3.8.7 - Competition Policy Flashcards
What are the two important factors to remember about perfect competition?
- In the absence of economies of scale, perfect competition would be more productively and allocatively efficient that monopoly
- The ‘consumer is king’ and consumer sovereignty rules
What is competition policy?
The part of the government’s microeconomic policy which aims to make goods markets more competitive.
Compromises policy towards monopoly, mergers and restrictive trading practices.
What is the overarching theme of competition policy?
To make imperfectly and monopolistic markets more competitive.
What are the individual aims of competition policy?
- Preventing the exploitation of monopoly power
- Reducing costs of productions
- Improving efficiency
- Removing excessive profit
- Removing entry and exit barriers between markets
What are the two situations which competition policy recognises monopolies are advantagous relative to small firms?
When the size of the market is limited but economies of scale are possible, monopolies can produce at a lower average cost than smaller and more competitive firms.
Firms with monopoly power may be more innovative than firms that are not protected by entry barriers at which point monopolies become more dynamically efficient that competitive firms.
What are the three sections of competition policy?
Restrictive Trading Practices
What is the CMA?
The Competition and Markets Authority is the government agency responsible for advising and implementing UK competition policy.
What does the CMA investigate?
Pure monopolies (of which there are few, if any)
Mergers which may cause monopolies to emerge
What is the UK policy on approaching monopoly regulation?
Case-by-case basis.
Cost-benefit analysis
If the costs of monopoly power:
* are greater than the benefits of a more competitive market, then monopoly should be prevented.
* are less than the benefits of a more competitive market, then monopoly should be permitted.
How does the CMA scan the UK economy for monopoly abuse?
Market structure, conduct and performance indicators.
What do concentration ratios do?
Provide evidence of monopolistic market structures.
What do market conduct indicators do?
Consumer and trade complaints to track and monitor anti-competitive business behaviour.
How does the CMA decide whether or not to launch an official investigation into a firm?
Using competition-based tests.
If any features of the market prevent. restrict or distort competition.
Why have few mergers and firms been investigated by the CMA?
The possibility of a CMA investigation is sufficient incentive for large firms to behave well.
How else COULD the CMA deal with the problems of monopoly?
- Monopoly busting
- Price controls
- Windfall Tax
- Rate of return regulation
- Monopoly state ownership
- Privatising monopolies
- Government deregulation