307 Final Flashcards
Know the difference between “growth” and “development.
Growth: Increase in physical size
Development: Sequential process by which infants and children various skills and functions
2 month milestone
Looks at face, reacts to loud sounds, Smiles when talked to, Holds head up on tummy
6 month milestone
Knows familiar people, takes turns making sounds with you, Reaches to grab a wanted toy, Rolls from tummy to back
1 year milestone
Play games like patty cake, says mama and dada, Pulls up to stand, places things in containers
18 month milestone
Copies you doing chores, tries to use spoon, Points to show interest, 3 or more words at a time
2 year milestone
Tries to use switches, knobs or buttons on toy, kicks a ball, looks at your face to learn how to react to new situation, two or more words together
30 month milestone
About 50 words, Uses things to pretend, Shows you what they can do, jumps off ground with both feet
3 year milestone
Talk in conversation, Draws a circle, Notices other children and joins to play, Use fork
4 year mile stone
Answer simple questions, Name a few colors of items, unbutton some buttons, likes to be a helper
What are the normal vital sign ranges for pediatric patients?
Normal Respiratory Rate
Newborn 30-55 breaths/min
1 year 25-40
3 years 20-30
6 years 16-22
12 years 12-20
Normal Heart Rate
Newborn 100-170 beats/min
Infant to age 2 years 80-130
2-6 years 70-120
7-10 years 70-110
10-16 years 60-100
What is meant by “primitive reflexes”?
automatic, involuntary movements that babies are born with to help them survive outside the womb
What are the primitive reflexes?
Eye blinking
Rooting (Stroke cheek near corner of mouth)
Sucking (Place finger in infant mouth)
Swimming (Place infant face down in water)
Moro (Hold infant on back and let head drop slightly)
Palmar grasp (Place fingers in palm of infant hand)
Tonic Neck (Turn infants head to one side while they are awake)
Stepping ( Hold infant under arms and allow bare feet to touch flat surface)
Babinski (Stroke sole of foot from toe to heel)
Assessing Infants
HR and RR while asleep
Warm environment/equipment
Head to toe
Intrusive assessments until the end
Engage infant if awake
Assessign toddler
Allow parents to hold child
Expose only what is being examined
Tell toddler what you are going to do (don’t ask permission)
Incorporate play
Use lots of praise!!
Assessing preschoolers
Explain in simple terms
Allow them to help
Offer reassurance
Give choices
Assessing school age
Give simple, honest explanations
Provide privacy; respect feelings
Assessing adolescents
Provide privacy; confidentiality
Discuss findings, “matter of factly”
Encourage questions
Define Sudden Infant Death syndrome. What are the major risk factors?
Sudden, unexplained death of a child less than one year of age
- sleeping incorrectly or with stuffed animals in crib
What is meant by “failure to thrive”?
When the weight or rate of weight gain is significantly below that of other children of the same age and sex
What is the expected rate of growth for a newborn through one year?
Weight doubles by 6 months, triples by first year
Height increases by 12 in
Head circumference increases by 4 in
First tooth at 6 months
Reflexive behavior -> purposeful movement
Expected Respiratory Changes
Respiratory: Gradual decrease in respiratory performance
Decrease in O2, Increased level of CO2, Decrease in ability to perform strenuous exercise, harder to breath, more susceptible to pneumonia
Expected cardiovascular changes
Cardiovascular: Loss of elasticity in blood vessels and arteries (atherosclerosis), valves thicken and stiffen, more likely to have a heart murmur, Orthostatic hypotension, RBC production slows, Neutrophils decrease
Expected abdomen changes
Abdomen: Increased abdominal size, decreased lean mass, increased adipose tissue, altered ability to move food through gi tract, increased constipation, GERD
Expected musculoskeletal changes
Musculoskeletal: Decreased muscle mass, ROM and balance, Decreased stamina and performance in activities, decreased bone density, osteoarthritis
Expected breast and lymphatic changes
Breast and Lymphatic: Decrease in breast size, atrophy of breast tissue, less adipose, more pendulous breasts. Males: Gynecomastia (Enlarged breast tissue)
Expected anal and genitourinary changes
Anal and genitourinary: Decreased estrogen, thinning pubic hair, atrophy of mucous membranes, altered ph, itching and infection, pendulous scrotum, enlarged prostate
Recognize expected cognitive changes in aging adults.
