3.540 Multi-Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities (MACTAC) Response Policy Flashcards
What is the overall policy of “3.540 - Multi-Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities (MACTAC) Response Policy”?
“It is the policy of this department to provide a standardized, regional response to an active assailant, hostage siege and/or terrorist attack in LVMPD jurisdiction with life safety as the absolute priority.”
When is MACTAC used as a response?
When incidents occur simultaneously or concurrently and exceed conventional law enforcement tactics and resources.
What does MACTAC provide officers?
“MACTAC provides officers options based on tactical knowledge, skills and abilities to respond to incidents which require immediate police intervention.”
What is the difference between a MACTAC response and a Hostage/Barricade or STAR De-escalation Protocol response?
A Hostage/Barricade or STAR De-escalation Protocol response emphasizes slowed momentum to gather resources, whereas, a MACTAC response emphasizes the need for immediate police intervention.
One (1) or more persons who are randomly or systematically involved in the act of using deadly force on others, and it appears based on available intelligence that the suspects will not stop their aggressive, hostile actions without immediate and direct law enforcement intervention. The overriding object of the assailant(s) appears to be based upon the circumstances committing mass murder or terrorism, rather than other criminal conduct.
Active Assailant
A general notification for area commands that are not affected. Patrol squads do not need to respond to the rally point but should orient themselves in the event they are placed on alert or are activated. In any confirmed MACTAC incident, the Communications Bureau should broadcast a valley-wide MACTAC Notification.
MACTAC Notification
A report of a MACTAC incident occurring or potentially occurring. “In the Box” patrol squads may be placed on alert in preparation or as a reserve to activated unites. “In the Box” patrol squads placed on alert will respond to their rally point, prepare and await further direction.
“A confirmed MACTAC incident is occurring, and the affected area command will respond directly to the incident. The “In the Box” patrol squads who have been activated will respond to their rally point, receive the brief, gear up and respond as directed (support team, assault team, security team, Rescue Task Force (RTF).”
MACTAC Activation
This team will attempt to make sure all teams are not flanked or ambushed by an unforeseen threats as the support and assault teams attempt to neutralize the threat(s).
Security Team
Mission assignment that is made up of four (4) law enforcement personnel and four (4) fire department/medical personnel who will enter the warm zone of a hostile mass casualty incident to begin medical intervention and sifting/sorting of patients.
*Note: Southern Nevada Fire Operations Hostile Event Policy states a minimum of two (2) law enforcement officers are required to enter a warm zone. LVMPD MACTAC encourages a minimum of four (4) officers.
Rescue Task Force (RTF)
Protective details for a the incident command post, staging area(s), fire and medical response teams (RTF) or additional protection as dictated by the incident commander.
Force Protection
A location established at the scene of the incident where injured victims will be moved from the affected area and staged prior to a formal triage, treatment and transport by medical personnel.
Casualty Collection Point (CCP)
An area designated as a delineation between the clean (unaffected) and dirty (affected) areas of an event. This area should have officers present to sweep everyone for weapons. The injured will be swept and moved to the formal triage, treatment and transport area(s), while the uninsured/witnesses will be swept and moved to a refuge area.
Transition Area
If a MACTAC incident occurs, how may the following units respond,
- Units within the affected area command
- Units from a neighboring area command, but close to an incident occurring near a border
- Units from a neighboring area command
- May self dispatch and respond as directly to the threat.
- May self-dispatch and respond as directed.
- May NOT self-dispatch and may ONLY respond if directed (by Dispatch, IC, LT, WC, Captain).
What are the 4 As?
- Assess
- Announce
- Assemble
- Act
What are the (4) Cs?
- Contain
- Control
- Communicate
- Coordinate
During a MACTAC incident, what should the first arriving supervisor do?
“The first arriving supervisor on-scene should make entry with the initial officer(s), providing direction and overall command and control.”
During a MACTAC incident, what should additional responding supervisors do?
Depending on the situation, “Upon additional supervisor response, a formal Incident Command Post should be established.”
