3. Safe Driving: Changing lanes, passing Flashcards
Changing Lanes
Where do you look when changing lanes?
Rear-view mirror, side-view mirror, over your shoulder
Changing Lanes
What parts of the road do you look at when changing lanes?
Current lane, lane you want to move into, lanes beyond that too!
Changing Lanes
Why do you have to look by turning your head when you have mirrors?
Blind spot
Changing Lanes
What does your turn signal do?
Lets everyone around you know what you are about to do
Changing Lanes
Why would you look 2 or more lanes away from you when changing lanes?
Drivers that aren’t paying attention and changing lanes into your intended lane
Changing Lanes
What is the left lane for?
Only for passing, not for general driving
Changing Lanes
What are the middle lanes for?
Longer travel (not using local exits), faster traffic
Changing Lanes
What is the right lane for?
Local traffic (getting on and off soon), slower traffic
Changing Lanes
What are you required to do if you are driving slower than other traffic?
Stay in the right lane
How long should you have your blinker on before you cross into another lane?
3 to 4 seconds
When do you return to the lane after passing another car?
When you can see the whole car in your rear view mirror
What is the speed limit when passing other traffic?
Same as the normal limit: you can’t go faster than the speed limit when passing
What happens if you are passing another car (by crossing the center yellow line) and you enter a no-passing zone?
You broke the law
What happens if you move across a dashed yellow line to pass, but haven’t returned to your lane before it becomes a solid yellow line?
You broke the law
When can you pass on the right?
Anytime you want if you are using multiple marked lanes?
Can you pass on the right by driving on the shoulder?
Only if the car ahead is making a left turn and you don’t leave the main paved part of the road
How do you pass someone on a bike?
Reduce speed and pass at least 3 feet to the left
Do you speed up, slow down, or keep same speed when being passed?
Steady speed or slow down, don’t speed up
Can you pass another car on a hill if you have to cross the center line?
No (unless you have plenty of visibility to complete)
Can you pass another car in a school zone if you have to cross the center line?
Sure, but you can’t go over the school zone speed limit
Can you pass another car on a curve if you have to cross the center line?
No (unless you have plenty of visibility to complete)
Can you pass another car if you have to cross the center line and go thru an intersection?
Can you pass another car at a railroad crossing if you have to cross the center line?
Can you pass a tow truck with yellow flashing lights if you have to cross the center line?
Can you pass a fire truck with flashing lights if you have to cross the center line?
No (separate rule: you have to yield and move to right edge of road)
Can you pass a fire truck without flashing lights if you have to cross the center line?
When can you pass a vehicle in a no-passing zone by crossing the center line?