and spices from the East was very profitable. After the Black Death, Europe’s population grew rapidly and became wealthier. Explorers and traders could grow very rich if they could find ways to get more goods to Europe more quickly.
Desire for empire: Many European rulers sponsored voyages of exploration so that they could expand their territory to any newly discovered lands. Countries on the Atlantic coast (Portugal, Spain, France and England) especially wanted to undermine Italy’s power by bypassing the Mediterranean as the centre of trade.
The influence of the Renaissance:
People were eager to learn and were questioning their existing beliefs. In particular the
rediscovery of the Geographia by the Roman writer Ptolemy, which contained Roman knowledge about geography, changed how people understood the world.
What was the reason for the American Revolution?
Relations between Britain and the colonies had become tense by the 1750s. Britain wanted a cheap supply of raw materials like cotton for its expanding industries and saw America as a good source for these. However, Britain did not want American competition for its industries. It wanted America as a market to sell the finished goods made by British industry using American materials. The British Parliament had passed a series of Navigation Acts, which forced the colonies to sell some of their products (cotton, sugar, tobacco) to Britain alone. This meant that the British could decide the price, as the Americans had nobody else to sell to. These rules caused a lot of smuggling, which led to clashes with the British navy.
The British introduced the Stamp Act (1765), requiring all legal documents, wills, newspapers, certificates and playing cards to have a government stamp - which had to be paid for - and the Quartering Act (1765), which imposed taxes to cover the cost of soldiers in the colonies.
The colonists were furious. They did not want to pay more taxes and they especially resented taxes being forced upon them by a parliament in London in which they had no representatives. Opposition groups used the slogan ‘No Taxation without Representation’. There were widespread protests and violence against the Stamp Act in particular. ‘Stamp men’ were beaten up and ‘tarred and feathered’. The act was withdrawn in 1766.
What happened during the Boston massacre?
After they had repealed the Stamp Act, the British instead imposed the Townshend Acts in 1767, which placed taxes on goods that America imported, such as tea, glass, paint and lead. Tensions and protests continued and in 1770 a Boston mob, protesting at the Townshend Acts, confronted a group of British soldiers. The soldiers opened fire and five people were killed in the ‘Boston Massacre’.
What was the Boston tea party?
After the Boston Massacre, the British withdrew all the Townshend Acts and other taxes - except a small tax on tea imports, to show they had the right to tax the colonies. In December 1773 a group from the Sons of Liberty dressed as Native Americans dumped 342 crates of East India Company tea into Boston Harbour, an event later known as the Boston Tea Party. In response, the British government imposed the ‘intolerable acts’ on Boston and the colony of Massachusetts. The port of Boston was closed until compensation was paid for the tea and the city was put under military rule.
Tell me about D-Day
Stalin needed Churchill and Roosevelt to attack from the west to ease the pressure on the Red Army. In Operation Overlord, over 150,000 US, British and Canadian troops would land in Normandy, France - but they fed the Germans false plans that they were to land further east, at Calais. General Eisenhower led the largest seaborne invasion in history, with over 7,000 ships and landing craft, on 6 June 1944, now known as D-Day. Most of Germany’s troops were stationed in Calais. The Allies landed around 156,000 troops to the west while 10,000 planes protected them from overhead. They broke down German defences on the beaches, built artificial harbours to bring in tanks and trucks and established a pipeline for fuel. By August, the Allies had stopped the Germans at Falaise, and Paris was liberated on 25 August.
What was the impact of world war 2
• In total, over 60 million people died in World War
• Many cities, such as Coventry, Warsaw, Dresden and Leningrad, were destroyed by bombing.
Whole industries, vast areas of farmland, roads, railways, communications and so forth also had to be rebuilt.
• Trials of Nazi war criminals took place in Nuremberg; some were executed.
• The USA and the USSR were now the two most powerful countries, also known as superpowers, in the world. Tensions between the two developed into the Cold War.
• Britain and France were weak after the war. Their colonies began to demand independence.
• The United Nations was established in 1945 to prevent another war. It replaced the League of Nations.
