Eukaryotic Cell Structure Flashcards
Is this a Eukaryotic or Prokaryotic cell? Why?

Eukaryotic Cell
Its DNA held with a nucleus.
It has double membrane bound organelles.

Identify the organelle of the animal cell.

Cell Membrane

Identify the organelle of the animal cell.


Identify the organelle of the animal cell.

Golgi Vesicle

Identify the organelle of the animal cell.

Golgi Apparatus of Golgi Body

Identify the organelle of the animal cell.


Identify the organelle of the animal cell.


Identify the organelle of the animal cell.


Identify the organelle of the animal cell.


Identify the organelle of the animal cell.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Identify the organelle of the animal cell.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Identify the type of Eukaryotic cell.

Plant Cell

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.

Cell Wall

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.

Cell Membrane

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.


Identify the organelle of the plant cell.

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.


Identify the organelle of the plant cell.

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.


Identify the organelle of the plant cell.


Identify the organelle of the plant cell.

Golgi Vesicle

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.

Golgi Apparatus or Golgi Body

Identify the organelle of the plant cell.


Identify the organelle of the plant cell.


What is the arrow pointing to?

Nuclear Pore

What is the arrow pointing to?


What is the arrow pointing to?


What is the arrow pointing to?


What is the arrow pointing to?

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

What is the arrow pointing to?

Nuclear Envelope

Identify the organelle

Which part of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to?


Which part of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to?


Which part of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to?

Inner Membrane

Which part of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to?

Outer Membrane

Which part of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to?


Which part of the mitochondrion is the arrow pointing to?

Double Membrane

Identify the organelle


Identify the missing label

(plural: grana)

Identify the missing label

Inner membrane

Identify the missing label

Intergranal lamella

Identify the missing label

Outer membrane

Identify the missing label


Identify the missing label


Identify the missing label


Identify the missing label


Identify the missing label

(folds made from a double membrane)

Identify the missing label

Nuclear envelope

Identify the missing label


Identify the missing label

Ribosomes of Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Identify the missing label

Rough Endoplasmic Reticulum

Identify the missing label

Smooth Endoplasmic Reticulum

Idenitfy the organelle

Golgi apparatus

Identify the missing label

Cis face of golgi apparatus

Identify the missing label

Cisternae of golgi apparatus

Identify the missing label

Incoming vesicle of golgi apparatus

Identify the missing label

Lumen of golgi apparatus

Identify the missing label

Secretory vesicle of golgi apparatus

Identify the missing label

Trans face of golgi apparatus

Identify the organelle

80S Ribosome

In which type of cell would the 80S ribsome be found?
Eukaryotic Cells
Identify the missing label

Large sub-unit of 80S ribosome

Identify the missing label

Small sub-unit of 80S ribosome

Approximately what size is an 80S ribosome?

25 nm

Idenitfy the organelle

70S ribsome

Where would the 70S ribosome be found?
Prokaryotic cells

Identify the missing label

Large sub-unit of 70S ribosome

Identify the missing label

Small sub-unit of 70S ribosome

Approximately what size is the 70S ribosome?

20 nm

Identify the organelle

Plant cell wall

Identify the missing label

Cell membrane of plant cell

Identify the missing label

Cellulose microfibril of plant cell

Identify the missing label

Cross-links between cellulose microfibrils of plant cell

Identify the missing label

Middle lamella - boundary between adjacent plant cells (cements them together)

Identify the missing label

Pectin - component of plant cell wall

Identify the missing label

Primary cell wall of plant cell

Identify the organelle

Cell wall of fungi

Identify the missing label

Cell membrane of fungi

Identify the missing label

Chitin (polysaccharide) - component of fungal cell wall

Identify the missing label

Glycan (polysaccharide) - component of fungal cell wall

Identify the missing label

Glycoprotein - component of fungal cell wall

Identify the missing label

Vacuole of plant cell

Identify the missing label

Tonoplast - single membrane of vacuole

What does the vacuole of a plant cell contain?

- Mineral salts
- Sugars
- Amino acids
- Wastes
- Pigments (e.g. anthocyanins)

How can you monitor the temperature of an experiment to ensure it doesnt change?
use a thermometer and monitor/take readings at regular intervals
How does temperature affect the plasma membrane?
Denatures proteins
damages the membrane
makes the membrane more fluid
Describe where in the cell lactose would be attached to a polypeptide to form a glycoprotein
add the polypeptide on in the golgi