Global systems Flashcards
what can you say about interdependency?
- what happens in one place has impacts on another place
e.g. remittances may be reduced if natural disaster occurs in a host country impacting ppl in source countries relying on financial flows
interdependency- political
- international political issues= countries need to work together to solve them e.g. United Nations (promote stability etc)
- countries rely on each other to intervene if political unrest e.g. countries supporting Ukraine, NATO (military alliance)
- environmental protection, human rights etc= require collective action
interdependency- social
- dispara all over world
- media (film etc) + leisure activities= consumed around world rather than just country of origin
e.g. UK + USA buy programmes from each other + work together to create media content - changes in medical knowledge + technological advances
- countries share educational resources e.g. University collabs—> students take knowledge home —> world bank proves education in LICs
interdependency- economic
- countries dependent on flows of labour, products, services entering country for economy to grow e.g. UK depend on migrant workers in BHS
- rely on global trade
- containerisation= efficient international trade
- internet= access to customers worldwide
- tourism stimulates economies
- off-shoring= investment flows
interdependency- environmental
- all countries rely on each other to protect environment/ prevent climate change —> Paris agreement on climate change e.g. COP28 etc
- 60 countries agreed to ban/lessen plastic packaging
what can interdependence lead to?
what is development, stability + growth
increase in standard of living + the quality of life of humans
not being ‘in conflict’, being able to function politically, socially + economically
- social, economic ,environmental + political improvements.
Often measured in GDP, trade, FDI etc
what is inequalities, conflict + injustices
idea people experience different standards of living —> can be economically (diff. levels of wealth + income), politically (diff. rights + freedom), socially (diff levels of healthcare + education)
state of disagreement caused by perceived or actual opposition greeds, values + interests between people —> e.g. way in which resources are developed, use of Amazon rainforest etc
- acts of unfairness to another or violation of human rights- undeserved hurts e.g. workers in LICs TNCs not getting breaks
inequalities between countries examples
- globalisation- reducing global inequality through transfer of capital + income (rich to poor countries)
BUT some very poor countries lag behind r.g. Burkina Faso - fastest growing economies= Asia + Sub-Saharan Africa —> Africa showing advances in growth but still has many poor countries
inequalities within countries
- inequality = worsened in some rich countries (Britain + Canada)
- reducing in china + sub-saharan africa (less gap between rich + poor)
- most countries see increase poverty gap
- richest in society cope with changes + needs in skills + tech= can cope in new job market
unequal flows of people- positive impacts
- main flow= from developing countries to HDEs
- reduced unemployment in LDE as people can move to work anywhere
- people can fill skill + labour shortages
- remittances help LICs develop
- migrants pay tax + spend money —> normally young ppl= less pressure on healthcare etc
- workers can return home with new skills + benefit their countries
- LICs reduce population pressure on resources etc
- refugees= safety from conflict etc
unequal flows of people negative impacts
- LICs loss younger, talented workers= brain drain
- too much dependence on remittances
- loss of workers = impacts economic growth
- racism in HICs for immigrants
- families get separated
- segregation may occur in HIC cities
- resentment + fear against migrants
- migrants can spread disease
- exploitation of migrant workers e.g. construction workers in Qatar
unequal flows of ideas + tech positive impacts
- TNCs can grow = benefits HICs where they’re based (privatisation)
- dismantling state ownership= benefits customers in LICs (prices fall)
- deregulation= encourage enterprise in all countries
- free trade= markets can develop + thrive + LICs= more attractive to FDI
- multi-culturalism= LICs integrate well unto global economy
- better education (online learning platforms etc) healthcare + cleaner energy
- economic growth with development (due to job creation)
unequal flows of ideas + tech negative impacts
- poor wages in LICs
- loss of jobs in HICs = downward multiplier effect + deindustrialisation
- structural unemployment (skilled workers in HICs lose jobs)
- privatisation= can lead to loss of funds for government + can inhibit growth
- deregulation can lead to environment degradation
- free trade= can damage LIC economies as they can’t compete with TNCs
- multi-culturalism= can dilute culture + threaten identity
- weapons can increase conflict
unequal flows of capital positive impacts
- FDI, aid remittances= economic growth
- more job app + better infrastructure= better quality of life
- lower production costs= cheaper goods + more profits for TNCs