What are the forces that hold atoms together all about?
attraction of positive charges to negative charges
What happens in ionic bonding? (transfer)
complete transfer of electrons from one atom to another
Are the electrons always evenly spread out in a covalent bond?
When are the electrons not evenly spread out in a covalent bond?
when one of the atoms is better at attracting electrons than the other one
What is the atom that is better at attracting the electrons than the other atom in a covalent bond said to be?
more electronegative
What is the definition of electronegativity?
power of an atom to attract the electron density in a covalent bond towards itself
What is the term electron density often used to describe?
way the negative charge is distributed in a molecule
What is used as a measure of electronegativity?
Pauling scale
What does the Pauling scale run from?
0 to 4
What does a greater number on the Pauling scale mean?
more electronegative the atom
What number does the noble gases have on the Pauling scale?
no number
Why do the noble gases not have a number on the Pauling scale?
generally they do not form covalent bonds
What does electronegativity depend on? (3)
nuclear charge
distance between nucleus and outer shell electrons
shielding of nuclear charge by electrons in inner shells
What happens to electronegativity as the size of the atom decreases?
smaller the atom, greater the electronegativity
Why does electronegativity increase as the size of the atom is smaller?
closer the nucleus is to the shared outer main level electrons