3.110 Use of Force Policy Flashcards
What is the overall policy of “3.110 - Use of Force Policy”
“It is the policy of this department that officers hold the highest regard for the dignity and liberty of all persons and place minimal reliance upon the use of force. The department respects the sanctity of every human life and the application of deadly force is a measure to be employed in the most extreme circumstances where lesser means of force have failed or could not be reasonably considered.”
When are officers authorized to use force? (5)
- To protect themselves
- To protect others
- To effect a lawful detention
- To effect a lawful arrest
- To conduct a lawful search
When are officers allowed to use deadly force? (The parameters of “deadly force”)
“Officers are legally authorized to use deadly force (1) to effect an arrest when in compliance with the Nevada Revised Statutes (NRS), and (2) the legal standards under Tennessee v Garner (1985) to:
- Protect themselves or others from what is reasonably believed to be an imminent threat of death or substantial bodily injury.
- Prevent the escape of a fleeing felon who the officer has probable cause to believe has committed a violent felony crime and is an imminent threat to human life if escape should occur. (As stated in NRS 171.1455)
What level of force will officers use to bring an incident or person under control and safely accomplish a lawful purpose?
One that is “objectively reasonable”.
“The reasonableness of a particular use of force must be judged from the perspective of a ________________ on the scene rather than with 20/20 vision of hindsight.”
judicious officer
The consideration (for the reasonableness of a particular use of force) must account for the fact that officers are often forced to make split-second judgements in circumstances that are __________, ___________ and _____________.
Tense, Uncertain, Rapidly Evolving
“In their interaction with a subject, officers _______, when feasible, use advisements, warnings, verbal persuasions and other tactics as alternatives to higher levels of force.”
“Supervisors will acknowledge and respond to incidents in a timely manner when an officer’s use of force is __________”
“In dynamic and highly charged incidents, supervisors will…”
“…provide clear direction and communication to officers regarding their positioning and roles.”
“Any officer present, regardless of rank and observing another officer using force that is clearly beyond what is justified or objectively reasonable under the circumstances will, when in a safe position to do so, intercede to prevent the use of unreasonable force. The officer will promptly report these observations and the efforts made to…”
“…a supervisor.”
“If the supervisor is using unjustified force, the officer will report it to…”
“…the next level of supervision.”
How many days does a member have to report excessive use of force by another member?
10 days
“Whenever an officer applies a use of force option upon a subject that results in either observable signs, complaints of injury or difficulty in breathing, the officer will…”
“…continuously monitor the subject and immediately summon medical attention.”
“When requesting medical attention, the officer will provide the following (3) items of information,
- Nature of the injury
- Subject’s age and gender
- Other circumstances that could be of potential medical risk to the subject (i.e. obesity, suspected drug use, extreme agitation, profuse sweating, labored breathing, etc.)
When handcuffed subjects are seated, they will NOT be forcefully bent forward at the waist and pressure will NOT be applied to these (3) areas?
- Back
- Neck
- Head
Medical attention will be summoned for the following use of force applications, regardless of visible injury or complaint of injury:
- Baton/Impact Weapons - any strikes to the head, neck, chest, spine, kidneys or groin area
- Canine - all bites
- Electronic Control Device (ECD) - probe strikes to the head, neck, chest or groin area
- Oleoresin Capsicum (OC) spray - direct exposure to the face
- Use of Force with a Projective Weapon:
a. Low lethality shotgun - all strikes
b. 40mm specialty impact weapons - all strikes - Handgun/Shotgun/Rifle - all strikes
- Use of Force with a Vehicle:
a. Precision intervention technique (PIT)
b. Ramming - all
It is this policy of this department officers hold the highest regard for the _______ and _________ of all persons and place minimal reliance upon the use of force.
Diginity, Liberty
What is LVMPD committed to doing in the Use of Force Policy?
LVMPD is committed to protecting people, their property and rights while providing the best in public safety and service.
Why is the proper Use of Force essential?
The proper use of force is essential for ensuring impartial policing and for building trust in the community.
What should officers remain mindful of, when regarding LVMPD 8.174, Respect for Individual Rights of Persons)?
Officers must remain mindful they derive their authority from the community and unreasonable force degrades the legitimacy of said authority.
When may officers use force?
Officers may use force to protect themselves or others, overcome resistance, to effect a lawful detention, a lawful arrest, or to conduct a lawful search.
Will officers give a warning before the use of deadly force?
