3) Section C Flashcards
What are the 4 D’s in detailing?
What is the 5th D?
Deflection - keep water away
Drainage - provide paths
Drying - ventilation
Durability - appropriate selection
Diffusions - movement of water vapour
What are 6 key aspects of the Detailed Design phase?
1) appropriate materials & systems
2) drawing & communication
3) coordinated specification & schedules
4) quality, cost & time
5)design change communication
6) comply with the law / NZBC
What are the 3 C’s and 4 C’s of Detailed Design?
Cross Referencing
What are the key difference between specifications and drawings?
Drawings describe quantity, position, assembly and extent
Specification describes quality and process
Explain the hierarchy of Legislation?
The Building Act 2004 forms Building Regulations, of which Schedule 1 contains the Building Code (from Building Regulations 1992)
Under the Building Code are Acceptable Solutions, Verification Methods & Alternative Solutions. AS & VM’s included standards cited.
What are the three parts of each section of the building code?
Functional Requirements
Performance Criteria
Refer Schedule 1 of the Building Act 2004
How might you demonstrate compliance with the building code?
Acceptable solutions
Verification methods
Cited Standards
Product Certification
Alternative Solutions
What is the purpose of the building regulatory system?
Sets out a framework to promote good quality decisions being made during the building process.
Assures peoples safety and wellbeing within buildings in NZ.
What are the 9 compliance pathway options for demonstrating compliance of an alternative solution?
1.Comparison with an acceptable solution or verification method
2.Comparison with other documents i.e BRANZ appraisals or MBIE determinations
3.Comparison with in-service history ie. product or method used successfully in similar applications
4.Expert opinion - for specific proposals or demonstrate performance of existing details
5.Comparison with a previously accepted Alternative Solution
6.Product certification i.e Codemark. Or MultiProof (for standardised designs) and BuiltReady (for modular components built off-site)
- MBIE Determination - specific confirmation proposal meets Code requirements
8.Verification Methods - a test or calculation method for testing code compliance
9.Acceptable Solutions -
Where do you find the Building Code?
Building Regulations 1992, Schedule 1.
Note only part of the Building Regulations 1992 that has not been revoked
What is the purpose of the Building Code?
To set minimum performance standards buildings must meet.
How a building must perform = performance based code.
What is RBW?
Restricted Building Work. Relates to residential construction, design and alterations, that requires a building consent, and affects a homes weather-tightness, primary structure or certain fire safety design.
Will apply to houses and small-medium apartment buildings.
Who can sign a RBW memorandum?
A natural person being a Licensed Building Practitioner, Registered Architect or Chartered Professional Engineer
What are the 4 types of Producer Statements?
PS1 - Design
PS2 - Design Peer Review
PS3 - Construction
PS4 - Construction Review
The Building Amendment Act 2013 introduced two main new parameters, what are they?
- Construction work over $30K requires a written construction contract
2.New 12 month defects repair notification/liability period for Contractors