340 exam 1 Flashcards
someone who gets things done through other people in organizations
coordinated social unit composed of two or more people that functions on relatively continuous basis to achieve common goals
process that include defining goals, establishing strategy, and developing plans to coordinate activities
determine what tasks need to be done, who does them, how tasks are grouped, who to report to, and where decision are made
motivate and direct employees, select best communication channels and resolve conflicts
monitoring activities to ensure they are accomplished as planned
conceptual skills
mental ability to analyze and diagnose complex situations
technical skills
ability to apply specialized knowledge or expertise
Skills done through training
- ex: IT
human skills
can work, understand, and motivate other
What are managerial roles according to Mintzberg
conclude that manager perform 10 different highly interrelated roles or behaviors that contribute to their jobs
- interpersonal
- informational
- decisional
required to perform a number of legal and social responsibilities
responsible for motivating and directing employeesl
maintains a network of outside contacts who provide favors and info
receives variety of info, act as nerve center of internal and external info communicator
share info received from outsiders to members of organization
share info to outsiders about organization
searches organization and its environment for opportunities and initiates project to bring change
disturbance handler
responsible for corrective action when organization faces important, unexpected disturbances
resource allocator negotiator
makes or approve significant decisions
responsible for representing organization at major events
organizational behavior
A field of study that investigates the impact that individuals, groups, and structure have on behavior within organizations and apply the knowledge toward improving an organization’s effectiveness
Study of individuals and groups and their behaviors at work and find ways to improve those behaviors
OB model levels
- individual (micro)
- group (meso)
- organization (macro)
3rd OB level
focuses on organization sociology, how firm engage w one another
OB model
overview of key managerial goals and practical research-based tools to achieve goals
1st OB level
focus on understanding human behaviors and psychology
2nd OB level
focuses on social psychology and sociological insight into human interaction and group dynamics
Systematic study
looking at relationship, attempt to find causes and affects, draw conclusion based on scientific evidence
evidence-based management -> EBM
argues for managers to make decisions on scientific evidence
systematic + EBM
why is systematic study of OB valuable
help company understand and predict employee behavior for changes/improvement
Major Behavioral Science Disciplines That Contribute to OB
why is EBM of OB valuable
improve decision-making quality and drive better outcome, reduce judgement errors
experimental method
research technique used to detmerine causality
contingency variables
situational factors: variables that moderate the relationship between 2 or more variables
correlational research
relationship where A related to B, but one event does not necessarily cause another to occur
causality method
one event cause another event
Big data
extensive use of statistical complilation and analysis
Big data strengths
Big data weaknesses
person-organization fit
theory that ppl are attracted to organization that match their values and leave when there is no compatibility
systematic + EBM + intuition
gut feeling about what one should do
- incomplete info
ethical dilemmas
sitiations where individual have to define right and wrong
workplace diversity
describe any characteristic that makes one person different from another
surface-level diversity
differences in age, gender, and race (easy to observe/see)
deep-level diversity
differences in values, personality, work preferences
generalizations that one has about people who belong to a specific group
-lead to unfair discrimination
unfair discrimination
assuming stereotype about groups and refusing to recognize individual
discriminatory policies
(type of unfair disc)
actions to deny equal opportunity or rewards
sexual harassment
(type of unfair disc)
unwanted sexual advances, verbal, or physical
(type of unfair disc)
threats or bullying directed at an individual
mockery and insult
(type of unfair disc)
negative jokes or stereotype
(type of unfair disc)
exclude certain ppl or groups from opportunities
disrespectful treatment, aggressive manners, interrupting the person, or ignoring
individual’s current capacity to perform various tasks in a job
intellectual abilities
ablitity to think and solve problems
physical abilities
ability to perform physical actions