3525 - Newborn-Dropoff At Fire Stations Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for maintaining this document.
The Assistant Chief of Emergency Medical Services or his/her designee
Who shall be responsible for:
- Receiving and properly managing completed Parent Information forms in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Providing additional Newborn Transfer posters to stations as requested
The Medical Services Officer for Operations
Who shall be responsible for: 1. Posting Newborn Transfer posters in stations in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document 2. Maintaining adequate supplies of Parent and Fire Department Information packets in stations
Station Captains
Who shall be responsible for assigning incident numbers and dispatching transport units in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document.
Fire Communications Center (FCC) personnel
Timely and appropriate care of newborns and/or mothers of newborns shall take priority over handling the Parent Information packets associated with this policy.
True or false?
Who shall ensure:
a. Newborn Transfer posters are placed in a station window or glass doorway near the public entrance to the station b. Newborn Transfer posters are clearly visible to the public from the outside of the building c. Stations are stocked with adequate supplies of Parent and Fire Department Information packets
TFD Station Captains
Newborn Care Guidelines
- TFD personnel shall:
a. Perform a BLS assessment on the newborn - If the newborn is medically stable, TFD personnel shall transport him/her to:
- If the newborn is medically unstable (e.g.; birth injury, hypothermia, hypoglycemia, respiratory distress), TFD personnel shall treat him/her in accordance with Pierce County Patient Care Protocols and transport to:
- If the newborn appears to have been intentionally harmed TFD personnel shall:
a. Discreetly notify:
b. Follow Pierce County Patient Care Protocols for abused children
c. Transport the newborn to: - If the scene is not secure or if the child is clearly older than 72 hours, TFD personnel shall:
- Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital.
- Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital.
- a. law enforcement personnel immediately
c. Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital - contact law enforcement immediately.
The Parent Information Packet includes:
a. Resource Information including, but not limited to –
b. “Descriptions and Characteristics of Birth Family” form
c. “Parent’s Message to the Newborn” form
a. i. Adoption options
ii. Counseling options
iii. Appropriate medical and emotional aftercare services
iv. Domestic violence resources
v. Legal rights of the parents
The Fire Department Information Packet includes:
a. “Receipt of Transfer” form
b. Patient Information Form A
TFD personnel shall immediately:
a. Complete the____________form and give it to the person dropping off the newborn before s/he leaves the station
b. Provide the person dropping off the newborn with the:
c. Interview the person dropping off the newborn using ___________to obtain as much prenatal/birth/medical history as possible
a. “Receipt of Transfer”
b. Parent Information packet
c. Patient Information Form A
If a person attempts to return completed Parent Information forms to a fire station, TFD personnel shall accept the forms and route them as PHI to:
the Medical Services Officer for Operations at TFD Headquarters.
Upon receipt of the completed Parent Information forms, the Medical Services Officer for Operations shall:
a. Make copies and attach them to the newborn’s EMIR
b. Mail the original forms to:
Newborn Safety
Adoptions Program Manager
Children’s Administration Headquarters
Department of Social and Health Services
P.O. Box 45710
Olympia, WA 98504-5710
Both Parent and Fire Department information packet forms can be reprinted by:
following the “Newborn Transfer Forms” link on the EMS page of the TFD intranet.
Additional Newborn Transfer posters can be obtained from:
the Medical Services Officer for Operations.
- The assessment, treatment and/or transport of all newborns dropped off at TFD fire stations shall be documented on
a. The newborn shall be identified as: - The assessment, treatment and/or transport of all mothers of newborns shall be documented on:
a. The mother shall be identified as “an EMIR.
- an EMIR.
- a. Baby Boy Doe or Baby Girl Doe on the EMIR
- an EMIR.
- a. Jane Doe to protect her identity
Contact FCC and:
Complete the ___________form and give it to the person dropping off the newborn before s/he leaves.
a. Request an incident number
b. Explain that a newborn has been transferred to TFD care
c. Request a transport unit
“Receipt of Transfer”
Give the person dropping off the newborn the ___________and explain the documents and resource information contained in the packet.
Parent Information Packet
Encourage the person dropping off the newborn to stay and provide medical information about the newborn.
a. If agreeable, use the ______________from the Fire Department Packet to guide the interview
“Patient Information Form A”
- If the child appears to have been intentionally harmed:
a. Discreetly notify law enforcement personnel immediately
b. Provide treatment and transport in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
c. Do not attempt to detain the person dropping off the newborn
Record the following information on an EMIR:
a. Today’s date
b. Last name: Doe
c. First name: Baby Boy or Baby Girl
ALS Personnel
- Transport the newborn and all paperwork, including the EMIR and any information provided by the person dropping off the newborn, to:
- Retain copies of the EMIR and all accompanying paperwork to be filed with TFD in accordance with department policy.
- Mary Bridge Children’s Hospital.
FCC Personnel
- Assign an incident number to the company reporting the newborn transfer of care.
- Dispatch an appropriate transport unit.