When should the Unified Command be established?
Upon arrival of Fire Department personnel
During a MACTAC incident, how should additional resources be requested?
“Resources should be requested through utilization of MACTAC Alerts and/or MACTAC Activations.
During a MACTAC incident, how should Regional, State or Federal resources be requested?
Through the Emergency Management Section
After a MACTAC incident has occurred, who is responsible for completing the After-Action Report? How soon does the report need to be completed?
The Incident Commander is responsible for completing the After-Action Report within 10 days of the conclusion of the incident.
During a MACTAC incident, who should setup a secondary staging area for the arrival of off-duty and/or plain clothes personnel?
The Watch Commander or WC2
MACTAC response policy; what is the absolute priority?
It is the policy of this department to provide a standardized, regional response to an active assailant, hostage siege, and/or terrorist attack in the LVMPD jurisdiction with LIFE SAFETY as the absolute priority.
What is the patrol supervisor responsible for during MACTAC Response Procedure?
Sergeants will:
- The first arriving supervisor on-scene should make entry with the initial officer(s), providing direction and overall command and control.
- Upon additional supervisor response, a formal Incident Command Post should be established.
- If one of the first arriving officers has taken IC, determine if a transfer of command needs to occur from the officer to the sergeant. This will be based on the size, type, and complexity of the incident.
- Upon arrival of fire department personnel, unified command will be established.
- Determine the need for additional Incident Command System (ICS) command and general staff positions based on the size, type, and complexity of the incident.
- Ensure the watch commander has been notified in the absence of an area lieutenant.
MACTAC stands for what?
Multi Assault Counter Terrorism Action Capabilities
a counter terrorism response concept that provides officers options based on tactical
knowledge, skills and abilities to respond to incidents which requires immediate
police intervention.
Who originated MACTAC acronym?
LAPD Chief William Bratton
MACTAC focuses on: (5)
Mindset – preparedness (physical, mental and tactical), to switch from crime fighter to war
fighter back to crime fighter. Response procedures (rally points and prevention of over
convergence), and training to include:
Basic tactics – Active Shooter, Officer Rescue, Rescue Task Force.
o Field tactics – tactical movement formations and techniques (individual, team and
LVMPD officers trained in squad and team level response tactics
Coordinated force-on-force contacts to mitigate active shooter, hostage and/or siege
scenarios in conjunction with responding tactical teams.
Providing an incident commander with multiple resources immediately capable of engaging
and neutralizing the threat(s).
Regional response application of program between Federal, State, and local resources to
respond in a coordinated effort.
MACTAC incident:
Extraordinary incident by law enforcement standards. Unusual occurrences that exceed conventional law enforcement tactics and resources.(active shooter, hostage siege, terrorist attack etc)
MACTAC Mission is?
To save lives.
*Our collective mission will be to develop a domestic police force which can continue to perform its day-to-day duties in a way that is acceptable within a free society, but which can adapt quickly to an merging new paradigm that assumes degraded communications, emphasizes small team leadership and embraces decentralized command and control. -Ted Moody
MACTAC Objectives: (5)
- Immediately switch from community policing to a rapid response in minutes, not hours.
- Effectively deal with simultaneous incidents.
- Provide seamless coordination between all responding agencies.
- Facilitate casualty treatment and evacuation.
Which three area commands are always considered “in the box” but do not leave the area command?
(Resident Officers are also considered this but are attached to area commands)
Can you “self dispatch” to a MACTAC event?
If its your area command, if dispatched or as directed.
*You WILL NOT to other area commands UNLESS incident occurs within close proximity to border and you are already close.
“In the box” squads:
Pre-designated patrol squad utilized to affect a response to a major violent incident.
- scheduled 24/7
- 1 squad “in the box” per shift
All DTAC CCAC and Airport squads are in the box at all times
“Stay at home” squads:
Assigned to area command priorities, critical infrastructure protection and/or multiple incident/attack response incidents.