Tell me about Christopher Columbus
Christopher Columbus was born in Genoa, Italy in 1451. He was a merchant sailor and studied at Sagres. He was convinced that the best and quickest way to reach China was by sailing west across the Atlantic. He thought the world was significantly smaller than it actually is. After many European rulers rejected his ideas, he convinced King Ferdinand and Queen Isabella of Spain. They gave him three ships: the Niña, the Pinta and the Santa Maria. On 12 October 1492, land was sighted, 69 days after they left Spain. Columbus named it San Salvador and the inhabitants Indians, as he was sure he had reached India. He returned to Spain with some of the indigenous people as slaves, exotic fruit, maize (a type of corn), parrots and some gold. People believed he had found a sea route to Asia and he was appointed governor of the new territory.
What was life like in Britain during World War Two
Thousands of homes were destroyed in the air raids. Whenever warning sirens were heard, people took shelter. Up to 130,000 slept in the London Underground stations. Children from the cities were sent to stay with families in the countryside, where it was safer. Approximately 7 million women entered the workforce during World War II. On farms, in factories and on the railways, women filled roles that had been left vacant when men went to war. Before the war, Britain had imported two-thirds of its food supplies. Now merchant ships were under attack by U-boats. Foods such as sugar, butter and bacon became rare and ration books were introduced for every citizen.
Main events during the 1798 Irish rebellion
In Antrim, Henry Joy McCracken led 4,000 mostly Presbyterian rebels into battle on 6 June. The rebellion there collapsed following their defeat at Antrim town. In Co. Down, Henry Munro led 7,000 rebels to initial success at Saintfield, but they were later defeated over two days’ fighting - the longest battle of the whole rebellion - at Ballynahinch.
Wexford saw the most intensive action of the rebellion. The rebels were led by a Catholic priest, Fr John Murphy, and were armed mainly with pikes.The rebellion quickly spread throughout the county. Government troops were defeated at Oulart Hill and the rebels then marched on and captured Enniscorthy and Wexford town. Rebel attempts to break out of Wexford were defeated. The main force of the rebels, including their leaders, was surrounded and defeated at Vinegar Hill by General Lake on 21 June.
Name two key people in the 1798 rebellion
Wolf tone and father John Murphy
3 aspects of life in an ancient or medieval civilisation
Education in Ancient Rome:
Plebeian children received a basic education at home and then began working with their parents. A wealthy Roman’s education had three different stages:
1. Boys (and some girls) from the age of seven to twelve attended a ludus, where they learned reading, writing and arithmetic.
2. At 12, boys could attend a grammaticus, where they learned history, grammar and geometry and studied literature by Greek and Roman writers such as Homer and Virgil. Girls of the same age were kept at home and taught by their mothers how to spin, weave and run a household.
3. At 16, a patrician boy was taught the art of public speaking to prepare him for a career in public life.
Slavery was an everyday feature of Roman life. By law, slaves were the property of their masters. In Rome itself there were over 300,000 slaves, who came from a number of different sources:
• Any prisoners of war became slaves.
• The children of slaves were automatically slaves themselves.
• People captured by pirates or bandits while travelling were often sold as slaves.
• Parents in debt sometimes sold their own children into slavery.
Thousands of slaves worked on Rome’s public building projects such as aqueducts.
Woman and marriage:
Roman girls were usually married by the age of 14 or 15. Marriages were to benefit the families involved, and the girl had little or no say in the man her father chose. A wife was expected to run her husband’s home, make his clothes, supervise slaves, bear a son and oversee the rearing of children. Roman women did have some rights. For example, a woman’s property was kept separate from her husband’s and could be taken with her if they divorced. Many women died in childbirth, so men often married several times and a girl could easily end up marrying a man her father’s age.
Tell me about one advancement in science during the renaissance and its impact
One main change in science during the renaissance was the invention of the telescope by a professor of mathematics in Italy named Galileo Galilee. He improved it so it could magnify upon objects hundreds of times using small lenses. His use of the telescope to study stats helped lead to important discoveries such as the surface of the moon has craters and that saturen has rings. This invention led to the discovery that the earth rotates around the sun.
One advancement in art during the renaissance and it’s impact
One of the biggest advantages in art during the renaissance was how they painted the body. They made people look real. They painted wrinkles,muscles,fold in clothes and how the lights and shadows fall. They used real life people as models for their work. To create deeped and distance in a painting they used sfumato to create a smoking effect. These innovations made renaissance look more realistic. They reflected the humanity ideas of focusing on the real world and the people who live in it.