True: Yes, officers will give a warning, IF FEASIBLE, before the use of deadly force.
Officers will only use a level of force which is objectively reasonable…?
Officers will only use a level of force which is objectively reasonable to bring an incident or persons under control and to safely accomplish a lawful purpose.
An officer’s use of force must balance against…?
An officer’s use of force must balance against the level of resistance exhibited by the subject.
What must an officer do when administering a level of force?
The level of force administered by an officer must be carefully controlled and should not be more than objectively reasonable to overcome the physical harm threatened.
Officers will only use the amount of reasonable force necessary to effect an arrest. TRUE or FALSE?
True as stated in NRS 171.1455
In a confrontation, an officer will ______ their response and ______any use of force accordingly based upon the level of resistance encountered.
Continuously reassess; Adjust
What is a potential result for failure to reassess each application of force?
Failure to reassess each application of force can lead to a violation of law and/or policy.
What is the intent of use of force?
The intent is to gain control of a subject and then transition into a custody phase where an officer is able to focus on the subject’s welfare.
In choosing a force option, the ______ and _______ of the crime underlying the police and citizen interaction must be considered.
Nature, Severity
Objective factors which effect the reasonableness of the force include, “Graham v Connor”:
- Severity of the crime
- Whether the subject poses and immediate threat to the safety of officers or others
- Whether the subject is actively resisting arrest or attempting to evade arrest by flight
- The influence of drugs/alcohol or the mental capacity of the subject
- The time available to an officer to make a decision
- The availability of officers or reasources (including the number of officers present at the time) to de-escalate the situation
- The proxiimity or access of weapons to the subject
- The environmental factors and/or other exigent circumstances
Supervisiors will possess a thorough knowledge of _____ and ensure officers under their supervision perform to a standard (in accordance with LVMPD policy and training).
What is enhanced when supervisiors become involved in the managment of the overall response to a potentitally violent encounter?
The prospect of a favorable outcome is often enhanced when supervisors become involved in the managment of the overall response to a potentitally violent encounter by coordinating officers’ tactical actions.
Supervisiors will _______ and _______ to incidents in a timely manner when officer use of reportable force is probrable (see LVMPD 3.300 Supervisors Tactics for Armed Subject Response).
Acknowledge and Respond
Supervisors will also manage the deployment of reasources and equipment. TRUE or FALSE?
When dealing with a dynamic and highly charged incident(s), supervisiors will…..
In dynamic and highly charged incidents, supervisors will provide clear direction and communication to officers regarding their positions and roles.
Upon observing substandard approaches or flaws in tactical decisions, a supervisior will?
Upon observing substandard officer approaches or flaws in tactical decisions, the supervisor will promptly act to correct any deficiencies.
How many days does a reporting officer have to document a unjustified use of force?
Reporting officer will document in writing no later than 10 days after the occurrence.
- Date, time, and location of the incident
- Identity, if known, and description of the participants
- Description of the actions taken as a result of the observation
What are the four (4) Levels of Resistance?
- Compliant
- Obstructive
- Assaultive
- Life-Threatening
What are the three (3) Levels of Control?
- Low Level
- Intermediate
- Deadly Force
What are the four (4) elements of Deadly Force?
- Ability
- Opportunity
- Imminent Jeopardy
- Preclusion
“An officer will NOT use deadly force against a person based on the threat the person poses solely to themselves.” True or False?
“__________ have an ongoing obligation to inspect officer equipment and review with officers department directives and training materials on the use of force.”
“Officers will not use a baton, ECD or projectile weapons on ________________ unless the subject displays life-threatening resistance.”
A woman who is believed to be pregnant
Which force options will NOT be used on a woman who is believed to be pregnant unless the subject displays life-threatening resistance?
Baton, ECD or projectile weapon
Which force options will NOT be used on a subject who is in an elevated position where a fall is likely to result in substantial bodily injury or death, unless the subject displays life-threatening resistance?
ECD, projective weapon
To effectively de-escalate situations, officers will use ____________ , ___________ and ___________ .
Advisements, warning, and verbal persuation
What are the reasons officers can use handcuffs on a subject?
