3.1 Flashcards
What is accuracy?
The degree of closeness to the true, actual value of measurement.
What is causation?
A link between variables in which one variable is known to be directly affecting the other associations between the independent and dependent variable to be made.
What is a confounding variable?
A factor that influences the results of an experiment and can cause mistaken associations between the independent and dependent variable to be made.
What is a continuous variable?
A continuous variable is a variable that can be measured and that for which infinite values exist.
What is correlation?
A relationship between two variables that does not imply causation.
What is a dependent variable?
A factor that is measured to obtained experimental data.
What is a discrete variable?
A variable that must fall into clear cut categories.
What is in vitro?
Experimental procedure carried out in laboratory conditions using parts of organisms such as cells or tissues
What is in vivo?
Experimental procedures carried out in laboratory or field conditions using entire,
Living organisms.
What are independent data sets?
Repeated data sets that are collected in different Labs by different workers and at different times but under the same general conditions.
What is an independent variable?
An experimental variable that is purposely altered by the investigator.
What is multifactorial?
An experimental situation in which there is more than one dependent variable
What is negative control?
An experimental aspect in which the independent variable is set at zero or at no treatment, with the aim of producing a negative result.
What are observational studies?
Work that is usually carried out in the field or in vivo and usually produces qualitative data.
What is a pilot study?
A small scale study conducted to refine values for independent and controlled variables prior to conducting an experiment.
What is a placebo?
A negative control used in drug and vaccine trials that doesn’t contain the active ingredient being tested.
What is a postive control?
An experimental aspect set up to show that a system is capable of detecting a positive result should it occur.
What is precision?
The closeness of repeated measurements of a variable.