3.3.5 Alcohols Flashcards
What is the functional group in an alcohol homologous series called?
Hydroxyl group (OH-)
What is a primary alcohol?
When a hydroxyl group is bonded to a carbon with only one alkyl group bonded to it
What is a secondary alcohol?
When a hydroxyl group is bonded to a carbon with two alkyl groups bonded to it
What is a tertiary alcohol?
When a hydroxyl group is bonded to a carbon with three alkyl groups bonded to it
Why is being able to eliminate alcohols into alkenes useful?
- This reaction allows alkenes to be produced from a renewable source (ethanol from fermentation)
- This mean polymers can be produced without oil
Give the equation for dehydration (eliminating) ethanol to form ethene
Ethanol is heated with a sulfuric acid catalyst
C2H5OH -H2SO4-> C2H4 + H2O
The product formed is usually a mixture of water acid and ethanol so the alkene must be separated out
Phosphoric acid can also be used as a catalyst
Breifly describe the mechanism for elimination of water from alcohol
- A lone pair of electrons from the oxygen bonds to an H+ from the acid. The alcohol is protonated giving the positve charge
- The positively charged oxygen pulls electrons away from the carbon. An H2O molecule leaves, creating an unstable carbocation intermediate
- The carboncation loses an H+, the bond from which creates a C=C double bond, and an alkene is formed
Why may dehydration of alcohols have more than one product?
If the carbon the hydroxyl group has two carbons attached to it the double bond can form either side of the carbon forming two products
Describe how to produce cyclohexene from cyclohexanol using distilation
Stage 1 distilation:
1. Add conc. sulfuric acid and phosphoric acid to a round bottomed flask containing cyclohexanol. Mix the solution by swirling the flask and add antibumbing granules
2. The mixture should be gently heated around 83oC using a water bath or electric heater
3. Chemical with boiling points >83oC will evaporate. Warm gas will rise out of the flask and condense
4. The product can be collected in a cooled flask
Describe how to produce cyclohexene from cyclohexanol using seperation after distillation
Step 2 seperation:
1. The product collected after distillation will still contain impurities
2. Transfer the product mixture into a seperating funnel and add water to dissolve water soluble impurites and create an aqueous solution
3. Allow the mixture to settle into layers. Drain the aqueous lower layer, leaving the impure cyclohexene
Describe how to produce cyclohexene from cyclohexanol using purification after seperation and distillation
Step 3 purification:
1. Drain the cyclohexene into a round-bottomed flask
2. Add anyhdrous CaCl2 (a drying agent) and stopper the flask. Let the mixture dry for at least 20 min with occasional swirling
3. The cyclohexene will still have small amount of impurities so distil the mixture one last time
Explain how alcohols can be produced by hydration of an alkene
- A pair of electrons from the double bond bonds to an H+ from the acid
- A lone pair of electrons from a water molecule bonds to the carbocation
- The water loses an H+
- The alcohol is now formed
What conditions are required for an alkene to be hydrated into an alcohol
Ethanol can be produced by the hydration of ethene by steam at a temperature of 300oC and a preasure of 60 atm. It needs a solid phosphoric(V) acid catalyst
Why is production of ethanol from fermentation more sustainable than from hydration of alkenes
When crude oil supplies start running out, petrochemical like ethene will be expensive, so being able to produce ethanol from glucose which can be grown on plants means ethanol can be produced sustainably as its a renewable resource
Describe how ethanol is produced via fermentation of glucose
- Fermentation is an exothermic process, carried about by yeast in anaerobic conditions
- The equation is C6H12O6(aq) -30-40oC / yeast-> 2C2H5OHaq + 2CO2(g)
- Yeast produces an enzyme which converts sugers, such as glucose, into ethanol and carbon dioxide
- The enzyme works at an optimum temperature of 30-40oC. If its too cold, the reaction is slow, if its too hot the enzyme is denatured
- Once formed, ethanol is seperated from the rest of the mixture by fractional distillation
- Fermentation is low-tech. It uses cheap equipment and renewable resources. Buth the fractional distillation that is neeed to purify the ethanol produced takes extra time an money