Slowed memory retrieval and information processing
Recognize expected physical changes in aging adults.
Looser skin, Increased skin tags, Age spots
Dry, thinning hair, grey or white hair, loss of hair
Dry eyes, presbyopia, Age related macular degeneration, cataracts
Increased cerumen, increased hair growth in outer ear canal, presbycusis, tinnitus
Altered Smell
Receding gums, decreased sense of taste, dry mouth, stained teeth
Slowed memory retrieval process
Understand older adult abuse issues.
Neglect, Financial, Emotional/Psychological, Physical, Sexual
Be familiar with Functional Assessment tools used in the aging population.
Sleep disorder, problems with eating, incontinence, confusion, evidence of falls, skin breakdown
Assess home safety
Fall risk
Recognize fall risk factors.
Previous falls
Lab values (Potassium)
Vital signs (Orthostatic hypotension)
Recognize common communication barriers seen in aging adults and know how to adjust your care when they are present.
Be aware of altered cognition, build rapport and trust, look at client when speaking, dont yell
What are the 4 types of assessments and when is each one indicated?
Comprehensive/Initial Assessment: Performed within a specified time upon administration to a healthcare facility (Going to establish a baseline
Focused Assessment: Ongoing care to determine status of pre-identified problem
Full Bedside Assessment: Head to toe assessment with subjective and objective assessment (Performed as part of the nurses shift assessment.)
Expedited Bedside Assessment: Done in an emergent situation to assess physiologic or psychological status
When would you do a comprehensive assessment? When would you select a different assessment type? Why?
A comprehensive assessment is performed within a specified time frame upon admission to a healthcare facility. It contains a full health and physical exam.
What are the 2 main components to a comprehensive health history?
Full health history (Symptoms)
Physical Exam (Signs)
Define subjective data.
Anything that is not directly observed, an example would be how the patient describes what they are feeling.
Define objective data.
Anything you observed, such as diaphoresis, lab values, grimacing
What is meant by a General Survey?
First impression prior to exploring any systems in detail, Collecting objective data, helps to guide subjective questioning
Looking at physical appearance, body structure, mobility, behaviors, vital signs, etc
What measurements and observations are included in the General Survey?
Vital signs may be a measurement included, also included may be the physical appearance (Maybe examining how diaphoretic someone is), looking at body structure and mobility (Do they need assistance, is the circumstance safe), as well as behaviors (are they agitated- which could be a sign a pain)
What are the 4 primary techniques used in physical assessment?
Inspection: Using visual cues to perform an examination
Palpation: Using your sense of touch to make observations (Fingertips- fine tactile discrimination, grasping- feel shapes or consistency, Dorsal- Temperature, Base of fingers- Vibrations)
Percussion: Tapping the skin to assess underlying structures based on the vibration and sound produced. Gives information of location, size and density.
Auscultation: Using your ears and stethoscope to listen
What is meant by “Oriented x 4”?
Someone is oriented to Person, Place, Time, Event
What are the components of the adult health history?
A health history is a structured conversation to gather important details, and about background and current medical status
Components include, Demographics, Chief Concern (OLDCARTS), Past health history, Family History, Psychosocial history, health prevention behaviors, Review of symptoms
What does SBARR stand for? What is the purpose of SBARR?
Identify: State name and title
Situation: What is happening that is requiring the communication
Background: Background data about the client and situation
Assessment: Recent Assessment findings, vital signs, labs, or anything else important to the situation
Recommendations: Suggestions you have
Read Back Orders: Clarify any unclear orders
Understand which information would fall into which component of SBARR. Example – Current temperature would fall into the “A” (assessment) component.
