37 Capital Requirements Flashcards
Assessing Economical Capital position [10]
ECO CAP REQUIREMENTS: * DEF: cap providers determine adequate given his: - A, L, business objectives * determine based on: - individual risks on A, L in Portfolio - correlation between risks - desired level of credit deterioration wishes to withstand * for each major risk MCLOEB a: - stochastic or - deterministic model with scenario or stress testing to determine cap requirement * make stochastic model of future sensors with downside * such stochastic automatically allows for correlat advantage * project all risk scenarios Balance Sheet forward * calculate risk measures like V@R, TV@R for Eco Cap having - 99.5% solvency in next 10year
ECO CAP AVAILABLE: * make Eco Balance Sheet with: - Market value of A, L \+ A look up if possible (tradable assets) or alternative method \+ L discounted cashflow or unlikely look up value * difference is available eco cap
A = L + available eco cap
available eco cap =
required eco cap + free cap
Bases and models for assessing Capital requirement [2]
- Regulatory Capital
- Solvency 2
- Basel 3
- Economic Capital
- Standard formula
- Internal model
Solvency 2 as a Bases of capital requirement [20]
* state min solvency cap for EU insurance companies * follow on Solvency 1 but wider than just cap amount, also: - how value A - how value provisions - Risk management system * on companies with: - gross premium > €5mil or - reserves > €25mil * It Is Based on 3 Pillars: 1) Quantification of risk & cap req - valuing A, L & cap require \+ MCR: threshold no longer be premited to trade \+ SCR: below need discuss remedies with regulator - valued on best estimate - regulator can have a say like 'derivatives not count' 2) Supervisory Regime (Qualitive aspect, supervision) - internal controls - risk management process - company own view on strategic cap need - Monitoring visits by regulator and comply to ORSA: \+ ORSA base case of cap ^ make what if scenarios ^ form 3 year plan ^ budget on base case ^ project IS & BS on scenario forward 3) Disclosure requirements to: - private stakeholders - and Public * SCR can be calculated on: - prescribed formula. \+ each risk 1/200 prob of ruin in next year. Then Matrix to lower diversif \+ Less complex & less time consume \+ on ave comp so not best - internal model. \+ need run both 3 years \+ need regulator approval
Basel 3 as a Bases of capital requirement [5]
- global banking capital
- implement by 2027
- three pillars
- min cap requirement:
+ rules for evaluating cap
for MCO risks - risk manage & supervision
+ governance & risk
managing and other risks - market discipline & disclose
+ public and regulatory
- min cap requirement:
Models of assessing Capital requirement [7]
* factor based + stress test +
scenario combination on
- underwriting & MCO risks
INTERNAL MODEL * need regulator approved to use for SCR els mostly eco cap * stochastic model to reflect own company * can be used for: - calculate eco cap using diff risk measures like V@R, T - confidence level in eco cap - apply diff time horizon to solvency and risk - include other risk not covere in standard formula * but internal need: - more time, complex - regulator aprovement - run both systems for 3 years