320 Technical Flashcards
The Emergency Generator is normally powered by?
The blue hydraulics and supplies 5KVA of three phase power
When the aircraft batteries are fully charged, they will connect to the DC Bat Bus with?
Battery voltage below 26.5V or the loss of AC Bus 1 & 2 with the IAS below 100kt
The Galley push button switch located on 35VU has its Amber fault light illuminated. This indicates?
The load on any generator is more than 100%of its rated output (accompanied by an ECAM warning)
Transformer Rectifiers (TRIs)
Supply the aircraft electrical system with up to 200 amps of DC current
What is green dot speed at FL240 with a weight of 68000kg and a CG of 24%?
In the event of an APU fire, an auto shutdown will occur
Only on the ground
During gravity feeding on an A320 when all the fuel pumps are lost
All the fuel except the centre tank fuel is available to the engines
In the event of an abort during an automatic start sequence
Whit a residual EGT of >250°C, the auto-crank function motors the engine until the EGT decreases below 250°C. There is no crew awareness message to indicate the reason for the extended motoring
Each toilet has a fire extinguishing system consisting of?
One smoke detector and one extinguisher in the waste bin
ECAM warning ELEC IDG 1 OIL LO PR. The ECAM actions are simply IDG 1……OFF. you should?
Also be aware of and follow the disconnection procedure described in the Abnormal and Emergency section
Th IDG can be disconnected
Only with the engine running or wind milling so as to not damage the IDG
An amber line over the last 2 digits of the fuel onboard (FOB) indication means that?
The FQI is in degraded mode e.g loss of accuracy +390kg or -750kg in all tanks
The Fuel On Board indicator in HSG will have an amber box around it when?
The centre tank pumps have failed or have been switched off
On the Maintenance panel (50VU) the APU test pushbutton switch
Tests the fire warning and auto extinguishing circuits. The APU continues to run if already started
The FAULT light on the battery pushbutton switch comes on if?
The charging current of the corresponding battery is outside limits
You have just entered the ALT CRZ mode. You notice on your ELEC ECAM Systems Page the IDG 2 temperature indication flashing green with an reading of 148°C. Your action would be?
Do nothing, this is simply an ECAM advisory, not an ECAM Caution
At an outstation you have to manually refuel the aircraft, the correct sequence would be?
Wing tanks first the the centre tanks
On the ground after engine start with fuel in the centre tank, the centre tank pumps will run…
Continually until all centre tank fuel is used