I: Your name, Title
S: Client name, age, gender, Problem or symptoms, stable or unstable
B: Relevant details to clinical history, admitting diagnosis, medications/allergies
A: Current conditions, explain examination and test results
R: What should happen next, When does it need to happen
R: Clarify any unclear information
Know the purposes of documentation.
Clear and accurate documentation is the best way to provide a precise and factual account of the status of the client.
Understand the different types of therapeutic communication.
Open ended questions: Allowing the client to expand and elaborate on current questions
Close ended questions: Yes or No type of questions
Active listening, Clarifying questions, Back channeling, Probing, Summarizing
What is the definition of a Closed-Ended and an Open-Ended question? When might you use each of these?
Open ended questions- Provide the opportunity for more than a one word answer. Allows the client to expand upon the current question asked. (How are you feeling today, are you interested in the cessation of smoking?) May use it in times of attempting to build rapport, or when assessing a problem on a deeper level
Close ended question: Typically are simple questions that result with a yes or no answer. (Does it hurt when I do this? Do you smoke?) May use it when clarifying responses to open ended questions.
What does normal skin look and feel like?
Uniform in color based on ethnicity, It is warm, dry, intact, with elastic turgor. No lesions, scaring, erythema (Redness), or edema
Define pressure injury.
Occur in areas that are under pressure, usually over a bony prominence or related to medical devices
Who is at greatest risk of developing A pressure injury?
Elderly individuals with thin skin, people who are bedridden, any individual who may experience incontinence (Too much moisture can assist in the breakdown of the skin). Also individuals with impaired sensory perception because they may not feel any pain with the injury.
Know the stages of the Pressure Injury Staging system.
Stage 1: Skin is still intact, the skin does not blanch (Turn white) when pushed on.
Stage 2: Partial thickness loss of skin with exposed dermis. Wound bed is viable, its pink or red and moist.
Stage 3: Full thickness loss of skin in which adipose (Fat Tissue) is visible in the ulcer and possible granulation tissue and epibole are present.
Stage 4: Full thickness skin and tissue loss with palpable fascia, muscle, tendon, ligament, cartilage, or bone in the ulcer
What is the Braden Scale?
The braden scale is a scale used to assess a clients risk of developing a pressure injury. It measures moisture, mobility, activity, nutrition, sensory perception and someone at risk for friction or shearing.
What is a commonly used mnemonic for skin cancer screening? What does each letter stand for?
A: Asymmetry
B: Borders (Irregular)
C: Color (Change in color)
D: Diameter (Anything larger than 6mm)
E: Evolving (Changing in size, symptoms)
Define skin lesions, primary and secondary.
A skin lesion is a part of the skin that has an abnormal growth or appearance compared to the skin around it.
Primary Lesion: Abnormal skin conditions that are present at birth or acquired over a person’s lifetime. Arise from healthy skin tissue (Mole)
Secondary Lesion: Result of alteration of a primary skin lesion (Melanoma)
What are the characteristics used when describing skin lesions?
Location, Size, Shape, Color, Texture (Smooth, rough, scaly), Surface relationship, Exudate, Comfort
What is turgor?
Turgor is the elasticity of the skin
What does poor turgor suggest?
When is the integumentary system assessment typically done?
One of the first tests performed upon admission in order to determine that the skin has remained in contact while during the stay at the healthcare facility.
What is meant by blanching?
Applying pressure to the skin, removing the blood from the local capillaries. The skin (In fair skin individuals) will go from a pink-ish to a white and refill back to its original pink-ish state
What is cyanosis?
Cyanosis is a result of the lack of oxygen reaching the body tissues resulting in a bluish color of the skin in areas such as finger tips, lips, and oral mucosa.
Why would a lesion or pressure injury not blanch?
An injury such as a pressure ulcer may have affected the integrity of the nearby capillaries and in severe cases blood vessels affecting the skin’s ability to be blanched.
What is jaundice?