- will respond to critical calls within area command
- may be tasked to protect critical infrastructure buildings.
- supervisors must ensure units do not respond to incident w/o authorization
- FLEX/COP can augment
MACTAC Squad is compromised in ___ or more strike teams and a squad leader.
- squad leader has 2 or more team leaders to lead teams, freeing up Sgt to control entire squad and to make critical decisions.
On scene _____ or ______ should take initial overall incident command and tactical control as soon as possible.
Sergeants or Lieutenants
MACTAC strike teams consist of __ to __ commissioned Officers, which is similar to US Military Infantry forces.
4 to 5
- self contained team. CAN ACT INDEPENDENTLY from MACTAC squad.
- led by team leader(TL) who is senior Officer or an Officer designated by supervisor with highly proficient tactical skills
- can be broken down into two/three officer buddy teams.
MACTAC squad/team missions:
- First responders on scene moving to neutralize the immediate threat to save lives
- Assist teams already in contact with suspects
- SWAT will assume primary responsibilities upon arrival unless otherwise directed by incident/tactical commander
MACTAC squad/team missions:
- Downed Officer rescue techniques per LVMPD
* Casualty collection point(CCP) set up or evacuation as directed by IC
MACTAC squad/team missions:
- Teams assigned to prevent the threat from expanding/retreating from an area of initial threat or contained area.
- These teams should be no smaller than a buddy team
MACTAC squad/team missions:
Force Protection
•Protective details for IC location, Staging area, FD/ Medical, civilian entities or for additional detail as dictated by IC
MACTAC squad/team missions:
•undertaken to obtain information about the activities and resources of a suspect
*Example: moving a two officer element to a location where they could monitor security cameras or being placed in a location where they can provide over-watch to the area of operation or IC area.
Phases of MACTAC incident: (4)
- MACTAC incident - Onset of incident(s)
- MACTAC activation - 4 A’s, 4 C’s, Deployment, Planning, Intelligence. (informal ICS formation)
- Control phase - ICS Formation, Medical Triage, Force protection, Neutralize devices, rescue, security. (Formal ICS formation)
- Investigative phase - Investigations, Evidence gathering, debriefing, deactivation, grief counseling, litigation
Which phase of a MACTAC incident is critical?
MACTAC Activation
- will determine outcome of incident mission, objectives and goals
- Informal ICS formation
All area command uniformed and non-uniformed personnel within an area under attack in a MACTAC type incident will immediately respond to primary scene to____, ______ and ____ incident asap.
Access, contain and end.
4 A’s:
ASSESS - the situation
ANNOUNCE - the best intelligence you are able to obtain over the radio. This may be done in situation report manner
ASSEMBLE - as many resources as possible and then:
ACT - to end the incident
*First Officer arriving will do this
4 C’s:
CONTAIN - incident to smallest area possible
CONTROL - and identify all resources entering primary incident area and assigning resources as incident requires
COMMUNICATE - to responding personnel situation updates and required resources.
COORDINATE - responding resources and assign additional personnel to help do it.
- Area LT or in absence , Area Sgt will do as soon as possible. Set up IC in order to do 4 C’s
- Consider critical infrastructure protection.
Traffic units may be utilized as: (4)
Perimeter units
Escort duty
Control of ingress/egress routes
Coordination with other jurisdiction for additional resources
Who is the principal advisor to department personnel on NIMS and ICS?
Emergency management section
*Will coordinate and assist in the activation of the department operations center when necessary.
What are the three(3) different MACTAC broadcast notifications?
- Notification
- Alert
- Activation
What is a MACTAC Notification?
- MACTAC incident occurs or is occurring. Protocols initiated LT or higher
- valleywide notification
What is a MACTAC Alert?
•”in the box” squads respond to rally points and wait further instructions
What is a MACTAC Activation?
•”in the box” squads respond to rally points, receive orders and responds as a team.
If communication is lost within an area command, all area units will respond to ___________ for accountability, command and control.
Area command(station)
Who makes contact with the dispatch supervisor when arriving at the rally point?