- During an investigative detention, when:
a. Articulable facts that the subject is physically uncooperative
b. Articulable facts that a subject’s actions may present physical danger to themselves or others
c. Reasonable possibility of flight based on the subject’s actions
d. Information the subject is currently armed
e. The stop follows a violent crime and the subject matches the suspect description
f. Articulable facts that a crime of violence is about to occur - Suicidal persons
- During a search warrant service
- Persons being transported to a detox facility
- Moving in-custody subjects
“When responding to a security officer, where a subject has been placed in handcuffs prior to the officer’s arrival, the officer will not place LVMPD handcuffs on the subject until…”
“…the officer has reasonable suspicion or probable cause based on their independent investigation.”
“OC spray will not be used on a handcuffed subject unless…”
“…the subject is displaying assaultive resistance.”
“___________ should not be used on a driver of a vehicle or inside a patrol vehicle.”
OC Spray
“In a protest or demonstration situation, OC spray may only be used in response to an imminent threat of harm when…”
“…authorized by the Incident Commander.”
“The use of a ECD touch stun application is discouraged unless…”
“…used to complete NMI by closing a circuit when probes have already be deployed.”
“The ECD will NOT be used under the four (4) following circumstances,
- On a handcuffed person.
- When the officer knows a subject has come in contact with flammable liquids or substances.
- On a fleeing subject (without other known factors).
- On persons with known heart conditions.”
Is “Blocking” a Use of Force?
When time permits, how many officers will be present for the deployment of a projectile weapon?
Two (2)
“Projectile weapons should only be used against persons who…”
“…are armed, or have access to a weapon, and pose an imminent threat to the safety of the officer or others. Examples of these circumstances are an edged weapon, club, pipe, bottle or brick.”
“Projectile weapons may be used against persons who are holding a firearm if it can be utilized to de-escalate and intervene with a potential deadly force situation; however, the following conditions must be met:
- A minimum of two officers are present, one officer acting as lethal coverage.
- Officers have considered the use of available cover/concealment.”
In a protest or demonstration situation, a projectile weapon may only be used in response to an imminent threat of harm when…
…authorized by the Incident Commander or above.
“Officers should not fire the low lethality shotgun through barriers (i.e. glass or chain link fences) because…”
“…the bag may tear and the pellets may be released.”
“Officers are responsible for knowing how many rounds are loaded in their firearm and…”
“…each magazine.”
Officers are authorized to fire their weapons, when…
…the parameters of deadly force are met.
Whenever _________ , officers will identify themselves and state their intention to shoot. Example: “Police! Stop, or I’ll shoot!”
“Officers are not authorized to discharge a firearm, (2)
- As warning shots.
2. If it appears likely that a bystander may be injured.”
“Officers will use sound tactics and will not place themselves into the path of a moving vehicle or remain standing in the path of a vehicle that is under control of a driver. An officer threatened by an oncoming vehicle will…”
“…make every effort to move out of the way.”
“Officers will NOT discharge their firearm at a moving vehicle unless:
- A person in the vehicle is an imminent deadly threat to officers or others by means other than the vehicle (such as an occupant firing a handgun at an officer).
- The driver is using the vehicle as a weapon to inflict mass casualties (such as a truck driving through a crowd).
An officer may deploy a rifle based on any of the following: (4)
- There is a potential for deadly force or the subject is armed with a deadly weapon.
- Distance and the use of cover are considerations due to the suspect’s location.
- The suspect is barricaded.
- The deployment has been pre-approved.
Officers deploying rifle(s) will: (3)
- Announce via radio the deployment of the rifle and whether accompanied by a cover officer
- Whenever possible, a rifle will be deployed using a two-officer team (rifle carrier & cover officer)
- Advise dispatch of deployment location and update whenever location changes
When an officer has deployed a rifle on an incident, what are the responsibilities of the supervisor?
- Proceed immediately to the incident and assume tactical control.
- Ensure proper deployment of rifles and address over-deployment and crossfire issues.
For reporting purposes, when multiple officers have deployed rifles on an incident, the supervisor will…
…designate one deploying officer to complete the Rifle Deployment Report, listing all officers who deployed a rifle and their locations.
“Any use of force which results in injury or complaint of injury, complaint of continuing pain or any use of force greater than low-level force.”
Reportable Force
“A Use of Force Report is required by each officer who uses reportable force in an incident. A civilian employee who also uses force (empty hand, OC spray or firearm) is required to complete a Use of Force Report. Use of Force Reports will be completed by end of shift and reviewed through the chain of command within…”
“…30 days.”
CIRT will complete the Use of Force Report for officers under the following circumstances,
- Officer Involved Shootings
- Use of Deadly Force
- Use of Non-Deadly Force (low lethal options), when at the direction of the CIRT Lieutenant.
