3.4.4- Oligopoly Flashcards
What are the characteristics of an oligopoly?
-differentiated products
-many buyers + a few dominant sellers
-interdependent decision making
-barriers to entry/exit
-price makers
-imperfect information
What happens if a firm in an oligopoly raises its price according to the kinked demand curve?
Other firms wont follow so they lose a significant number of customers
What happens if a firm in an oligopoly lowers its price according to the kinked demand curve?
Other firms will follow so they don’t acquire many extra customers
What is the name of the stable price?
Sticky price
What is an evaluation of the kinked demand curve?
Don’t know the stable price level
How do you work out the N-firm concentration ratio?
total sales of n firms/ total size of market * 100
What is collusion?
When firms make collective agreements that reduce competition
What is good about collusion?
-can maximise industry profits
-reduces fear of price wars
What is bad about collusion?
-risk of breaking the cartel
What is a credible threat?
A threat to prevent a cartel being broken like whistleblowing or threatening the supplier to stop supplying to them
What is a cartel?
A formal collusive agreement where rules are laid out in a formal document and fines are charged to those who break the rules
What is price leadership?
One firm has advantages due to its size or costs and becomes the dominant firm so other firms follow this firm as they wouldn’t want to take it on in a price war
What is a non-collusive oligopoly?
Behaviour depends on how it thinks other firms will react to its policies
What is game theory?
Explores the reactions of one player to changes in strategy by another player
What is the maxi-min strategy?
Least worst outcome