How does the ac system provide temp controlled air
it processes bleed air from the engines, apu or ground air source in air cond packs
Describe the flow, in general of the system
conditioned air from the left pack, upstream of the mix manifold, goes to the flt deck
excess air from left pack, air from rt pack and air from recirc system is combined in the mix manifold
this then goes to the left and right sidewall risers and to the pax cabin
What controls the flow of bleed air to the pack?
the pack valve
Describe the normal bleed air sources for the packs
normally the left pack uses bleed air from Eng 1
right pack from eng 2
Can a single pack provide adequate pressure
Yes - a single pack in HIGH FLOW is capable to sustain both Press and Temp up to 41k
Can APU provide adequate bleed air?
yes - the APU can supply bleed air for
2 - packs on the ground
1 pack in flight
Are there any pack operating concerns when it comes to bleed air?
if everything is operating normally, 2 engines, packs to auto and both eng bleed switches ON what is the pack flow rate
Normal flow
Describe Pack Auto logic
AIR - and flaps are UP (pack auto and eng bleed are ON)
- if one pack fails - 1 engine fails - or 1 pack switch is turned OFF
- the other automatically switches to HIGH FLOW
- if one pack fails - 1 engine fails - or 1 pack switch is turned OFF
GROUND or FLAPS ARE DOWN (pack auto both eng bleed ON)
- if one pack fails - 1 engine fails - or 1 pack switch is turned OFF
- the remaining pack will NOT automatically switch to HIGH FLOW
- auto switch is inhibited to ensure adequate eng power or sgl eng operation
- if one pack fails - 1 engine fails - or 1 pack switch is turned OFF
- if APU bleed ON (both eng bleeds OFF) w/ both packs in AUTO
- auto switch to high flow occurs with a single pack failure
- regardless of flaps or air/ground status
- NOTE - in this configuration the flt crew can FORCE and APU HIGH AIR FLOW rate when either or BOTH packs are in HIGH (give max airflow) when APU is sole source
- auto switch to high flow occurs with a single pack failure
Describe and state purpose of the RAM air system
- to provide cooling for the PACKS
- automatically controlled by the packs (through the ram air doors)
When do the RAM air doors open and close
- on the ground
- during slow flight with flaps not fully retracted
Normal Cruise
- door modulate between open and closed
Describe purpose and operation of the deflector doors
- installed forward of the ram air inlet doors
- prevent slush ingestion prior to liftoff and after touchdown
- they extend electrically by the air/ground switch
How is overheat protection provided for the PACK
there are temp sensors in the cooling cycle
an overheat causes PACK VALVE to CLOSE and PACK light illuminate
How is pack temp output controlled?
- Electronic controllers command the temperature control valve (to open or closed)
Describe what happens with a single or dual pack temp controller failure
- if a primary pack control fails ( SINGLE PACK CONTROLLER FAIL )
- the affected pack is controlled by the standby controller (opposite controller)
- causes PACK, MC and AIR COND lights during RECALL
- if BOTH controllers fail - FOR THE SAME PACK
- PACK, MC and AIR COND lights illuminate immediately
- the pack will continue to operate WITHOUT TEMP CONTROL unless excessive temps cause the pack to trip off