3rd Test Flashcards
Came up with modern method for writing the symbol for an element
Jon’s Jakob Berzelius
Mixture of tin and lead
Discovered nitrogen
Daniel Rutherford
Discovered that static electricity was miniature lightning
Benjamin Franklin
Italian medical scientist who discovered that static electricity caused frog legs to twitch
Luigi Galvani
Mixture of copper and tin
A process that prevents iron from rusting
Created te first electric battery
Alessandro Volta
Used electricity to separate oxygen from various elements and discovered many elements in this way
Humphrey Davy
The alkali metals made from ash
Are members of the sodium family, and have a silvery luster and conduct electricity and heat are soft, melt at a low temperature
The Royal Society was formed to
Communicate new ideas rapidly
Current electricity is due to the motion of
Humphrey Davy invented a safety lamp for miners
He refused to patent so that miners could get it more quickly
Diamonds and graphite
Are two forms of carbon
Is a metal used by the Aztecs that fell from the sky
Reacts to the oxygen in water so fast that it ignites hydrogen making water burn
Used to make soap, windows, salt and baking soda
False science
The element necessary for
Shooting stars
Sterling silver is ______ silver and _____ another metal
11/12, 1/12
A block of ______ will float in mercury
Synthetic diamonds are made by using great _______ and _________
Pressure and temperature
_______ is the lightest gas
Robert Boyle gave is the modern definition of ________ which proved that alchemy was impossible
______ causes fires to burn well
Most of the air is made up of ______
Often credited with discovering carbon dioxide
Joseph Priestly
Famous scientist who defined the laws of gravity and was born the same year Galileo died
Isaac Newton
Goodyear discovered vulcanized rubber when he
Heated sulfur with raw rubber
The invisible college was
A gathering of experiments scientists
Cavendish released the gas hydrogen by exposing metals to
Hydrochloric acid
Cast iron, steel, and wrought iron differ only in the amount of this element in them
Reacts to the oxygen in water so fast that it ignites hydrogen making water burn
Discovered hydrogen
Henry Cavendish
In ancient times ________ was even more valuable than gold
Burning is an example of _______ oxidation
__________ was an American scientist who saw a meteorite fall and began investigating
Benjamin Silliman
Latin name for lead
A negative characteristic of gold is that it’s ________
Though _______ is poisonous it can be made safe by combining it with metal such as silver.
A metal is a solid material that is typically hard, shiny , __________ and capable of being drawn out into wire of thread
The most important compound using sulfur is ___________. It is used in car batteries and to clean metal before manufacturing
Sulfuric acid
Alchemists believed that gold could be made by combining sulfur because it was _________ and lead because it was __________.
Yellow, heAvy
One of the ten greatest scientists of all time is ________. He was a chemist who helped get science back on track.
Robert Boyle
Robert Boyle made __________ out of phosphorous and sulfur
When in the presence of oxygen, hydrogen is very ________