Tell me about the space race
This space race a lot of competition between the US and USSR and was part of the Cold War. It led new developments of the number of firsts link the USSR sent the first satellite called Sputnik to space while the Us landed Neil Armstrong the first man on the moon. This led to increased competition between the US and USSR in the 1960s and an improvement in technologies such as new computers that could be used to the military and civilisation life. It also improved CAT and MRI scans and water purification technology. This was an extremely important decade as led to the achievement of what was deemed impossible in previous decades.
Tell me about the civil rights commitment in the 1960s
1960s was an important decade as it saw great progress and civil rights for black Americans. Before this slavery of black African-Americans was common and there was great racial segregation in many areas like jobs, education and voting rights. Public activist and civil rights activist Martin Luther King fought to change this. In the 1960s the Civil Rights movement emerged under the leadership of Martin Luther King. Most of the protest led were highlighted by the media to gain support as they used nonviolent methods. This led to other groups following pursuits e.g. the Northern Ireland civil rights. Due to it highlighting poverty and discrimination that my minorities face it lead to the assassination of Martin Luther King.
Tell me about the improvement in women’s liberation movements in 1960s
The women’s movement campaign for equal treatment women all around the world. In the aftermath of World War II, the lives of women in developed countries changed dramatically. Now thousands of more women were part of the workforce as more jobs now were not dependent on physical strength. Women like Betty Friedan and her book the feminine mystique led to many people protesting for women’s rights. This led to more balanced education system and female world leaders.
Tell me about the economic progress in Ireland in the 1960s
Sean Lemass was convinced radical changes in economic policy were needed to say the country. From 1959 he implanted the first program of economic expansion. Its main aims were free trade,to encourage foreign investment and give grants to businesses and farmers. This was a huge success and the company grew by 4% per year. Ireland began to engage the world much more and joined the United Nations in 1955 but became more active in the 1960s. Due to Ireland economic growth unemployment had fallen by a 3rd by 19 61 and immigration fell from 44,000 a year to 16,000 year in 1961 and to 11,000 a year by 1971.
Tell me about education in Ireland in the 1960s
In 1966, the minister of education, Donogh O’Malley wanted to expand the education workforce so the Ireland will be more attracted to foreign investment. He introduced major reforms to the education system which included free schooling the junior cycle, free transport for students to schools and grants to build more schools. They had a huge impact and the number sitting in the living search rose from 8,600 in 1961 to 24,000 in 1972.
Outline two benefits of EU trade
Irish people have benefited from EU laws and areas such as equal pay for women, workers rights and they set a minimum wage. Comment trade is now a free trade area created by eliminating restrictions such as tariffs and custom duties on trade on all goods amongst members. It has common external tariffs for goods coming into the free trade area. The intention was to increase trade between members and therefore help grow their economies.
Tell me about the life of one reformer that you have studied
Martin Luther was born into a wealthy family in Germany in 1483. And then he went to study law and became a monk. He studied the Bible as he wanted to get into heaven. The Catholic Church so that people have to pray and do God work to get into heaven. While Martin Luther didn’t believe this and only believed that God could forgive you for your sins. In 1517 John Tetzel came into Martin’s local town looking for money for the sale of indulgence he was telling people if they paid this they were guaranteed to go to heaven. Martin Luther was appalled and wrote a letter to Pope Leo V who ignored him. He later wrote the 95 these in Latin and it said to have made them to a church for everyone to read. Due to the printing price it was translated to German and spread like wildfire. It was only in 1519 Pop Leo V see Martin Luther as a threat and sent someone to publicly debate him. Luther said worst things this time and said the Pope no rule over Christianity. He was expelled from the Christian community after publicly burning a letter from the pope in 1519. In 1521 the dirt of worms was held between princess in Germany to allow Martin Luther to purchase his believe there, but he refused and then called an outlier. His supporters known as Protestants were very upset. He was arrested and Prince Fredix of Saxouny faked kidnapping him and hit him in a castle in Waterburg for a year. He died in 1546.
What impact did World War II have on the Irish?
