3.1 HW Flashcards
Information processing model
Encoding, Storage, Retrieval (information is processed like a computer)
Shriffrin’s model
The model that suggests memory is organized into 3 stages: Sensory Memory, Short-term/Working Memory, & Long-term Memory.
Parallel processing
The ability of the brain to do many things at once
Automatic processing
The ability your brain has to unconsciously process things without you having to think about it.
Spacing effect
The idea that we learn material more effectively and easily when we study it several times spaced out over a longer time span, rather than trying to learn it in a short period of time.
Serial position effect
The tendency of information at the beginning and end of a body of information to be remembered more than the information in the middle of the body of information.
Visual encoding
The process by which we remember visual images
Acoustic encoding
The process of remembering and comprehending something that you hear. (Ex: Making songs out of vocab words)
Semantic encoding
A specautific type of encoding in which the meaning of something (a word, phrase, picture, event,) is encoded as opposed to the sound or vision of it.
Memory aids; any technique you use to help you remember something
Iconic memory
Visual sensory memory, lasting only a fraction of a second.
Echoic memory
Auditory sensory memory, lasting only 2-4 seconds.
Long-term potentiation
The ability of brain cells to retain how frequently they send signals to other brain cells.
Flashbulb memory
Type of automatic encoding that occurs because an unexpected event has strong emotional associations for the person remembering it.
The inability to recall past events.
Implicit memory (non-declarative)
Type of long-term memory that includes skills, habits, procedures, and conditioned responses; not conscious but implied to exist because they affect conscious behavior
Explicit memory (declarative)
Type of long-term memory containing facts and information that is conscious and known.
Curved structure located within each temporal lobe, responsible for the formation of long-term declarative memories (explicit memories)
Part of the lower brain located behind the pons that controls & coordinates involuntary, rapid, fine motor movement.
Recall v. recognition
Recall - the memory or perception placed in long-term storage, requiring a higher depth of processing
Recognition - memories and perceptions that do not require depth of processing.
An increased sensitivity to particular stimuli as a result of previous experience.
State-dependent memory
The phenomenon through which memory retrieval is most efficient when an individual is in the same state of consciousness as they were when the memory was formed.
Mood-congruent memory
When humans store memories, they not only store the event, but they also store a memory of the mood they were in at the time.