3.2, 3.3, 3.4 Flashcards
What is meant by span of control ?
The number of employees managed directly by a managed directly by a manager. Meaning the manager is the immediate boss of the employees
What is meant by organisation structures ?
Organisation structure shows the roles played by each employee in the business and who reports to whom within the business
What are some job titles and what are their duties ?
Director , work together as a team, set long term plans and targets for business
Managers , work to achieve targets set by directors, use employees and resources efficiently
Supervisor / team leader, help managers to achieve targets by reporting any problem and passing on instructions
Shop floor workers / sales assistant, carry out basic day to day duties.
What is meant by levels of hierarchy and authority ?
Levels of hierarchy, layers of authority in a business
Authority, the right to give orders and make decisions
What is meant by delegation, division of labour and chain of commands ?
Delegation, passing deon authority to more junior employees
Division of labour, allocation of tasks amongst a group to improve efficiency
Chain of commands, system through which instruction are passed through hierarchy of an organisation
What is meant by empowerment ?
Involves giving people greater control over their working lives
Means that employees plan their own work, take their own d decisions and solve their problems