CIRT will complete the Firearm Discharge Report for officers under the following circumstances,
- Any discharge at a person, regardless of injury.
- Negligent discharge of a firearm during a law enforcement operation.
- The discharge of any firearm which includes a dog or animal.
Non-deadly force requiring a Use of Force Report will be investigated by the officer’s chain of command. The Use of Force will NOT be investigated by the following, (2)
- Acting supervisors
2. Supervisors involved in the Use of Force (will be investigated by the next level of supervision)
Regardless of a visible injury, all reportable uses of force on a subject will be…
…photographed and uploaded into Blue Team.
When an ECD is used in a Use of Force incident, what must be completed?
- Impound the probes, wires and cartridge as evidence.
2. Provide the ECD to a supervisor for data download.
When using a patrol vehicle to BLOCK a suspect vehicle, any contact with damage will be reported as…
…a traffic incident. A traffic officer will need to be requested to take the “Vehicle Incident Report”.
When investigating a Use of Non-Deadly Force (non-deadly), what are the responsibilities of the supervisor?
- Respond, without delay, to an incident in which reportable force was used.
- Determine the level of force.
- Conduct an investigation and interview all parties involved, including medical and any witnesses.
- Ensure photographs are taken of the suspect, officer, scene and any evidence.
- Ensure any evidence has been collected and impounded.
- Review any body worn camera recordings.
- Check the surrounding area for any video surveillance. If video is available, review video and obtain a copy. Ensure the copy is impounded as evidence and noted in Blue Team.
- Review all applicable reports. Document if Use of Force was appropriate or inappropriate and forward through the chain of command.
- Document any training deficiencies and how they were corrected.
If an alleged Use of Force is determined to be unfounded, how and where will it be documented?
It will be documented as a Citizen Contact in Blue Team.
To ensure that the officer’s rights are not infringed upon and the department is in compliance with NRS 289, Until the investigation is complete, the department will conduct a deadly force investigation similar to an Internal Affairs investigation where the officer is identified as a…
…subject officer.
When responding to a Use of Deadly Force, what are the responsibilities of the supervisor?
- Ensure medical attention is provided for those in need.
- Ensure the crime scene is safe and secure.
- Update dispatch and request notifications be made.
- Coordinate the search for outstanding suspects.
- Oversee the identification and isolation of witnesses.
- Ensure witness officers and subject officers are separated and placed in a secure environment with a monitor officer.
- Provide FIT detectives on the names and locations of the subject officers and potential witness officers.
- Remain on scene and do not leave until released by the FIT supervisor.
What are the responsibilities of the monitor officer?
- Not talk to the officer about the facts and circumstances of the incident.
- Ensure than under no circumstances any representative be allowed to speak to or move the location of any subject or witness officer without the FIT Supervisor’s approval.
- Ensure that subject officers and witness officers do not discuss the incident being investigated.
- Remain with the officer until the firearms countdown is completed or dismissed by a FIT supervisor.
“When practical, only the shooting officer and a supervisor should be present during the PSS. If multiple officers are involved, the PSS should be done…”
“…separately with each other.”
The PSS questions will be read directly from the PSS card (no unauthorized form will be used). The Supervisor will…
…write down the officer’s response.
When asking the PSS questions, will the interview be recorded on BWC?
NO. “The PSS should not be recorded on an body worn camera.”
“The watch commander will respond to the scene of the use of deadly force.” True or False?
Who will be in charge of the scene on an incident where deadly force was used by officers?
The ranking FIT member.
“If the subject officer provides FIT with a voluntary statement and probable cause exists (to arrest the suspect), FIT will complete the arrest. If the subject officer does not speak with FIT and is the only witness, the subject officer will…”
“…make the decision to arrest and complete all paperwork.”
When investigating the Use of Deadly Force, when does FIT assume control of the scene and the investigation?
After receiving the initial brief from the on-scene supervisor or patrol detective.
When investigating the use of deadly force, who decides who attends the initial brief?
The FIT Supervisor
When an investigating the Use of Deadly Force, does the subject officer have to give FIT a scene walk-through? Witness officers?
No, the scene walk-through is voluntary for the subject officer. However, witness officers do not have this choice and must give FIT a scene walk-through.
How much time will FIT give the subject officer before conducting a voluntary interview?
At least 48 hours, unless waived by the subject officer.
Is FIT allowed to ask a subject officer any questions before consulting with his/her representative?
