3.2 Computer Architecture (3.1 logic gates - needs pictures, use book) Flashcards
What is ‘cache’ memory?
The high speed “quick recall” memory often found in processors
What is the ‘register’?
The CPU’s memory that it uses to temporarily store data
What is an ‘accumulator’?
The register used for arithmetic and logic calculations
What is a ‘CU’?
- Control Unit
- It controls the flow of data through the CPU
- It interacts between different parts of the CPU and the computer’s other hardware
What is ‘IAS’?
- Immediate Access Store
- It is the memory inside the CPU
- It holds data temporarily
What is the ‘ALU’?
- Arithmetic Logic Unit
- Carries out calculations on data
- Uses +, -, divide, x,
What is the job of the ‘input and output’?
-To allow user interaction with the computer
What are ‘busses’?
- They allow components to connect with and talk to each other
- Data busses carry data
- Address busses carry memory of the addresses (?)
What was the idea of the Von Neumann computer architecture?
To make a computer that was not task-specific.
What are the 3 main parts of the Von Neumann architecture?
1 The CPU
2 Primary memory, cache memory and registers
3 Input and output devices
What is the ‘stored program concept’?
- A computer stores multiple program digitally in a read-write format
- It uses random access memory to open any program chosen by the user
What is the ‘fetch-execute cycle’?
- The CPU fetches the data and stores it in the IAS using the address busses
- Data is moved by travelling through data busses
- Registers then decode the data/instructions
- The CPU refers to the INSTRUCTION SET to interpret the instructions
- The movement of data and decoding is controlled by the CU
- The CPU carried out the instruction with the relevant data
- If any arithmetical calculations need doing, this will be controlled by the ALU