3.5 The scale and pace of economic migration has increased as the world has become more interconnected, creating consequences for people and the physical environment. Flashcards


How does rural-urban migration, driven by push and pull factors, and/or natural increase contribute to the growth of megacities such as Mumbai or Karachi, and what social and environmental challenges arise from rapid urban growth?


Rural-urban migration is driven by push factors (lack of job opportunities, limited services, agricultural changes) and pull factors (employment prospects, better amenities, educational opportunities).

People migrate from rural areas to megacities like Mumbai or Karachi in search of better livelihoods, improved standards of living, and access to urban amenities.

Rapid urban growth resulting from rural-urban migration poses social challenges: housing shortages, inadequate infrastructure, overcrowding, income inequalities, strains on public services, development of slums, and cultural changes.

Environmentally, megacity expansion puts pressure on natural resources, leads to pollution, deforestation, loss of biodiversity, strained waste management, and contributes to greenhouse gas emissions.

Balancing social and environmental aspects is crucial for sustainable development and enhancing residents’ quality of life in megacities.

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How has international migration increased in global hub cities and regions, deepening interdependence between regions, considering elite migration (such as Russian oligarchs to London) and mass low-wage economic migration (such as India to UAE or the Philippines to Saudi Arabia)?


International migration contributes to the growth and interdependence of global hub cities and regions.

Elite migration, exemplified by wealthy individuals like Russian oligarchs moving to cities like London, concentrates economic and political power in these hubs.

Elite migration attracts investment, shapes urban development, and influences cultural landscapes.

Mass low-wage economic migration, such as Indian workers moving to the UAE or Filipino workers migrating to Saudi Arabia, fills labor gaps and supports economic growth in host countries.

Mass low-wage economic migration creates labor flows, remittance economies, and cultural exchange between regions.

Interdependence resulting from international migration includes economic, social, and cultural dimensions, such as remittances, diaspora communities, and the exchange of knowledge and cultural practices.

Challenges related to migrant rights, social integration, and potential exploitation must be addressed to ensure fair and inclusive global interactions.

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How does migration have economic, social, political, and environmental costs and benefits for both host and source locations?


Migration has economic impacts such as filling labor gaps, supporting economic growth, and promoting entrepreneurship and innovation.

Remittances from migrants can contribute to local economies and poverty reduction in source countries.

Challenges of migration include job competition, depressed wages in certain sectors, and brain drain in source locations.

Migration brings cultural diversity, intercultural exchanges, and potential for social cohesion and vibrant communities.

Social tensions, discrimination, and challenges with social integration and cultural identity can arise from migration.

Migration raises governance and political considerations, including border control, immigration policies, and debates on citizenship and rights.

Migration intersects with geopolitical factors and can impact international relations and regional cooperation.

Migration can have positive environmental effects, such as adopting sustainable lifestyles, but also places pressure on resources and infrastructure in host locations.

Comprehensive understanding and addressing of the economic, social, political, and environmental dimensions of migration is essential for effective policymaking and promoting inclusive societies.

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