Ireland relied an import of food and fuel and other items. This was a problem during World War II as German submarines were stopping British ships bringing supplies to and from Britain affecting imports and exports to Ireland. To make sure that Ireland had enough food the Irish shipping company was set up to transport goods to Ireland on 15 cargo ships. Food and fuel were still in shortage so the compulsory tillage scheme was introduced were farmers had to sow a certain amount of wheat on their land. Limits on food clothes, footwear and drinks were introduced due to the shortages. People were given ration books which contained coupons that could be exchanged for goods in shops.
Tell me about operation Barbarossa
Hitler wanted to expand the third reich to the east, including the USSR as it was rich in oil and he wanted to destroy communism. On the 22nd of June 1941 operation Barbarossa began. Germany invaded the Soviet Union in a rapid three pronged attack towards the most important cities of Moscow Leningrad and Kiev. Stalin was shocked when Hitler ,invaded aided by propaganda he called his people to fight. By the end of September Kiev had fallen, Leningrad was under siege and the German army was approaching Moscow. However, conditions were tough and heavy rain in October 1941 turned roads into seas of mud making transport very difficult. As winter came the German soldiers weren’t prepared for the -40°C temperatures. Petrol froze and many German soldiers froze to death. The red army seized advantage of this and launched a counter attack that stopped the German army from invading Moscow.
Tell me about the relationship between the USA and USSR during the Cold War
The Cold War was a period of ideologic differences between the two sides of the USA and USSR. It was a race for power and leadership after World War II. The USA wanted a democracy meaning a system of government represented by the whole population while the USSR wanted communism which is where the government owned all the land and each person contributes and receives land according to their ability and needs. Dislike them fighting in proxy wars where they both helped opposing sides, a smaller wars like the Vietnam war and the Korean war. They never directly fought each other. It also led to the development in technology as they both wanted to prove to one another that they were more powerful. Lead the creation of new computer computers and satellites which led to the space race. The USSR launched the first satellite Sputnik into space and sent the first man to space. While the USA are said to have won the space race as they land in Neil Armstrong, the first man on the moon. From the end of World War II in 1945 to the fall of communism in 1991 the USA and USSR had a very competitive relationship with both sides of trusting each other and spying on each other. This lead to many devastating deaths like during the Vietnam war and divide our world due to the leaders being so power hungry and the lack of trust between nations. Leading the USA and US authority to develop a bad vengeful relationship during this period in time.
Tell me two ways archaeologist located a site
Area photographs: archaeologist to fly a drone overhead to identify any unusual mound in the landscape that can’t be seen down below from a human viewpoint. They will then dig the site up to see if there was any remains left. Rescue archaeology: before you can get planning permission for a road or new building you must make sure that there is no evidence on the size that will be lost forever. E.g. before the M3 motorway was built in county Meath a total of 126 sites between Clonee and Kells were excavated.
Name the two types of people in Ancient Rome
Patricians and Plebeians
What were the causes of the ulster plantation
King James 1 wanted to unite his three kingdoms and strengthen rule in Ireland as previously only the pale was under full control of the British crown. He wanted to spread protestism in Ireland and to spread English customs,culture and laws. These were seen as superior to those’d of Gaelic Irish ,who were portrayed as being barbaric and unable to look after themselves. He ales wanted to prevent the Catholic GaelicIrish forming an alliance with other catholic countries such as Spain, and offering Ireland as a base from which to attack England
Outline one short term cause of the Irish rebellion
Wolfe Tone in France and Bantry Bay
Wolfe Tone travelled to France in 1796 to seek military support for an Irish rebellion. In December, a French fleet of 43 ships and 15,000 men under General Hoche sailed to Ireland. Storms ensured that only 14 ships reached the landing point of Bantry Bay in Cork. After several days spent trying to land in the terrible weather, the ships turned back. Marking a failed attack.
Name the two types of people in Ancient Rome
Patricians and plebeians
Tell me about the patricians
They were wealthy noble families who ruled Rome. They had huge estates and hundreds of slaves and they controlled the Roman government and army. They served in the Senate were military generals or governors of Romes provinces. Men wore a toga and woman wore stola. Of Their house was in a town it was called a domus and if they had a house in the countryside, it was called a villa
Tell me about the plebeians
They were the poor who made up the vast majority of the population in Rome. They farmed worked in trade and served in the arm. They were given dole a payment of free grain so that way they would support the rule of the patricians. The men were tunic to their knees and women wore a plain stola. Some became quite wealthy to trade and business and were known as equites. They had money but no political power. Most of these people lived in apartment blocks called insuale.
