3.6 Organic Analysis Flashcards
State functional group A
O-H alcohols
State functional group of f and e
E =C-H
F = C=O
AgBr(s) and AgI(s)
-state reagent to distinguish between them and state observations
reagent : concentrated ammonia
observation with AgBr : will dissolve
observation with AgI : will not dissolve
HCl(aq) and HNO3(aq)
- state reagent to distinguish between them and state observations
reagent : AgNO3
HCl : white precipitate
HNO3 : no observed change
Butanal and butanone
- state reagent to distinguish between them and state observations
reagent : tollens or fehlings solution
observation with butanal : blue solution to brick red ppt forms or silver mirror forms
observation with butanone : no observed change
Isomer 3 = 3-methylbut-1-ene
Isomer 4 = 2-methylbut-2-ene
State one way that the infrared spectrum of Isomer 3 is different from the infrared spectrum of Isomer 4.
Fingerprint region below 1500am^-1 will be different
There is a peak between 1680 - 1750 cm^-1
Matches a Peak for C=O
No peak between 3250 to 3550 cm^-1
So no O-H alcohol peak
Two alcohols are formed by the hydration of Isomer 4.
Draw the displayed formula for the alcohol formed that is oxidised readily by acidified potassium dichromate(VI).
Isomer 4 : 2-methylbut-2-ene
- don’t make it tertiary as tertiary alcohols are resistant to oxidation by acidified potassium dichromate
Compound Q has the molecular formula C4H7ClO. It is a volatile liquid which does not produce misty fumes when added to water.
Suggest how the chemist could obtain a sample of Q for analysis from the mixture of volatile liquids.
The mass spectrum of C4H7ClO contains two molecular ion peaks at m/z = 106 and m/z = 108. It also has a major peak at m/z = 43.
Suggest why there are two molecular ion peaks.
Chlorine has two isotopes
Identify an absorption that would enable you to distinguish between methyl ethanoate and ethanoic acid.
O-H in the acid
- absorption between 2500 to 3000cm^-1
State how infrared spectroscopy can be used to show that an unknown ester is definitely methyl ethanoate.
Compare with a known spectrum and if it matches
yellow ppt is AgI
Ag^+ + I^- -> AgI