38 Flashcards
deck 38
what items are in CFI NFP?
- invest’s in PPE
- proceeds from sale of works of art/distr’s for purch’s of art
- proceeds from sale of assets rec’d in prior period whose sale proceeds were restricted to invest in equip
what items are in CFF NFP?
- proceeds from issuing bonds, mortgages, notes, and other ST/LT borrowings
- repmt of amt borrowed
- receipts from contr’s restricted for purp. of acq’ing, constr’ing, or improving PPE/other LT-A’s
- receipts from contr’s restricted for purp. of estab’ing or increasing donor-restricted endowment funds
what is the calculation for EB A/R?
BB + sales - collections = EB
how is the G/L for an ARO liability calc’d?
diff is b/w settlement date and actual settlement cost
when are contr’s class’d as rev/gain in NFP?
- rev = if it is part of the ongoing major/central act’s of the NFP
- gain = if trans is incidental to the purp. of the NFP
what is the JE for good faith deposits? (can be assoc’ w/ cond’l promises)
Dr: cash (A)
Cr: refundable adv. (L)
what are split-int agreements and how are they acc’d for?
- def’n = donor contr’s of trusts/other arrangements in which NFP rec’s ben’s that are shared w/ other ben’s
- accounting =
- meas’d at FV date of acq
- est’d based on PV est’d future distr’s
- displayed as donor-restricted
what is the diff. b/w cond’l and uncond’l pledges?
- cond’l = not recorded
- uncond’l = recog’d as w/ or w/o restrictions
how are donated svc’s accounted?
- recorded as contr. and exp only if criteria are met:
(1) enhances a physical asset
(2) req. specialized skills that would be purch’d by NFP - use “SOME”:
- S = specialized
- O = otherwise needed
- M = measurable
- E = easily at FV
Dr: exp/A
Cr: contr’s - w/o restrictions
what are the req’s for not recording donated art?
(1) item is part of collection
(2) protected items
(3) proceeds from art is used to buy more art
what is the JE process for pledges w/o donor restriction, but w/ implied time restriction?
Dr: P/R - w/ restriction
Cr: allow. for DA
Cr: contr’s - w/ restriction
Dr: cash- w/ restriction
Cr: P/R - w/ restriction (elim)
Dr: satisfaction - w/ restr
Cr: cash - w/ restriction (elim)
Dr: cash - w/o restriction
Cr: satisfaction - w/o restr
what is the JE for pledges w/ and w/o donor restrictions?
*w/ restriction:
Cr: donor-restricted supp
*w/o restriction:
Cr: contr. w/ donor restr’s
what is the GR calc. for patient svc rev?
gross patient svc rev (BDE) (charitable svc's) -------------------------- = patient svc rev
what is included in “other op rev” for rev’s recog’d in HC Org’s?
- tuition from schools, rev from edu programs
- donated supplies and equip for specific purp. grants
- rev. from aux act’s
(cafeteria rev), parking fees, gift shop rev, and med transcription fees
what are non-op rev and supp G/L’s? (recog’d as w/o restrictions)
- int and div. income from invest act’s
- gifts and bequests, grants
- income from endowments, income from board desig’d funds
- donated svc’s
what are the 3 categories of rev. of particular item of income for NFP rev?
(1) patient svc rev
(2) other op rev
(3) nonop rev
what is the calc. for edu’l institutions?
assessed student tuition + fees
= gross rev from tuition and fees (unrestricted NA’s)
what is the GR to calc. contr rev?
contr rev = amt contr - FV purch’s given in exch.
are cash contr’sand uncond’l pledges recog’d as contr. rev in the year rec’d?
yes, they both are
how should multi-year uncond’l pledges rec’d by a NFP be recorded?
P/R valued at PV
how is donated property recorded?
record as an increase in assets on statement of fin. pos. and as supp. on statement of act’s measured at FV