Define the term feudal system
It was a system of land ownership where rulers divided land among their followers in return for loyalty and taxes
How did World War II affect Ireland? (Air raids)
Despite its neutrality, Ireland was bombed by Germans during World War II. For example in 1940 bombs were dropped in Campile in county Wexford killing three people. In 1941 bombs were dropped on the North Strand in Dublin in 28 people. This was the most fatal attack although the Germans claimed was an accident. The Irish government did not attack as a knew what the consequence of involvement in World War II means for the Irish economy and its people.
Tell me about the course of the munster plantation
For most of the 16th century Munster was ruled by the Catholic Fitzgeralds of Desmond while Elizabeth the first was queen of England. She encouraged the English man who claims to be descendent of the early Normans to claim the land in Munster. She also appointed president men who imposed English law language and Protestant religion. The Irish Lords were angered by this and two rebellions occurred as a result. The first in 1569 was lead by James Fitzmaurice Fitzgerald cousin of the Earl of Desmond. It was put down easily and he fled to Europe. He returned in 1579 with soldiers sent by Pope Gregory XIII. He was soon killed but his cousin Earl of Desmond took over. He was later defeated in 1583. Undertakers were given the Desmond‘s land and they had to agree to terms like split the land into enormous states of 4000 to 12,000 acres, pay rent to the crown and only hire English farmers, labourers, and craftsman
What was the result of the Munster plantation?
The crown had hoped for 2000 settlers, but only 1/5 of that number went, they still had to rent to the Gaelic Irish as the estates were too large to be managed with the planters alone, the Gaelic Irish continues to attack the plantations, new farming methods such as tillage farming were brought to Ireland and lessons were learned for future plantations
Tell me about Viking raids and settlements and how impacted Ireland’s relationship with European countries
The first recorded Viking attacks in Ireland took place in 795 and focused on rich monasteries. By the ninth century, the Vikings were establishing Longports for trading and they eventually established large towns such as Wexford, Waterford, Wicklow, Limerick and Dublin. Early Christian monasteries were easy targets for Raiders. To the pagan Vikings Christian monasteries were not sacred in anyway and were seen as isolated places full of treasure and without warriors to defend them. The Vikings took captives to sell them as slaves as well as cattle and a food source along with famous art and metal works produced by the early Christians. Overtime the Viking settled in Ireland intermarried with the Gaelic people and adopt the Gaelic culture and customs. Eventually the Vikings disappeared as a distant group in Ireland but they deeply influenced Irish culture and society as they found new towns such as Waterford and Limerick, they introduced currency to Ireland which opened up more trade links with Europe, they introduced new words to the Irish language such as bróg which means shoe and long which means ship. Also nowadays many Irish surnames are a Viking origin for example Doyle, Higgins and O’Rourke. Vikings improved Ireland’s development of urban areas are made it more connected with Europe through new trade routes.
What happened during the Norman invasion of Ireland?
In 1169, Diarmait Mac Murchada, the deposed King of Leinster, sought military support from the
Normans to reclaim his throne, leading to the arrival of forces led by Richard de Clare, also known as
Strongbow. The Normans quickly secured victories, and Strongbow cemented his authority by marrying
Diarmait’s daughter Aoife, strengthening his claim to Leinster. However the growing power of the Normans in Ireland drew the attention of King Henry II of England, who arrived in 1171 to assert control over them and prevent the establishment of an independent Norman kingdom. The Normans held their hold over Ireland by constructing stone castles to replace traditional Irish ringforts, strengthening their military dominance. They introduced feudalism, granting land to Norman lords and fundamentally altering Ireland’s social and political structure.
How did the Norman invasion impact Irelands relationship with Europe?
The Norman invasion firmly linked Ireland with England and by extension European political and economic affairs. Norman rule introduced European feudal laws and administrative systems reshaping Ireland’s governance. Towns such as Kilkenny and New Ross flourished under Norman control facilitating the growth of European-style markets and trade networks. Architecturally, stone castles and churches reflected styles from Normandy and England, blending Irish. culture with European influences. Over time, the Normans assimilated into Irish society, adopting Gaelic customs while retaining their European connections. However, their presence laid the foundation for continued English involvement in Irish affairs.
Who ordered the ulster plantation to take place
King James I