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Psychology A2
> 3.12 Features of Science > Flashcards
3.12 Features of Science Flashcards
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Psychology A2
(62 decks)
Chapter 2: Biopsychology
2.1 Nervous and Endocrine System
2.2 Neurons and Synaptic Transmission
2.3 Localisation of Function in the Brain; Definitions
2.3 Localisation of Function in the Brain; Evaluation
2.4 Plasticity and Functional Recovery of the Brain after Trauma
2.4 Plasticity and Functional Recovery of the Brain after Trauma
2.5 Split-Brain Research into Hemispheric Lateralisation
2.5 Split-Brain Research into Hemispheric Lateralisation
2.6 Ways of Investigating the Brain; Definitions
2.6 Ways of Investigating the Brain; Evaluation
2.7 Biological Rhythms: Circadian Rhythms
2.7 Biological Rhythms: Circadian Rhythms
2.7 Biological Rhythms: Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms
2.7 Biological Rhythms: Infradian and Ultradian Rhythms
2.8 Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitbergers
2.8 Endogenous Pacemakers and Exogenous Zeitbergers
Chapter 3: Research Methods
3.1 Research Methods Recap and Correlations
3.2 Case Studies and Content Analysis - Definitions
3.3 Reliability
3.4 Types of Validity
3.5 Choosing a stats test
3.6 Probability and Significance
3.7 Tests of Difference: Mann-Whitney and Wilcoxon
3.8 Parametric Tests of Difference: Unrelated and Related T-tests
3.9 Tests of Correlation: Spearman's rho and Pearson's r
3.10 Tests of Association: Chi-Squared
3.11 Reporting Psychological Investigations
3.12 Features of Science
Chapter 4: Issues and Debates
4.1 Gender and Culture in Psychology: Gender Bias
4.2 Gender and Culture in Psychology: Cultural Bias
4.3 Free Will and Determinism
4.4 Nature-Nurture Debate
4.5 Holism and Reductionism
4.6 Idiographic and Nomothetic Approaches
4.7 Ethical Implications of Research Studies and Theory
Chapter 8: Schizophrenia
8.1 Schizophrenia (content)
8.1 Schizophrenia (evaluation)
8.2 Biological Explanations for Schizophrenia (content)
8.2 Biological Explanations for Schizophrenia (evaluation)
8.3 Psychological Explanations for Schizophrenia (content)
8.3 Psychological Explanations for Schizophrenia (evaluation)
8.4 Biological Therapies for Schizophrenia: Drug Therapy (content)
8.4 Biological Therapies for Schizophrenia: Drug Therapy (evaluation)
8.5 Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia (content)
8.5 Psychological Therapies for Schizophrenia (evaluation)
8.6 Interactionist Approach to Schizophrenia (content)
8.6 Interactionist Approach to Schizophrenia (evaluation)
Chapter 5: Relationships
5.1 Sexual Selection and Human Reproductive Behaviour
5.2 Factors affecting Attraction: Self-disclosure
5.3 Factors affecting Attraction: Physical Attractiveness
5.4 Factors affecting Attraction: Filter Theory
5.5 Theories of Romantic Relationships: Social Exchange Theory
5.6 Theories of Romantic Relationships: Equity Theory
5.7 Theories of Romantic Relationships: Rusbult's Investment Model
5.8 Theories of Romantic Relationships: Duck's Phase Model
5.9 Virtual Relationships in Social Media
5.10 Parasocial Relationships