2.4 How Hitler became Chancellor, 1932-33 Flashcards
What were the results of the 1930 general election?
Nazis = 18% of the vote KDP = 13% SDP = 25%
Why was Hindenburg convinced to run for re-election in 1932?
To keep government as stable as possible
In the midst of depression
Campains violent
What were the results of the March 1932 Presidential elections?
KDP representative = 5 million votes
Hindenburg = 18 million votes
Hitler = 11 million votes
Why did they have to have a re-election?
No one got over 50% of the vote
What were the results of the April 1932 Presidential elections?
KDP rep = 4 million votes
Hindenburg = 19 million votes
Hitler = 13 million votes
Why did these suggestions turn right-wing people against Bruning?
Ban on SS and SA angered Hitler
Other parties feared their paramilitary groups would be banned
Landowning classes furious at land being bought up
Hindenburg = landowning conservative = angered
When did Bruning resign?
30th May 1932
Who was von Papen and who suggested him to Hindeburg?
von Papen = friend of Hindenburg, wealthy politician
Suggested by von Schleicher = army general who had been organising right-wing coaltiion
What was von Shleicher’s plan to get past not having a majority in Weimar?
Get Nazis (very popular) to support Papen and then could govern without Reichstag
Why did this go against the spirit of Weimar?
Constitution intended that Chancellor have support of Reichstag
Called the ‘Cabinet of Barons’
What else happened on the 30th May 1932
Hindenburg made von Papen Chancellor
What mistake did von Schleicher make with the Nazis?
Underestimating them and thinking they could be easily controlled
How many votes did the Nazis get in the 1932 election and what did Hitler demand as a result?
38% of votes (230 seats) = largest party
Demanded that von Papen was sacked and he was made Chancellor
Hindenburg refused as he disliked Hitler
What did von Papen do next and why?
Called elections in November 1932, hoping Nazi support would fall
They did to 196 seats = largest party
His plan failed
What did von Schleicher do and why?
Abandoned von Papen
Told Hindeburg that if he stayed, Germany would have a civil war and the army wouldn’t be able to keep control
When did Hindenburg reluctantly sack von Papen?
November 1932
When did von Schleicher become Chancellor and why?
2 December 1932
Hindeburg was struggling to form a strong government but still refused to appoint Hitler
Why was von Schleicher unable to do anything as Chancellor?
No support - Nazis against him
No majority in Reichstag or support from public
What did von Schleicher do because of his lack of power?
Asked Hindenburg to suspend constitution and make himmilitary dictator
Said army would support him
Hindenburg refused
What roumors began circulating and how did von Papen exacerbate these?
That von Schleicher was planning a coup
von Papen told Hindenburg that if a new government wasn’t formed, the army would march and form a miltary dictatorship
What was von Papen’s solution?
Make Hitler Chancellor and von Papen Vice Chancellor
Hitler = figurehead while Hindenburg and vP make decisions
When was Hitler legally appointed Chancellor of the Weimar Republic?
30th January 1933