3.3 Controlling and influencing attitudes Flashcards
What position did Hitler give Goebbels and what did he have to do?
Minister of People’s Enlightenment
Co-ordinate Nazi policy towards media, sport, culture and the Arts
Promoted pro-Nazi attitudes, censored anti-Nazi ones
What was the difference between Goebbels’ and Hitler’s vision for propaganda?
Hitler - constantly repeat Nazi message - ‘bread and work’
Goebbels - Nazi attitudes buried in propaganda; people wouldn’t know they were being influenced
How did Nazis use the press?
Journalists told what they could/couldn’t publish
Given briefings containing info government were willing to release and instructed on what to write
No free press in Germany - every paper was Nazi
What happened to newspapers that opposed Nazis?
They were closed
1,600 closed down in 1935
How did Nazis use radio?
All radios under Nazi control
Hitler and other Nazis made regular broadcasts
All radios designed with short range, couldn’t pick up foreign stations
What was the Volksempfanger?
Cheap, mass produced radio sold to the public
Put in cafes, factoriesa and schools
Speakers in the streets
70% had one my 1939
Describe the Nuremberg rally in 1934
Giant eagle with 100ft wing span
1000s of swastika banners
Surrounded by 130 anti-aircraft searchlights w/25,000 ft range
200,000 party supporters waving 20,000 flags
How did Nazis use sports?
Covered stadiums in Nazi symbols, linking sports entusiasm to Nazi enthusiasm
Insisted all teams, even foreign, do straight-armed salute during anthem; sports stars respecting Nazis
hailing sports victories as victories for Nazi ideals e.g. being the best
How did the Nazis use sport as propaganda during the Berlin Olympics in 1936?
Build 110,000 capacity stadium - biggest in the world
Covered in swastikas and other symbols
Well organised to show Nazi efficiency
Germany won 33 medals - the most
Filmed by leading film directors who released 2 films which were used for propaganda
How was censorship involved in the Berlin Olympics?
Reich Press Chamber ordered that any information printed about the Olympics before the official report was could be dangerous/ ‘at their own peril’
How was art controlled in Nazi Germany?
Reich Chamber of Culture - arts, architecture, literature, music, theatre, film
Supposed to line up culture with Nazi ideals
Promoted cultural activities that fitted Nazis and banned the rest
What was the Reich Chamber of Visula Arts?
All painters and sculptors required to apply
42,000 artists accepted
Artists who didn’t receive membership/had it revoked couldn’t teach, sell or produce art
What design features did Speer use?
Hude buildings = power and permanence
Features of Ancient Rome and Greece e.g. domes, arches, pillars = grand and historic
Decorated with massive Nazi flags = artistic, meant building’s power reflected on Nazis
What happened to Music in Nazi Germany?
Jazz music censored - seen as work of blacks and inferior
Mendelssohm banned - party Jewish
Wagner promoted - put heroic German legends to music
Beethoven, Bach and traditional German music favoured
What happened to Literature in Nazi Germany?
No new books published without Chamber of Culture’s permission
2,500 writers banned for having ideas Nazis didn’t agree with
What happened in May 1933 concerning literature?
200,000 books written by Jews, communists and anti-Nazis burned incl. Freud and Einstein (Jewish)
Taken from public libraries and universities
What happened to Films in Nazi Germany?
Films preceeded by 45 min newsreel publicising German achievements
All filmmakers sent plot details of new films to Goebbels for approval Nazis made 1,300 of their own films
What was Hitlerjunge Quex (1933)
A movie about a young Nazi killed by communists
What was Hansi?
Cartoon canary based on Mickey Mouse
Had the same hair as Hitler
Pestered by vaillainous black crows w/stereotypical Jewish features
What is gleichschaltung?
Bringing Germany in-line with Nazi ideals