1) Section A Flashcards
What are the 3 key items Part B1 of the AAS outlines?
What must written terms of appointment cover? (Ethics 58a)
Scope, responsibilities, fees, billing
Scope of the work, and exclusions
Allocation of responsibilities
Limitation of responsibilities
Fees, or any methods for calculating fees
What should effective client communication cover? (Ethics 58a)
How might you “win” a project?
Word of mouth or referral
Existing relationship
Invited Tender (RFP)
Open Tender (RFP)
Design competition
Online portfolio
What are the key aspects of your client liaison role?
Offer a professional services
Establish roles & expectations, obligations & responsibilities
Listen and observe
Perform and respond
Relationship is highest priority
What might you consider to establish project context?
Topographic survey
Existing services & structures
RMA, district plan status
Health & Safety
Legal status COT, easements
What are the impacts of these to the project / services?
Does your client own the site?
What are key aspects that define a brief?
Written live document
Confirmed and agreed
Includes qualitative and quantitate aspects of the project
What are the main forms of agreement for services?
NZIA AAS Short Form - SPA don’t use
NZIA Small Projects
CCCS - Conditions of Contract for Consultancy Services
Kainga Ora and Ministry of Ed. have their own.
What are the 4 parts of a NZIA AAS Contract?
Part A: Contract
Part B: Scope of Services
Part C: Fees
Part D: General Conditions
When would you use the NZIA Small Projects?
One -offs projects with fees are less than $5000
Bulk and Location, Masterplanning, Feasibility Studies, one off Concepts and Expert Witness engagement.
How might you calculate fees?
Lump sum
Time charge/hourly
Percentage fee of construction budget
Combination of the above
What should you watch for in agreements special clauses?
Indemnity clauses or any other clauses which exceed your duty of care.
What is indemnity?
A contractual agreement between two parties in which one party agrees to pay for potential losses or damage caused by another party.
When the term is used in the legal sense, it also may refer to an exemption from liability for damage.
The Indemnity aspect of the Deed is where a party agrees to assume responsibility and cover the costs of any loss or damage suffered by a party – even if they didn’t cause it.
What should you be seeking during initial client contact meetings?
Enough information to set parameters for the AAS
What is the CCCS?
Conditions of Contract for Consultancy Services