Jaundice is a result of excess bilirubin in the blood causing the skin to become yellow. Areas that will be affected could range from the entire body but mainly palms of hands, soles of feet, sclera.
What is erythema?
Erythema is when the skin is reddened. Although not expected in someone who is physically exerting themselves. In individuals with darker skin it may be hard to see, check for warmth associated with reddened skin.
Understand the structure of the thorax and the lungs.
Thoracic cage consists of the sternum (Top part is called the manubrium), Ribs, Thoracic vertebrae connect the ribs in the back, and the diaphragm which is a large skeletal muscle which aids in chest expansion for breathing
- Lungs- Right lung consists of three lobes, Upper, Middle, and Lower Lung (Right middle lung can only be heard on the anterior portion of the body). The Left lung is composed of two lobes, Upper and lower.
*Breathing- Air enters the lungs through the mouth or nose, travels through the pharynx down the trachea and to the two primary bronchi (Left and Right, Right bronchi being larger and straighter which typically causes problems when it comes to aspiration). Oxygen goes through the primary bronchi, to secondary bronchus and then to tertiary bronchus and into the alveoli where gas exchange can occur
What are anatomical landmarks to assist with assessment of the thorax and lungs?
Angle of Louis is a small bump on/below the manubrium (Upper sternum) is indicative of the second intercostal space.
Midclavicular line
Mid axillary line
What are the 4 normal breath sounds and where are they best auscultated?
Tracheal (Over the Trachea and neck)
Vesicular (Over the larger portion of the lungs, more lateral)
Bronchial vesicular (More medial than vesicular closer to the sternum)
Bronchial (Heard over the upper sternum and neck)
What is tactile fremitus?
Palpation (Feeling) the chest for vibrations when the client is talking. If there is vibration its indicative of lung consolidation
How is gas exchange evaluated (non-invasive and invasive)?
Non-invasive: SpO2 monitors (95% or greater is considered normal), Inspection for cyanosis
Invasive: ABG (Arterial Blood Gas), Hemoglobin and Hematocrit
What are 3 types of vocal fremitus?
- Bronchophony: Increasing in intensity and clarity of spoken sounds when auscultating with the stethoscope (Have the client say “ninety-nine”
- Egophony: Have the client say E-E-E-E, if it sounds like A-A-A-A, lung consolidation is present
- Whispered pectoriloquy: Unusually clear transmission of whispered words indicating lung consolidation (Have the client say ninety-Nine)
What are normal findings when inspecting the thorax?
Chest AP diameter is less than the Transverse chest diameter (The chest is longer side to side than it is front to back), Skin is warm, dry, and intact. Equal expansion of the lungs, equal sounds bilaterally, no use of accessory muscles, no nasal flaring.
What is the normal adult respiratory rate and SaO2?
The normal respiratory rate is between 12-20, and the SaO2 is 95% and above
What are adventitious breath sounds?
Adventitious breath sounds are unexpected or abnormal sounds heard while auscultating the lungs.
The names of the adventitious sounds are,
- Crackling (Course: Breathing through large mucous filled airways, Fine: Alveoli popping open),
- Wheezing: (High pitched, continuous sounds produced by narrowing of the airways),
- Friction Rub (Usually continuous, dry rubbing sounds, like leather, heard on inspiration and expiration)
- Stridor: Continuous high pitched sounds due to the narrowing of airways in the upper respiratory tract
- Rhonchi: Low-Pitched, continuous sounds resembling snoring. Airway is very narrow almost closed
What is meant by the AP diameter?
AP diameter represents Anteroposterior diameter which is represented by the diameter of the chest from front to back.
What are signs suggestive of breast cancer?
Masses or lumps that are hard, irregular in shape, fixed to tissue and/or tender
Dimpling of skin
Change in breast shape
Nipple discharge
List risk factors for breast cancer.
Nonmodifiable risk factors: Age and Gender, Family History, Race, Breast density, previous breast cancer, early menarche, late menopause, genetics
Modifiable risk factors: Postmenopausal obesity, hormone replacement, alcohol use, physical inactivity, no children.
