3.4.6 - Monopsony Flashcards
What is a monopsony?
only one buyer in the market, so characteristics as monopoly and aim to profit MAX. firms experience monopsony power by having a large market share - monopsonists drive down their suppliers prices
Is a monopsony efficient?
No, they are no allocatively efficient, demand does not equal supply, lower prices for the consumer but less supply
Do monopsonists profit max?
monopsonist buys where MC=MR so it profit maximises
Evaluation of monopsony for consumers
Consumers - lower prices BUT less supply (depends on PES) - may help counterbalance monopoly and lower quality
Evaluation of monopsony for employees
Employees of suppliers - lower profit therefore sack staff
Employees of monopsonist - more profits so therefore increased wages, less quantity to make
Evaluation of monopsony for suppliers
lower prices/less profit, some will quit market but some may have guaranteed buyers
Evaluation of monopsony for the monopsonist
higher profits from lower prices, lead to increased investment and increased dynamic efficiency (average costs AC will decrease over time)
What is a bilateral monopoly?
Monopoly meets monopsony, both sides have ‘monop’ power therefore they might reach the market equilibrium price