Sergeant or 2nd arriving Officer
- 1st arriving Officer does site security
- this is recommended
As strike teams are leaving the rally point, the SGT or team leader will notify area channel dispatcher via _____ “DTAC strike team leaving the area”.
When leaving the area, SGT/Team leader needs to notify dispatch by means of an AM, what?
ONLY call signs of Officers ACTUALLY LEAVING.
- for accountability
You should use codes when communicating during a MACTAC incident, so you don’t give away info to enemy
- clear language only NO CODES
- consider mutual aid channels as alternate communication channels when directed
The SGT or team leader will be in LEAD vehicle for command/control with a _______ driver during convoy operations.
- keep the strike team together
- if new info is available, pull over and communicate it w/ your team
- drive in safe prudent manner as to not lose the trailing vehicles
- be mentally/tactically prepared to take fire on arrival
Troop leading procedures(TLP)
8 steps
- Receive Mission
- Issue Warning order (WARNO)
- Make tentative plan
- Initiate Movement
- Conduct recon
- Complete plan
- Issue the order
- Supervise and assess
When arriving at staging area, what does SGT/team leader do?
Report to IC and get teams assignment (assault 1, rescue TF 1 etc)
- consider giving staging manager extra vehicle keys
What color Chemical Light indicates hazards…known and unknown?
- Other items may help responding officers mark areas they have checked to include green chem lights, chalk, sharpies etc. Standardize markings and plain language should be used( avoid confusion)
- potential hazards are bombs, chemicals, fortified areas and booby traps.
Salute Report - no standard situation reporting has been established by LVMPD but a simple method of reporting by military has worked (6)
S-Size(how many suspects
A-Activity(what are they doing)
L-Location(where are they now or going)
T-Time(real time or time lapsed)
E-Equipment(what weapons do they have)
*order is not important, but at minimum should be done whenever there is a change in incident, more info obtained, units engage suspect or a change in status of units.
Testing is _______ for patrol squads assigned “in the box” missions.
- No notice testing for better evals
- can be conducted by MACTAC, Patrol Sgt’s or selected Cadre’s.
Will ALL area command uniformed and NON-UNIFORMED personnel within an area under attack in a tactic type incident immediately respond to primary incident scene?
- To access, contain and end the incident as quickly as possible.
- Non-uniformed officers should be clearly identifiable equipment and clothing prior to arriving at the incident to avoid “Blue on Blue”.
- Nice to have 5 for a strike team…but if you gotta go single or doubled up, do it.
Prevent over ________
*One of MACTAC’s main points.
Air unit can be utilized as what during a MACTAC incident: (3)
- Command and Control platform
- Aerial observation
- Tactical Team Transport.
SNCTC personnel at the incident command will be responsible for what?
SNCTC personnel will follow up on all investigative leads related to the incident.
SNCTC personnel at the incident command post will be responsible for disseminating critical
information to the incident commander.
Notifications will be made as directed by SNCTC leadership.
SNCTC will provide tactical support to the Incident Command and all agencies involved in
the response during and after the incident.
SNCTC personnel will respond and conduct SNCTC operations as directed by SNCTC
Strike teams will assume the call sign of their designated task form the ______ or _______-.
Staging manager or Incident Commander
*Assault team 1, Rescue task force 1, Extraction team 1 etc
Who acts as liaison officers with the IC, SNCTC and joint terrorism task force for de-confliction?
Counter terrorism section
- will respond and immediately begin gathering info and coordinating with SNCTC.
- NV CBRNE Task force has replaced ARMOR in this part of the manual?
A _______ ______ is composed of a set number of resources of the same kind and type. This is compliant
with the __________ __________ ________ ___________ incident protocol and terminology
Strike Team
National Incident Management System (NIMS)
The following is an example of the what type of Mactac team:
two officer team
moving to a location where they could monitor security cameras or being placed in a location or where they could provide over-watch to the area of operation or incident command
Reconnaissance Team