3517 - Requests For Air Transport Flashcards
Who shall be responsible for maintaining this document.
The Assistant Chief of Emergency Medical Services
Who shall be responsible for:
- Determining need for air transport based on recommendation of most qualified on-scene paramedic
- Requesting Airlift NW standby and activation
- Establishing location and set-up of landing zone
- Ensuring TFD personnel act in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
The Incident Commander
Who shall be responsible for:
- Assessing need for air transport
- Informing Incident Commander of need for air transport
- Assuming charge of patient care until it is transferred to the helicopter medical crew
The most field-qualified on-scene paramedic
Who shall be responsible for:
- Contacting the receiving facility as requested by the helicopter crew
- Providing an appropriate and timely patient report to the receiving facility
The Lieutenant/Paramedic or In-charge Paramedic
Who shall be responsible for:
- Establishing and maintaining communication with the Fire Communications Center (FCC) and the Airlift NW helicopter until the operation is completed
- Set up the landing zone in accordance with the guidelines set forth in this document
- Assess and maintain the safety of the landing zone
The Landing Zone Supervisor
Who shall be responsible for ensuring that station personnel are familiar with:
- Location of landing zones in their district and adjacent districts
- Specific landing zone characteristics (e.g., access issues, hazards)
All TFD Station Captains
Who shall be responsible for:
- Contacting Airlift NW for helicopter standby and activation
- Notifying Airlift NW of the landing zone location and radio frequency
- Relaying estimated response time from Airlift NW to the Incident Commander and Landing Zone Supervisor
- Coordinating the establishment of air-to-ground communications
- Calling for additional resources as requested by the Incident Commander and/or the Landing Zone Supervisor
TFD Fire Communications Center (FCC) personnel
Who shall be responsible for:
- Performing patient assessment
- Informing the Incident Commander of the need for air transport
- Packaging and transporting the patient(s) to the landing zone
- Assisting with patient transfer to Airlift NW as needed
All TFD firefighter/paramedics and firefighter/EMTs
Air transport shall be considered for patients who:
a. Meet the medical criteria established by the Pierce County Medical Program Director and/or
b. Have medical needs that exceed the capability of local hospitals.
Airlift NW personnel will:
a. Transport patients with CPR in progress upon arrival at the landing zone
b. Perform CPR in flight
Airlift NW personnel will NOT:
a. Land the helicopter without first making positive contact with ground unit(s)
b. Take riders
The Incident Commander may request that Airlift NW be placed on “standby” if the initial assessment indicates a possible need for air transport.
a. Those requests shall be made through the TFD Fire Communications Center (FCC)
True or false?
Patient assessment for air transport also shall take the following into consideration:
a. Patient height and weight, particularly those who weigh more than 300 pounds and/or whose height is greater than 6 feet
b. Equipment used (e.g., traction splint)
c. Exposure to hazardous materials that could affect the pilot and crew
Air Transport Activation
- Once the need for air transport has been determined, the Incident Commander shall:
a. Request activation of air transport through FCC
i. In the event of more than one patient, s/he shall request:
b. Determine the appropriate landing zone from the list of designated landing zones and designate a Landing Zone Supervisor as needed..
i. S/he may select a non-designated landing zone as long as:
c. Provide landing zone location information to FCC personnel.
i. For non-designated landing zones provide:
- a. i. multiple helicopters in accordance with TFD Policy 3510: Mass Casualty Incident Response.
- b. i. it meets the criteria set forth in Section 5.5.3 of this document.
- c. i. GPS coordinates using GPS function on the rig’s cell phone, nearest intersection or Thomas Guide map grids.
- 4 Dispatch and Communications
- Upon the Incident Commander’s request for air transport activation, FCC personnel shall contact Airlift NW dispatch with the following information:
a. Landing zone location
i. GPS coordinates of designated or non-designated landing zone
ii. Conditions or hazards present
b. Ground contact
i. This shall be the Incident Commander or designated Landing Zone Supervisor who must be onsite at the landing zone.
ii. The designator shall be “LZ Supervisor”.
c. Frequency for communication with LZ Supervisor
d. Response Type
i. Priority status
ii. Adult or pediatric
iii. Age
iv. Sex
v. Procedures in progress
vi. Specialty equipment needed
e. Destination, if known
i. The receiving hospital to which the patient will be flown
f. Weather
i. If possible, provide verbal observation by any unit on-scene (e.g., fog, low ceiling visibility, high winds)