What is the function of the lymphatic system?
Designed to fight off pathogenic microorganisms, also removes excess fluids in between cells and returns it to the bloodstream. Lymph is also responsible for the absorption of fats.
Define lymphedema.
An accumulation of fluid that is normally drained through the lymphatic system but isn’t either due to a blockage or removal of lymph nodes.
Examination Sequence For GI System
- Inspect
- Auscultate
- Percussion
- Palpate
Usual Examination Sequence
- Inspect
- Palpate
- Percuss
- Auscultate
Describe “hyperactive” bowl sounds. What could they indicate?
-More sounds than normal
-Could indicate illness
Describe “hypoactive” bowl sounds. What could they indicate?
-Decreased bowl sounds
-Constipation, blockage/obstruction
What are the characteristics assessed for in the “Inspection” portion of the abdominal assessment?
-Contour, symmetry, size
-Skin: color lesions, veins, hernias, hair
-Movements: Pulsations, peristalsis
-Umbilicus: size and position
If chyme moves more slowly through the intestines would the stool be harder or softer, and why?
Chyme will be harder because it has more time for water to be reabsorbed into the body mostly through the large intestine
List “normal” findings for inspection of abdominal assessment
-Flat or rounded
-Positive bowel sounds in all four quadrants
-Soft, nontender
-Bilaterally symmetrical
-Skin smooth, intact with no pulsations or visible peristalsis
-No masses or profusions
-Umbilicus midline
What could you see on the abdomen that would alert you that palpation is contraindicated? What would you do?
-Abdominal Aortic Aneurysm
-Call the provider
Define appendicitis, how it typically presents, and assessments to aid in diagnosis.
-Inflammation of appendix
-Pain in lower right quadrant
-Nausea and or fever
-McBurney’s Point: 2/3 the distance from navel to right hip
-Rebound Tenderness: Pain with release of palpation
Define peritonitis. List 3 signs typically associated with it and the definition of them.
-Inflammation of peritoneum
-Rigidity, rebound tenderness
-Localized or pain spread out
Know the 2 Types of Bowel Obstruction
- Mechanical
- Functional (Ileus)
Mechanical Bowl Obstruction Characteristics
-Partial: Liquid stool and gas can pass
-Complete: Nothing can pass
Functional (Ileus) Bowl Obstruction Characterisitics
-Will disrupt peristalsis
-Due to neurological dysfunction
What are potential normal abdominal/gastrointestinal findings related to pregnancy?
-Striae on skin as it stretches
-Diastasis Recti (separation of rectus abdominus muscles)
-Acid Reflux
List ways that the abdominal/gastrointestinal system changes as we age
-Altered gastric motility
-Decreased secretion of digestive enzymes and protective mucus
-Can impair digestive ability and lead to food intolerances
-Decreased taste and smell
Gravida Definition
Number of pregnancies
Para Definition
-Number of births after 20 weeks
Five Digit System (GTPAL)
-G: total number of pregnancies
-T: full term (37-40wks)
-P: Preterm (20-36wks)
-A: Abortions and miscarriages (before 20wks)
-L: Living Children
What is Benign Prostatic Hypertrophy (BPH)?
-Enlargement of the prostate that is non-cancerous
Symptoms of BPH
-Increased frequency of urination
-Peeing more often at night
-Trouble starting stream
-Weak stream
-Not fully emptying bladder
Signs of pyelonephritis
-pain in low back
-confusion in elderly
-pain with urination
-bloody or cloudy pee
-urgency to pee
Where is palpation done to aid in diagnosis of pyelonephritis
-One hand flat against back, thump with fist
-Patient will yelp
Signs of bladder infection
-Increased WBC count
-Confusion in elderly
-Pain/difficulty with urination
What could a black tarry stool indicate?
-Called: Melena
-Indicates blood in stool
-More likely blood is coming from small intestine due to darker color
What creates S1 heart sound?
Sound of mitral and tricuspid (atrioventricular) valves closing