3.4.2- Perfect Competition Flashcards
What are the characteristics of perfect competition?
-many buyers and sellers
-price taker
-homogenous product
-no barriers to entry or exit
-independent decision making
-perfect information
What is an example of something that is close to perfect competition?
The London Stock Exchange
Why is no SNP made in the long run in perfect competition?
Firms find out about the SNP so switch to that market as they aren’t making normal profit, so supply increases and price falls to P=CPU
How efficient is perfect competition in the short run?
Allocatively efficient only
How efficient is perfect competition in the long run?
Both allocatively and productively efficient
Why isn’t perfect competition dynamically efficient?
No SNP is being made to invest, and there is perfect information so one firm’s invention will be adopted by another so there is no competitive benefit
What is dynamic efficiency?
Improvements in static efficiency over time
What is static efficiency?
Efficiency at a point in time
What are the evaluation points of perfect competition?
-theoretical model
-removes competitive activities
-SNP is required to drive dynamic efficiency
Why is it bad to remove competitive activities?
No incentive to innovate and reduce costs and prices