3a - Adherence to Treatment (03.02.2020) Flashcards
“the action or fact of applying with a wish or command”
-> not said that much anymore because it implies that the patient is not involved.
- “attachment or commitment to a person, cause, or belief”
- Adherence to long-term therapy as “the extent to which a person’s behaviour – taking medication, following a diet, and/or executing lifestyle changes, corresponds with agreed recommendations from a health care provider (WHO)
- has a wide spectrum of behaviour (incl. under- and overadherence)
Compliance vs Adherence
- “Compliance refers to the extent to which patients follow doctors’ prescription about medicine taking;
- adherence refers to the extent to which patients follow through decisions about medicine taking;
- and CONCORDANCE refers to the extent to which patients are successfully supported both in decision making partnerships about medicines and in their medicines taking.”
refers to the extent to which patients are successfully supported both in decision making partnerships about medicines and in their medicines takin
Measuring non-adherence
- difficult
- There is no gold standard for measuring non-adherence, and different studies define and measure non-adherence in different ways
- limited concordance in health professionals’ judgement of patient adherence
Methods to measure non-adherence
Direct methods include:
- Directly observed therapy
- Measurement of level of medicine / metabolite in the blood
- Measurement of biologic marker in the blood
Indirect methods include:
- Patient questionnaire
- Patient self-report
- Pill counts
- Rates of prescription refills
- Electronic medication monitors
- Patient diaries
=> all have pros and cons!
Impact and consequences of non-adherence
- Poor health outcomes
- Increased healthcare costs
is information enough to change behaviour?
- it is important but it is not sufficient and ineffective by itself
Theories and models of non-adherence
- Patient ability and resources -> Practical patient barriers to adherence
- Patient beliefs and motivations -> Patient perceptual barriers to adherence
- However – there is considerable overlap between the two, e.g. health beliefs will influence “unintentional” non-adherence such as forgetting
- Need to understand the causes of non-adherence in order to recommend effective intervention
COM-B model of Behavior
- interaction between Capability, Opportunity and Motivation -> causes the behaviour
- Intended as a starting point for choosing interventions that are most likely to be effective and forms the “hub” of a behaviour change wheel around which are nine intervention functions and seven categories of policy
- bidirectional relationship between everything
Applying COM-B to medication adherence
- Jackson et al (2014):
- capability: psychological (e.g. cognitive function) and physical (e.g. dexterity)
- motivation: reflective (beliefs) and automatic (e.g. mood)
= opportunity: physical (e.g. cost) and social (e.f. stigma, religion)
Illness perception
- Some illness perceptions are associated with treatment adherence in some conditions, e.g.:
- Causal beliefs predict adherence behaviour in post MI (Weinman et al., 2000)
- Timeline beliefs predict preventer medication adherence in asthma (Horne, Weinman, 2002)
- Causal, timeline and control beliefs predict adherence to CBT in psychosis (Freeman et al., 2013)
Categories of beliefs that people can have about illness and health perceptions
- Identity
- Consequences
- Cause
- Timeline (cyclical, acute, chronic?)
- Control or cure
Specific beliefs and views about prescribed medication
- Necessity: Beliefs about necessity of prescribed medication for maintaining health
- Concerns: Arising from beliefs about potential negative effects
Doubts about necessity
Concerns about potential adverse effects
= Low adherence
Patient beliefs about illness and treatment…
- Influence adherence
- Have internal logic
- Are influenced by symptoms
- May differ from the “medical view”
- May be based on mistaken beliefs
- May not be disclosed in the consultation
- Are not set in stone and can be changed
=> don’t make assumptions about what the person thinks and believes.
=> the beliefs are not set in stone and they can be changed
What should healthcare professionals do in terms of adherence?
WHO (2003) – Healthcare providers should be able to assess the patient’s readiness to adhere, provide advice on how to do it, and follow up the patient’s progress at every contact.
Ways to improve adherence
Interventions to:
- Improve understanding of illness and treatment
- Help patients to plan and organise their treatment
Using the consultation to facilitate informed adherence:
- Check the patient’s understanding of treatment, and if necessary:
- Provide a clear rationale for the necessity of treatment
- Elicit and address concerns
- Agree a practical plan for how, where and when to take treatment
- Identify any possible barriers
Conclusions about adherence
- Non-adherence is common!!
- Adherence should not be assumed, but discussed with the patient
- Beliefs about illness and treatment are the strongest factors affecting adherence
- Understanding the cause of non-adherence can help identify a suitable intervention!! (also important to remember that sometimes they are not disclosed)
- COM-B model can help to explain non-adherence
- Simple strategies can be used to improve adherence