3.2 Evaluate the effectiveness of criminological theories to explain causes of criminality Flashcards
What is a strength of biological theories in explaining criminality?
They provide scientific explanations, such as genetics, brain structure, and hormones, which can be tested and studied.
What is a weakness of biological theories?
They ignore the role of social and environmental factors, such as upbringing and poverty.
How does Lombroso’s Atavistic Theory explain crime?
He suggested criminals have primitive facial features (e.g., large jaws, high cheekbones).
What is a criticism of Lombroso’s theory?
It is based on racist and outdated ideas, and modern studies show no link between appearance and criminality.
What is a modern biological theory of crime?
Brain abnormalities – Studies show that damage to the prefrontal cortex can lead to impulsive and aggressive behavior.
What is an example of a case that supports biological theories?
Phineas Gage – After a brain injury, his personality changed, showing how brain damage can influence behavior.
What is a strength of psychological theories?
They explain how personality, trauma, and learning experiences influence crime.
What is a weakness of psychological theories?
They focus too much on individual factors and ignore the impact of society and environment.
How does Eysenck’s Personality Theory explain crime?
Criminals are more likely to be high in extraversion, neuroticism, and psychoticism (ENP), making them impulsive and aggressive.
What is a criticism of Eysenck’s theory?
It relies on self-report questionnaires, which may be biased or inaccurate.
How does Social Learning Theory (Bandura) explain criminality?
Criminal behavior is learned by observing and imitating role models.
What is a real-life case supporting Social Learning Theory?
James Bulger’s murder (1993) – The killers had watched violent films, suggesting they learned aggression.
What is a limitation of Social Learning Theory?
Not everyone exposed to crime chooses to commit it, meaning personal choice is also important.
What is a strength of sociological theories?
They explain how poverty, peer pressure, and social structures influence crime.
What is a weakness of sociological theories?
They overlook biological and psychological factors, assuming crime is only shaped by society.
How does Merton’s Strain Theory explain criminality?
Crime happens when people cannot achieve success legally, so they turn to crime as an alternative.
What is an example of crime explained by Strain Theory?
The London Riots (2011) – Some individuals looted because they lacked economic opportunities.
What is a criticism of Strain Theory?
It does not explain why only some people in poverty turn to crime while others do not.
How does Labelling Theory (Becker) explain criminality?
Crime is a social construct – people become criminals when they are labelled as such.
What is a weakness of Labelling Theory?
It does not explain why people commit crime in the first place, only why they continue after being labelled.
Which theory best explains violent crime?
Biological theories (e.g., brain abnormalities, hormones) may explain violent tendencies.
Which theory best explains white-collar crime?
Marxist theory – The ruling class may commit fraud or tax evasion due to greed and power.
Which theory best explains gang-related crime?
Subcultural theories – Some groups develop values that encourage criminal behavior.
Why is it difficult to find a single explanation for all crime?
Criminal behavior is complex and influenced by a combination of biological, psychological, and sociological factors.