3.5 - Action Potential Flashcards
How do neurons communicate with one another?
(Interneuronal communication)
Intraneuronal communication is via “action potentials”
How do neurons communicate within a single neuron?
(Intraneuronal communication)
Interneuronal communication is via neurotransmitter release into the synapse
What method of communication are action potentials?
What method of communication are neurotransmitters?
Neurotransmitters are chemical and bind to receptors, causing cellular changes
What is typically the charge inside AND outside of a neuron?
The inside of a neuron is more NEGATIVE and the outside of a neuron is more POSITIVE
This is because of the Na/K Pump
What are the three types of channels which allow neurons to send information?
- Ligand-gated
- Voltage-gated (unnecessary for this class)
- Mechanically-gated (unnecessary for this class)
What is a ligand-gated channel?
A ligand-gated channel is a protein channel that opens or closes when a signaling molecule (typically a neurotransmitter from another neuron) binds to it
- Also called ionotropic receptors
What is typically the voltage inside of a neuron?
The inside of a neuron is normally at -70mV
What happens when a stimulus allows Na+ to enter the cell?
If a stimulus allows Na+ to enter the cell, the voltage will become positive
- This also allows K+ to leave the cell
What happens when enough K+ leaves the cell?
Eventually enough K+ leaves the cell to cause the inside to go back to being negative
- In fact, loss of K+ from the cell is so much that voltage will go lower than -70mV (ex: -90), “overshooting” the desired voltage
What is the minimum voltage threshold that must be reached in order to activate the action potential?
When do Na+ channels start opening?
Some Na+ channels open when there is a stimulus (like a neurotransmitter from another neuron)
All Na+ channels open when -55mV is reached
Why can action potential only go in one direction?
Think of an action potential like a wave moving along a string. Once the wave passes a point, that area needs some time to settle before it can handle another wave. In a similar way, after an action potential occurs in a part of a nerve cell, that part needs a break before it can handle another action potential. This helps the nerve signal move in one direction, like a domino effect.
What happens to the space in front of the ligand-gated channels in a neuron?
The space AHEAD of these channels DO get activated, allowing the electrical signal to move in one direction along the axon
- The dominos keep falling forward, pushing the signal along
What are the 5 (6) stages of action potential?
- Resting potential
- Depolarization to threshold
- Rapid depolarization
- End of depolarization, start of repolarization
- End of repolarization, start of hyperpolarization
- Return to resting potential
What happens during resting potential?
Neuron at REST
- Resting membrane potential at -70mV; being maintained by active Na+/K+ pump
- All gated channels closed (gated Na+ and gated K+)
What happens during depolarization to threshold?
Local/graded potential triggers action potential
- Stimulus opens CHEMICAL/ MECHANICAL gated channel in dendrites, lets in Na+
- Membrane potential starts to move towards ZERO: If it doesn’t reach -55mV, system resets. If it hits THRESHOLD at -55mV, gated Na+ channels in axon hillock OPEN, action potential STARTS
What happens during rapid depolarization?
Depolarization spreads
- As Na+ enters cell more channels open, more depolarization
- Membrane potential hits ZERO and rises
- This continues until +30mV is reached
What happens during end of depolarization/start of repolarization?
Depolarization stops/Repolarization starts At +30mV:
- Voltage gated Na+ channels INACTIVATE (no more Na+ can enter)
- Voltage gated K+ channels OPEN
(K+ starts to leave the cell, loss of + charge starts to DROP membrane potential → REPOLARIZATION)
What happens during end of repolarization/start of hyperpolarization?
Repolarization leads to hyperpolarization
- Open voltage gated K+ channels continue to allow escape of K+
- Membrane potential drops to -70mV and then OVERSHOOTS until it hits -90mV → HYPERPOLARIZATION (voltage gated K+ channels INACTIVATE, voltage gated Na+ channels RESET to closed)
What happens during the return to resting potential?
Reset to RMP of -70mV
- Action of Na+/K+ pump pushes Na+ back out and pulls K+ back in to re-establish resting membrane potential
- All voltage gated channels now closed, ready for next round
How does the message travel during action potential if an axon is UNMYELINATED?
If an axon is UNMYELINATED depolarization/ repolarization wave travels along the entire length of the axon patch by patch
- Called continuous propagation
** Speed ~1m/s (slow)
*** Seen in short axons
How does the message travel during action potential if an axon is MYELINATED?
In a myelinated axon, the ion current during an action potential at one node of Ranvier spreads along the interior of the axon to the next node, triggering an action potential there. The action potential thus jumps from node to node as it propagates along the axon
- Called saltatory propragation (jumping conduction)
** Signal leaps down axon at ~18-140m/s
*** Seen in all long axons (sensory and motor)
What is summation?
When a neuron gets activated (to start its action potential), it needs a certain amount of stimulation
This stimulation is called “summation” since you must get a minimum level of voltage change
What are the 2 forms of summation?
- Spatial summation
- Temporal summation
What is spatial summation?
Spatial summation is when multiple neurons send a message and additively provide enough activation (like having many people shovel dirt to fill a hole)
What is temporal summation?
Temporal summation is when one neuron sends a message continuously over a period of time (like having one person shovel a lot to fill the hole)
What happens when the signal has reached the end of the axon?
At the end of the axon, the cell will transmit the signal to neighbouring neurons through the synapse
What are the two different forms of synapse?
- Electrical synapse
- Chemical synapse
What is an electrical synapse?
An electrical synapse is when a neuron directly sends ions into another neuron, to initiate its action potential
- Extremely quick way to send information between adjacent neurons
** Downside is they are not well-regulated, since you don’t have different “gated” channels
What is a chemical synapse?
A chemical synapse is where neurotransmitters are released from one axon to bind the receptors on others neurons’ dendrites
- When an action potential reaches the axon terminal, it causes voltage-gated Calcium channels to open, allowing Ca2+ to enter into the cell
** In-flow of calcium allows vesicles to fuse will the cell membrane to release neurotransmitters (exocytosis)
What are the steps of synaptic transmission, and how does it work?
Action Potential Travels Down Axon:
- Imagine a tiny electric wave (action potential) traveling down a long wire (axon) in your brain.
Synaptic Vesicles Release
- When the wave reaches the end (axon termini), it triggers the release of little messenger balloons (synaptic vesicles) filled with chemicals (neurotransmitters).
Neurotransmitter Causes Depolarization:
- The balloons burst, releasing chemicals into a gap (synaptic cleft). These chemicals float across the gap and open tiny gates (Na+ channels) in the next wire (postsynaptic membrane).
This opening of gates makes the next wire a bit electric (depolarizes it).
If Enough Electricity, New Action Potential:
- If the electric charge is strong enough (hits -55 mV), it triggers a new electric wave (action potential) in the next wire.
Deactivation and Reset:
- The chemicals are taken back or broken down to stop the electric effect.
- Everything gets ready for the next electric message. More messenger balloons (neurotransmitters) are made for the next round.