No. “Under no circumstances will any FIT investigator question a subject officer regarding the facts of the incident without allowing the officer to consult with their representative. However, a subject officer may waive this right and speak directly with FIT.”
Who will ensure the subject officer submits to a drug and alcohol test?
Who will advise the appropriate chain of command of the officers’ readiness to return to duty?
It is this policy of this department officers hold the highest regard for the _______ and _________ of all persons and place minimal reliance upon the use of force.
Diginity, Liberty
What is LVMPD committed to doing in the Use of Force Policy?
LVMPD is committed to protecting people, their property and rights while providing the best in public safety and service.
Why is the proper Use of Force essential?
The proper use of force is essential for ensuring impartial policing and for building trust in the community.
What should officers remain mindful all, when regarding LVMPD 8.174, Respect for Individual Rights of Persons)?
Officers must remain mindful they derive their authority from the community and unreasonable force degrades the legitimacy of said authority.
How does the department seek to manage the use of force beyond the Graham v. Connor (1989) standard?
By establising further parameters for the application of force and to offer explicit direction to officers.
With sound judgement, the appropriate exercise of discretion, and the adherence to department policy will always be the foundation of officer decision-making in the broad range of possible use of force situations.
When may officers use force?
Officers may use force to protect themselves or others, overcome resistance, to effect a lawful detention, a lawful arrest, or to conduct a lawful search.
Will officers give a warning before the use of deadly force?
True: Yes, officers will give a warning, IF FEASIBLE, before the use of deadly force.
Officers will only use a level of force which is objectively reasonable…?
Officers will only use a level of force which is objectively reasonable to bring an incident or persons under control and to safely accomplish a lawful purpose.
An officer’s use of force must balance against…?
An officer’s use of force must balance against the level of resistance exhibited by the subject.
What must an officer do when administering a level of force?
The level of force administered by an officer must be carefully controlled and should not be more than objectively reasonable to overcome the physical harm threatened.
Officers will only use the amount of reasonable force necessary to effect an arrest. TRUE or FALSE?
True as stated in NRS 171.1455
In a confrontation, an officer will ______ their response and ______any use of force accordingly based upon the level of resistance encountered.
Continuously reassess; Adjust
What is a potential result for failure to reassess each application of force?
Failure to reassess each application of force can lead to a violation of law and/or policy.
What is the intent of use of force?
The intent is to gain control of a subject and then transition into a custody phase where an officer is able to focus on the subject’s welfare.
In choosing a force option, the ______ and _______ of the crime underlying the police and citizen interaction must be considered.
Nature, Severity
Supervisiors will possess a thorough knowledge of _____ and ensure officers under their supervision perform to a standard (in accordance with LVMPD policy and training).
What is enhanced when supervisiors become involved in the managment of the overall response to a potentitally violent encounter?
The prospect of a favorable outcome is often enhanced when supervisors become involved in the managment of the overall response to a potentitally violent encounter by coordinating officers’ tactical actions.
Supervisiors will _______ an _______ to incidents in a timely manner when officer use of reportable force is probrable (see LVMPD 3.300 Supervisors Tactics for Armed Subject Response).
Acknowledge and Respond
Supervisors will also manage the deployment of reasources and equipment. TRUE or FALSE?
When dealing with a dynamic and highly charged incident(s), supervisiors will…..
In dynamic and highly charged incidents, supervisors will provide clear direction and communication to officers regarding their positions and roles.
Upon observing substandard approaches or flaws in tactical decisions, a supervisior will?
Upon observing substandard officer approaches or flaws in tactical decisions, the supervisor will promptly act to correct any deficiencies.
How many days does a reporting officer have to document a unjustified use of force?
Reporting officer will document in writing no later than 10 days after the occurrence.
- Date, time, and location of the incident
- Identity, if known, and description of the participants
- Description of the actions taken as a result of the observation
What will officers modify in relation to the amount of resistance offered by a subject?
Officers will modify their level of control in relation to the amount of resistance offered by the subject
An officer will not use deadly force against a person based on the threat the person poses solely to themselves. TRUE or FALSE
What is the supervisors role in regards to officers equipment?
Supervisors have an ongoing obligation to inspect officer equipment and review with officers department directives and training materials on the use of force.
What is the supervisors responsibility for PIT?
Supervisor Responsibility for PIT:
a. Immediately acknowledge the officer’s notification over the radio
b. Order discontinuation of the PIT when the necessity for apprehension is outweighed by the dangers of the PIT
When an officer deploys his/her rifle, what will a supervisor do in response?
