3. Safe Driving: Trucks, backing, parking Flashcards
Trucks, Busses, RVs
What makes Trucks/Busses/RVs behave differently than cars?
Accelerate slowly, require greater stopping and turning distances.
Trucks, Busses, RVs
What’s dangerous about driving near a truck?
Lots of blind spots, “No-Zones”.
Trucks, Busses, RVs
How do you know if you’re in a bus driver’s No-Zone?
If you can’t see the driver in their rear/side mirrors
Trucks, Busses, RVs
What could happen if you hang out in a truck’s No-Zone?
Trucks make wide turns, could be forced into an accident.
Trucks, Busses, RVs
Why shouldn’t you drive directly behind a truck?
It’s a blind spot for the truck driver, you can’t see ahead of the truck!
Trucks, Busses, RVs
Why is the front of a bus a danger zone?
Truck suck as braking, if you move in front and have to break they’ll hit you.
Trucks, Busses, RVs
Danger of squeezing between a truck and a guardrail?
Trucks make wide turns and can’t see you: squished.
Trucks, Busses, RVs
What should you do before driving with a trailer (2)?
Safety inspection, practice in a parking lot to test it.
Trucks, Busses, RVs
What should you do if your trailer starts to sway back and forth?
Slow down
Backing Up
What’s the trick to backing-up (without a trailer)?
Hand on bottom of steering wheel, push left to go left, etc.
Backing Up
What do you do if you’re backing-up (without a trailer) and can’t see?
Have someone outside help/guide you.
Backing Up
What’s the most common mistake when backing-up (without a trailer)?
Failing to look both ways behind you.
Backing Up
Best way to back-up and see everything?
Turn and look out thru the rear window, glance side-to-side.
Where should you park on a public road?
As far on the shoulder away from traffic as possible.
Rule for parking by a curb?
Must be less than 1 foot away from the curb.
Which sides of a two-way street can you park on?
Only the right
Which sides of a one-way street can you park on?
Point wheels when parking uphill with a curb?
Towards traffic
tires will hit the curb if lose parking brake
Point wheels when parking uphill without a curb?
Away from traffic
so car will slide backwards into the ditch
Point wheels when parking downhill with a curb?
Towards the curb
so the tires catch the curb and stop the car
Point whells when parking downhill without a curb?
Towards the ditch
so the car will slide into the ditch if lose brake
When can you park on a sidewalk?
Is double-parking allowed?
DP is parking next to a car that is parked next to the curb
Can you park in front of a driveway?
How close can you park to a fire hydrant?
No closer than 15 feet
How close can you park to an intersection?
No closer than 20 feet
How close to a fire/rescue vehicle can you park if it’s active?
500 feet
How close to a railroad crossing can you park?
50 feet