Upon rifle deployment broadcast over the radio
d. Bureau/area supervisor will:
1) Proceed immediately to the incident and assume tactical control
2) Ensure proper deployment of rifles and address over-deployment and crossfire issues
When multiple officers have deployed rifles, the supervisor will…..
When multiple officers have deployed rifles, the supervisor will designate one deploying officer to complete the Rifle Deployment Report, listing all officers who deployed a rifle.
Supervisor of the rifle deploying officer will:
Supervisor of the rifle deploying officer will:
1) Conduct a review of the deployment and make appropriate comments in the deployment report, including any supervisory decisions modifying original deployment
2) Forward the report to the supervising lieutenant for review
Are acting supervisors authorized to complete a use of force investigation?
Acting supervisors are not authorized to complete this type of investigation.
What are the investigative responsibility of supervisors investigating use of NON-DEADLY force?
A supervisor will:
a. Respond, without delay, to an incident in which reportable force is used
b. Determine the level of force used
c. Conduct and investigation by interviewing the subjects, officers, medical personnel, and witnesses
d. Ensure photographs are taken and placed into Blue Team, to include the subjects, the scene, officers involved, and collect any evidence
e. Review body worn camera video
f. Check the surrounding area for any video surveillance, obtain a copy, and ensure the third-party video is impounded as evidence and noted in the Blue Team
g. Review all applicable reports to ensure accuracy and completeness
1) Document how a use of force has been determined to be appropriate and in adherence to department policy. If the use of force is determined to not be appropriate, it will be
sent through the chain of command to decide if a SOC is necessary. If other misconduct was identified, the supervisor will document how it was addressed.
2) Document training deficiencies and how they were corrected
When an officer uses ECD what will a supervisor do?
When an ECD has been used:
1) Ensure the data record has been uploaded into Blue Team
2) Verify the probes, wires, and cartridges are properly impounded, and arrange for replacement cartridges (accidental discharges will not require impounding unless there has been an injury)
What will a supervisor do when an alleged use of force has been determined to be unfounded?
Document the investigation in a Citizen Contact (CC) in Blue Team when alleged use of force is determined to be unfounded.
What are the investigative responsibilities for a supervisor investigating the USE of DEADLY FORCE?
The first-arriving supervisor will:
a. Act as incident commander (per LVMPD 3.500, Major Incident and All Hazard Plan) until relieved and will:
1) Ensure medical attention is provided for those in need
2) Ensure the crime scene is safe and secure, preventing the possibility of contamination or alteration
a) This responbility includes the removal of unauthorized persons, including officers from the inner perimeter of the crime scene. A degree of tact and good jusgement must
be exercised to avoid alienating potential witnesses who may possess information of value
3) Update Dispatch and request notifications be made
4) Coordinate the search for outstanding suspects
5) Oversee the indentificatin and isolation of witnesses
6) Ensure witness officers and subject officers are seperated and placed in a secure environment with a monitor officer. The monitor officer will:
a) Not talk to the officer about the facts and circumstances of the incident
b) Ensure under no circumstances any representative be allowed to speak to or move the location of any subject or witness officer prior to a FIT supervisor’s approval
c) Ensure subject officers and witness officers do not dicuss the incident being investigated
d) Remain with the officer until firearms countdown is completed or dismissed by a FIT supervisor
7) Provide FIT detectives on the names and locations of the subject officers and potential witness officers. If there is concern an officer is not a witness officer, but a subject
officer, the ranking FIT supervisor will make the final determination regarding the status of the officer(s).
8) Remain on the scene, and do not leave until released by the FIT supervisor
Provide Public Safety Statement to the shooting officer
In regards to the Public Safety Statement (PSS) involving a shooting officer, what must a supervior do?
When pratical only the shooting officer and supervisor should be present during the PSS. If there are mulitple shooting officers then the PSS should be done seperately with each officer. The questions will be read directly from the PSS card (no authorized form will be used). The supervisor will write down the officers response.
When asking the PSS questions should the event be recorded on body camera?
The PSS should not be recorded on a body worn camera
If you are the next arriving supervisor to a use of DEADLY FORCE scene what is your role?
a. Respond immediately to begin assiting in the early management of the crime scene, the identification and seperation of witnesses, and the canvass.
b. Ensure the Major Incident Log has been assigned or completed.